Just Call My Name

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*knock on the door*
"Come in" said Carina from her inside her room and Kate walked in
"Carina Deluca?" She asked
"Bambina" smiled Carina as she saw Kate walking into the room
"Hey" said Kate as she walked over to her bed and sat down next to her
"I've missed you" said Carina tearing
"I missed you too" said Kate as she hugged her tightly realising her mom started to cry
"Your hand works" smiled Carina through the tears.
"It does" said Kate as she cleaned Carina's tears
"You should be resting" said Carina
"I'm not going anywhere mom" said Kate seriously "I'm never going anywhere"
After some minutes Carina fell asleep and Kate walked out of the room bumping into Andy who hugged her tightly in that way someone hugs you when something bad happened or will happen.
"Hey" said Kate
"How's she doing?" Asked Andy asking about Carina and Kate shook her head
"How are you doing?" Asked Andy
"Holding, I guess. Have no much options left." She smiled "Mom?" She asked
"She's at the waiting room, counting minutes" Said Andy and Kate nodded
"Should I go?" Asked Kate
"I'll bring her here. You should stay with Carina" said Andy and kissed Kate's cheek

"Hey" smiled Jake as he kissed Kate's cheek "how are you feeling?" He asked
"I'm okay" lied Kate as she walked into Carina's room. Where Maya and Carina were talking.
"Hey" whispered Kate as she walked in
"Hey bug" smiled Maya
"No news?" Asked Kate
Maya shook her head and Kate nodded sitting down on the side chair
"You never really told us" said Maya
Kate lifted up her eyebrows and said "told you?" She asked
"About Iraq" said Carina "you never got to tell us about Iraq"
"There's not much to tell I guess" smiled Kate looking at her hand
"Did you find what you were looking for" asked Maya
Kate sighted and before answering she knew how her moms were feeling. She had to control herself.
"No, I..- I didn't" she answered softly
As she said that she got up opened the door leaving the room clearly overwhelmed.
"Hey Kate?" Asked Jake as he came with some charts on his hands "I've got a surgery later I'm scrubbing in with.." he said as he saw Kate's face "hey are you?" He asked
"I'm...- I'm heading home" said Kate
"Kate" said Jake picking up her chin "hey, look at me. What's wrong?" he said
"Nothing's wrong Jake. Just, let me go" she said walking away being followed by Jake to the parking lot.
"Stop. Stop. Kate stop" said Jake as he tried to grab Kate's hands
"I want to go home just let me go" she said getting hysterical
"Stop. For a second. Stop" said Jake
"Just let me please.." she said beginning to break down
"Stop. Okay? Stop" he said trying to get hold of her arms
"I just want to leave, please just.." she began
Jake managed to get hold of Kate by grabbing her arms and pulling her in to a hug not letting her escape.
"Stop. For a second. Stop. Breath." He said slowly
"I'm tired of everything Jake. Of everything going to hell around me" she said
"I'm not going to hell okay?" Smiled Jake "ever"
"I can't stay here" said Kate
"I know that. I know. But your family needs you here okay? They need you here. Kate, god forbids the baby is taken away . God forbids" he said looking up "but if that dares to happen, you won't forgive yourself for not being here with your family. I swear to god you won't" he said
"You think it's my fault?" Asked Kate
"What?" Asked Jake as he looked at Kate in the eyes.
"You think, if I wasn't such a hideous daughter. My moms wouldn't have had another baby and this tiny baby wouldn't be going through.." she began
"Stop. Okay? Once again stop, stop and breath. You haven't been sleeping. You haven't been eating. You're not thinking clearly." Said Jake "this is not your fault. This is not Kate"
"Can you come inside with me?" Asked Kate
"Always" smiled Jake as they both walked together back inside.

"Arizona?" Asked Maggie
"We're not moving even an inch" said Arizona
"Okay. Out of the woods for now." Said Maggie "but.."
"Out of the woods for now. That's the only important thing now. Up to the NICU now. I want 24/7 monitoring" ordered Arizona
"Arizona. There are 100 possible complications" said Maggie
"And we'll gonna have to deal with each and everyone but now we've gotta inform the family that the baby is still alive" said Arizona and both of them walked out of the room and into Carina's room.
"I-.. I don't understand" muttered Maya "stable but not out of the woods?" She asked in confusion as she tightly squeezed Carina's hand
"What we mean is, there could be further complications" said Maggie "now at this moment and time. We can assure that there are no complications so far"
"We can't assure tho, there won't be any time soon" said Arizona
"Can we please.. just" murmured Carina
"Carina.." began Arizona
"Please. Just. Please" begged Carina
As Arizona and Maggie closed the door behind them the crying inside the room could escape the door.
Jake and Kate where standing holding hands side to side to Andy when the news got to them. "Should I?" Asked Kate looking at her moms room.
"Maybe you should give it a second" said Andy trying to bring Kate into a hug which she totally refused.
"Kate" said Amelia coming walking towards them
"Don't" said Kate
"Come with me" smiled sympathetically Amelia
"Amelia please" said Kate trying to hold herself
"Please" said Amelia again
As they both walked together Amelia got Kate into an supply room
"It's really a bad idea if you're asking for a hand check up" smiled Kate trying to relief some of the pain
Amelia smiled again and said "being strong, and thought. Seems like a solution at the moment I know" she said
"Right. So I'm just trying to escape this situation" smiled Kate
"You can get it out on me. I can take that. I can't take you taking it out on yourself" said Amelia
"I don't need to take it out on anyone" said Kate trying to head the door seeing Amelia standing in front of it
"Amelia, move. Please" said Kate trying to pass through
"Five minutes. Just. Five minutes I'll open" said Amelia
"Amelia please" said Kate starting to tear up
"Five minutes" repeated Amelia
"Amelia" said Kate letting out a tear, the first tear since she had come back from Iraq
"Just five minutes" said Amelia getting closer to Kate who was now sitting down with her face on her hands
"You have a free pass to break down with me. Every time. I don't need you to pretend around me. Around your family. You get to break down. You get to fall apart." Said Amelia as she rubbed Kate's back who was now sobbing into Amelia's lap "you need to stay strong for your family? Yes, yes you do. It sucks but yes you do. But if you don't release what you've been bottling up? You'll end up exploding in the way you're avoiding it now." Said Amelia
Kate nodded as she lifted up her head smiling
"You know, I thought I was done with complicated. Once I saw my hand moving again. I could swear the complications were over for me. Now I would chop off my hand without thinking about it twice if that would help the baby." Said Kate as she sucked up her years and cleaned her face "5 minutes are over" she said looking at Amelia who stood up and opened the door
"Thank you" said Kate as she turned around before walking through the door
"Always" smiled Amelia

"Arizona, this isn't something we could have avoided!" Said Maggie as they both paced back and forth figuring out something
"I know okay? I know." Said Arizona reading the baby's chart again holding her head as a nurse ran over to both of them
"Baby is crashing!" She yelled as Maggie and Arizona rushed over
"Sickle cell anemia" said Maggie
"Organs are beginning to shut down" said Arizona
Maggie looked at the baby's stats"We're on a short window here"
"Exchange transfusion" said Arizona "it's a unit blood and one of plasma"
"Call lab upstairs now!" Yelled Arizona
After a minute and a half there was response "Dr! Lab on the phone. Baby is O negative?" She asked
"Yes! What's the problem now?!" Yelled Maggie "let's go talk to maya and carina fast, no time to lose" as they were rushing out the nurse stopped them
"Dr!" Yelled the nurse
"What now!" Yelled Arizona turning around
"Massive casualties at the ER. negative is out. Blood bank is redirecting us in an hour top." Said the nurse
"What?" Asked Maggie as her face turned white
"Due to the storm, truck is taking longer. Roads are cut" said the nurse
"Did you tell them there's a baby's life hanging?" said Arizona
"They can't fly due to snow" said the nurse
"I'm O positive" said Maggie
"So am I" said Arizona.
"Maya" said Maggie and Arizona as they both rushed out of the room to realise, baby had carina's DNA
"Carina's lost blood at surgery. She's still weak it was major surgery" said Arizona before entering the room
"Their baby could die" said Maggie "we've got no time to get a random person, test for match and test for any kinda disease, lab is saturated"
As they said that Kate who was walking over to the room stood still and turned to listen to them. As she heard that she rushed over.
"It's the about the baby right?" Asked Kate and Arizona nodded
"There's been some complications" said Maggie
"You need to sign? I'll wake them" said Kate heading the door
"No, no. We're waiting for the blood" said Maggie and Arizona's eyes popped open
"Waiting? The storm won't give" said Kate "roads are out"
Arizona and Maggie turned to each other "You need a donor? Don't you?" Asked Kate "I'm all yours. Whatever you need." Said Kate
"Kate." Said Maggie
"You do need something" said Kate
"Im not even sure you're the same blood type" said Arizona
"I'm O negative" said Kate "what is it you're not telling me" she said
"We need to transfuse all the baby's blood" said Arizona
"I got tested, last month for the army. My blood is faultless" said Kate
Arizona and Maggie turned to each other
"Arizona" said Kate "please" she begged
Arizona and Maggie nodded and the three of them rushed to the NICU

There was one thing Kate wasn't actually thinking through. Something nobody thought threw.
Kate had had lost blood when she had surgery but more importantly she had lost quite a lot of blood when her nerve exploded.
Losing that volume of blood and now, about to transfuse the whole of the baby's blood volume

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