Too Much To Ask

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"Holly it's freezing in here" said Kate as she got up from bed and headed over to the living room. "Okay lovely. Fire is out" she said as she fixed the fireplace to get it started. Headed outside to get some firewood and back again inside. Before leaving the wood her phone buzzed.
~Jake: morning K. you wanted to talk? My place tomorrow night?
~Kate: sure, love you
~Jake: first day back baby!
~Kate: first day back.
As she put her phone in her pocket Carina came out of her room and into the living room.
"No no, what are you doing?!" She said rushing over to her
"I'm trying not to die from hypothermia. Its freezing in here" she said as she got the matches
"You can't lift any kind of weight with that arm Kate you now that" she said and tried to take out the wood from her arms "and if you weren't wearing shorts maybe you wouldn't be that cold"
"Okay okay. Sorry. Just let me light this up" said Kate as she finished and flames invaded the fire place "perfect" she said
"How are you feeling about starting again?" Asked carina as she walked into the Kitchen
"I feel okay, can you tell me the truth of why mom is refusing on working?" Said Kate as she followed into the kitchen
"What do you mean honey?" Asked carina
"You know when you two stop pretending the whatever this is, tell me." Said Kate
"I've got no clue what you're talking about" smiled carina
"Okay then. Love you" said Kate as she kissed carina's cheek "going over to the physical therapist and heading over to work then"
"I can drive you" said carina
"No worries. Cleared for driving" smiled Kate
"Just please be.." began carina
"I'll drive slow. I promise" said Kate and kissed carinas cheek
"Love you" said carina "oh Kate! Tonight, you busy?"
"Hmm no, not really. Why?" Asked Kate
"Just. Planning on dinner" smiled carina
"You cooking" smiled Kate back
Carina laughed and said "would that make you happy?"
"Yeah pretty much. And also I've got something I need to talk to you both" said Kate
"Everything okay?" Asked carina
"Yeah yeah. Everything okay. Running late gotta go" said Kate and closed the door behind her.
Physical therapy was okay, boring as usual. But okay. Now the moment of the truth. Back to work. Not really back to work more like back to working place. She knew something was up, I mean she hadn't really seen Andy since the accident, she came to her hospital room once. Andy thought Kate was asleep but, but she was just kinda in the middle of sleeping and awake. She seemed so sad about something. Probably the same thing which made her moms sad. Her almost dying. Did kinda surprised her she was the only one from the station who didn't come visit home tho.
"My eyes are seeing what my eyes are seeing!!" Yelled vic as she rushed over to Kate to hugged her as she walked into the kitchen
"Missed me Hughes?" Laughed Kate
"Don't Hughes me!" Said Vic as she cleaned off a tear from her eyes "you've got no clue how happy it makes me to see you here"
Kate nodded and hugged her back. Pretty much everyone came into the kitchen, everyone except Andy, and had the same reaction that Vic. Tears here and there, all which came from Vic course.
"So! Seems being in an explosion was the clue in hurrying a Visa problem?" Laughed Travis
They all laughed and Kate answered "yeah seems like it. Why didn't I thought about it before right?"
After having breakfast all together again everyone perished to go do their jobs and Kate headed to the gym to begin some recovery. As she opened the door. Andy. Running on the tape. As soon as she saw Kate she popped off and just stared and her. None of them quite knowing what to say. Until Kate broke off the silence "Lieutenant Herrera." Kate smiled "Andy"
Andy walked over at Kate and hugged her tightly not letting her go. "Kay" she whispered.
"Kate, I'm so, so, so sorry. So sorry for.." Andy began but Kate just looked so confused and had not even a single clue on what she was talking about
"Andy what are you talking about?" Asked Kate
"Kate don't remember?" Asked Andy cleaning off a tear
"Andy I had a massive concussion. I barely remember my own name" laughed Kate
"Kate. At the trauma room, I yelled at you. I was awful and I shouldn't have been mad at you. I should have been mad at myself. And I yelled at you and then you collapsed and I thought I would lose you and I'm so so so sorry honey" Andy said whipping off tears
"Andy. Andy. Andy stop" smiled Kate "just stop. Your fault? Andy it wasn't your fault. You had every single reason to be mad at me but, it wasn't your fault Andy and you're not losing me okay? Takes more than an explosive car to take this machine down" laughed Kate and hugged Andy again.
"How could I lived if you had.." began Andy "I should have been.."
"You won't have to. Cause I'm here." Said Kate "you've always taken care of me. Always"
After working out together and both getting showered and changed Kate began her office work which Maya had left ready. A pile of reports to finish. Loads of fun. Was kinda fun for her tho since it was one of the first times she was allowed to fill reports unsupervised.
Gave her time to think about how she would break the news. Jake, Kim and moms. Or, Jake, Kim and mom. Or going for the hardest first by doing Moms, Jake and leaving Kim last since she new she would be on board with her, she always was.  That was the one. Tackling the hardest first. Moms tonight, Jake tomorrow night.
Time flew in between reports and over thinking stuff and without noticing it was almost time for her shift to end but, she had one more thing to do. Listing up for Iraq.
Okay. What had she done. Listed she was. In she was.
Iraq here we go.
Tough part. Here we go
As Kate drove back home picturing everything in her mind. How she'd break the news and that. But her mind wouldn't leave the Iraq thing alone. Just picturing herself over there. Helping.
As she unlocked the front door her favourite smell invaded her. Her mammas food.
"Oh yes. Yes yes and yes" she laughed as she walked in
Maya walked out of the kitchen laughing and said "ohh thanks honey!" As she hugged her daughter
"Oh no no, this. This is totally an Italian work" laughed Kate as she hugged her back
"I'll pretend I wasn't offended by that" said Maya "spoke to the guys today. Seems someone occupied my office?" Laughed Maya
"I needed somewhere quiet to work the huge pile of messy reports you left" laughed Kate
"Messy!?" Laughed Maya "how did you manage with them? Any questions?" She asked
"Yeah. Actually some you can help me out with Balloon Frame constructions later" smiled Kate
"Oh damn yeah" laughed Maya "left any kinda reports. Anyway. Good practice for the future"
The kitchen door opened again and carina walked out wearing an apron "my two favourite firefighters" she smiled and kissed Kate cheek "you smell smoky" she laughed
"Yeah sorry about that" smiled Kate "I'll go get showered"
After getting showered Kate walked into the dining room.
"You'll be how old till I keep on telling you. It's winter. You can't be dressed like it's summer" said Maya looking at Kate
"Just came out of the shower come on" laughed Kate
"Exactly. Just came out of hot shower. You're just like a baby arguing" said Maya as she squeezed Kate's cheek
"Ouch ouch ouch. Stitches lady" said Kate as she grabbed her cheek
"Shoot sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Did I tear them?" Said Maya moving Kate under the light "shoot shoot. I tore one." Said Maya as she grabbed paper and pressed against Kate's face to stop the bleeding.
"No worries. I'll tie it up later." Winked Kate
"I'll tie it up? Really" laughed Maya
"What?" Laughed Kate
"I'll call the cook" smiled maya walking over to the kitchen
"No no no, don't distract her. I'm hungry" laughed Kate as she sat down on the couch, one hand pressing on her face and the with other checked her phone.
~Teddy: seems someone listed up?"
~Kate: hey you, yeah. I'm in.
~Teddy: have you spoken to your moms?
~Kate: I will tonight.
~Teddy: call me tomorrow morning. And I'll call
~Kate: thanks Teddy
~Teddy: always <3
"I can't leave you two kids alone" laughed carina as she walked over to the couch "let me see that bambina." She said as she examined her stitches "nicely done Bishop"
"Sorry! I'm really sorry. I can take over the kitchen.." began Maya
"Oh no. No no no." Laughed carina
"Nice" said Maya
"Superficial bleed. I'll just take out the remaining stitch and I can sew up that stitch again" said carina
"No no no, no worries I'll just pull out the broken thread" said Kate and carina grabbed her hands
"Oh no. No no no." She laughed "you don't "pull" anything out." She said and came back with some of her stuff to cut take out the remaining thread. "Lay back" she said as she got her things ready. "So, there was something you wanted to talk to us?" She asked as she pulled of the thread and got the needle ready
"Yeah, actually there is" said Kate
"Just a little pinch" said carina sweetly
Maya got closer trying not to look where carina was working and said "what's up bug?"
"So, the thing is. I've been thinking about this for quite a long, long time. Not just something which spontaneously came to my mind. And I know. I know it's not something to decide one day to another. So what I'm trying to say it's.."
Carina interrupted and said "done my love"
"Done?" Asked Kate as she sat back again
"Yeap" smiled carina "so..? You were saying?"
Kate just thought. The more you hover around the tougher ir gets. Just. Just say it.
"I've listed up. I'm going over to Iraq" she let out

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