Part 19

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Around 8am Kate was still sleeping
It was strange she slept that much, she was always awake around 6am.
As she woke up she checked her phone
~Jake: we need to talk, please
~Kate: hey bae <3 just woke up. I can jog over to your place. Be there in 15 mins
~Jake: sure :)
Kate woke up and realised she was covered in sweat. She looked at the floor and there was a broken glass on the floor. She had an episode at night.
She had a quick shower, got changed into sports clothes and jogged over to Jake's house.
She knocked the door and Mrs Windstone opened the door
"Hey honey!" She said and attempt to hug Kate
"Mrs Windstone! I'm like really sweaty" laughed Kate
"Ohh never mind come here!" She said and hugged her anyway
Jake came running shirtless from behind
"Hey kay!" He said smiling
"Jake get dressed that's not the way to expect such a gorgeous women" laughed her mom
"Honey you wanna take a shower? So you don't get cold?" Offered Jake's mom
"Oh no worries, I'll probably jog back home" said Kate
"So so sporty" laughed his mom
Jake was waiting for her with breakfast ready and Jake's mom left for work
"This looks amazing" said Kate sitting down
"The best for the best" smiled Jake as he sat down
They had coffee until Jake said "you're sweating"
"I jogged" said Kate
"You never sweat" said Jake
"Just ask Jake" said Kate
"Can I know why?" Asked Jake
"You sound like my moms." Said Kate
"Kate... just wanna know" said Jake
"You know I was thinking what am I gonna do since no station for me... so I guess Jake's psychology" said Kate
"What do you mean with no station?" Asked Jake
"Got suspended" said Kate
"Kate... please I need you to talk to me" said Jake
"There's no why Jake. What's the big deal?" She said
"Kate you're not okay. You're not. You're moms are not okay with you like that. I'm not okay with you like that. Please tell me" he said
"I'm okay Jake" she said
"You're not" he said
"I'm not okay! I'm not freaking okay! I'm doing the best I can. Doing the best I can!" Said Kate
"Then take the medication!"said Jake
"I'm not going to take that. I do not need it" said Kate
"You need it Kate. You need medication look at you! You're sweating just for talking!" He said
Kate stood up and pecked Jake's lips "thanks for breakfast" she said and left
She wasn't going back home. That was not enough. She was taking a good long run.
She ran and ran just thinking "Kate run and you'll forget. Run and you'll forget"
Her thoughts were interrupted by her worst fear.
"Help us please" yelled a women from the door of their house.
Kate instantly and un whiling to she ran to the doorway of the house. She realised the smoke coming out of the windows
"Ma'am! Ma'am! Look at me!" Said Kate
"My sister my sister is inside" cried the women
"Ma'am! Have you called 911?!" Said Kate
"My sister she can't breath! She's asthmatic!" Cried the women
"Ma'am! 911!" Yelled Kate
"I've called 911!! She's asthmatic!" Cried the women
"Ma'am. You need to wait for the fire department" said Kate
"I'm going in" said the women and start walking into the house
"Ma'am don't!" Said Kate and tacked the women to the ground as the house burst into flames
"Jamie!!" Yelled the women "let me go! I'm going!" She yelled
"I'll go!! Okey? I'll go. You need to stay here okay. You need to stay here!" Said Kate.
She was miles away from home it wouldn't be station 19 who would respond. She breathed deeply took off her sweater and rushed into the house with her heart about to explode.
"JAMIE!" Yelled Kate
"Help me please!" Said a voice from the kitchen "I can't breath!"
"Jamie I'm going I need you to cover your face with your clothe!" Indicated Kate.
The kitchen was covered in flames now which were gonna reach Jamie. She was just sitting on the floor. Kate got close enough to grab her hand
"Jamie come over to me. I'll get you out." Said Kate
"I can't!" Said Jamie "I can't, I'll get burned"
"Jamie you'll die if you stay!" Yelled Kate who was starting to feel an episode come
"I can't leave!" Said Jamie holding onto a door frame
Kate lost her patience. She rushed to Jamie's side and got her up from the floor.
"I said we are leaving!" Yelled Kate and dragged Jamie out.
"Fire!!!" Yelled Jamie.
It was on Kate's shoulder a small flame
Kate's eyes opened so wide, and her heart skipped a bit. She tapped it in despair until it was out
"It's gone! Come on!" Yelled Kate despide she had burned her shoulder.
She dragged through the leaving room and through the driveway and a team of firefighters and first aids rushed to them.
"She's asthmatic! Probable smoke inhalation, no seen burns. You need to put her on O2!" Yelled Kate as they took Jamie into an aid car
The captain of the station had been talking to Kate but she didn't listen to a word since she was in shock
"Ma'am!" Yelled the captain as he shook Kate
"Sorry, what?" Said Kate shaking
"Who are you?" He asked and tried to get Kate to focus
"I'm, Catherine, Catherine bishop" she said trembling
"Like in maya bishop?" He asked
"She, she is my mom. Jamie is she?" Asked Kate
"She's okay, she's gonna be taken to grey Sloan, you have to go too. You're shoulder is burned. You did a hell of a job, you saved a life bishop. You're your bishops daughter no question" he said and directed her to the aid car
"No no, I'm fine" said Kate still trembling and sweating
"Okay I know but you have to go." Said the captain and got her into the first aid. "I'll give you a heads up on the house later. Nicely done kiddo" he said and closed the aid car doors
The whole aid car trip Kate couldn't listen to anyone, nothing she just stared at her hands, black in coal. Just, happened again. This time she was okay but, something something was harassing her.
They finally got to grey Sloan. Got down of the Aid car and into the ER
"What we've got?" Asked Kepner and her face was blown down as she saw Kate "Kate what the?" She said
"Jaime Kriss, age 34" said the paramedic
Kate didn't answer she just walked into the ER. They got Jamie into a gurney in the ER and Kepner and Hunt worked on her.
Teddy walked Inter he ER and rushed to Kate
"Kate hey. I heard are you okay?" She asked until she realised. Episode. "Kate? Kate!" She said and shook her a little Amelia realised and walked over to them and looked at teddy.
That second Kate came out of her shock and the episode stroke. She looked at them both in the eyes and said
"That, that women she, she wants to die"
Teddy saw Kate's burned shirt "you got burned there" she said trying to distract her
"I think she wants to die. She wouldn't leave the house which was on fire, she wouldn't leave it. She wanted to die. She, she wanted me to let her die" she said looking at Amelia now "you don't believe me? She, she just wants to die" she said again
"I do, I believe you. I do, you need to come with us" said Amelia
"You don't believe me" she said looking at teddy
"Kate you need to come with us. We'll help you" she said trying to grab her hand
"Help me?! No. No no. She's the one who needs help! She, wants to die!" She said in a higher tone
"Kate, please come with us" said teddy
Kate turned around to face the women and walked to her
"You, do you, do you want to die?! Do you? You do. Don't you!? You want to, to die right!" She yelled at Jaime who was laying on the gurney
"Kate?!" Yelled Kepner
"Do you want to die?! You do!" She yelled again
Teddy and Amelia rushed to grab Kate
"Come with us Kate" said Amelia and tried to turn her around
"You could just burn up the hospital! Would be so much easier! You could make it explode as well! Make it explode and you'll eventually just die!!" Yelled Kate out of her lungs and pushed an instrument tray
The whole ER tuned to Kate and Arizona rushed over there.
"What the hell!" Yelled Jamie from her bed
"Get her out of here now!" Yelled Kepner
Between the three of them they pulled Kate out and into a trauma room. She just sat there looking at the ceiling
None of them got her to talk after that, she just sat there, until there was a knock on the door.
"I came as soon as they told me" said a voice outside. And Andy came in
Kate's eyes opened up and Andy came close to her.
"Does Carina now?" Asked Andy
"She's in surgery" said teddy
"Can you leave us a second?" Asked Andy and everyone cleared out

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