Feel The Truth

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"I'm telling you they're gonna want to find out" laughed Carina
"No they're not" said Maya
"Don't you know you're daughter?" laughed Carina "as soon as she get's the chance she's going to want to know weather it's a boy or a girl" she said
"I bet they'll want it a surpirse" said Maya
"yeah they probably want to" laughed Carina "but she's not going to resist" she said as she walked upstaris looking for her phone
The door opened and Kate walked in looking mad as hell as she walked into the kitchen
"Kate?" asked Maya as she walked into the kitchen
"hey" she said in a moody tone as she grabbed a glass of water
"morning?" smiled Maya
"morning mom" said Kate
"you okay?" asked Maya as Carina walked downstairs
"hey bella" smiled Carina as she walked over to her kissing her top head
"arghh" sighted Kate as the doorbell rang and she walked into the leaving room
"I've got the door" nodded Maya as Carina walked after Kate into the leaving room

As Maya opened the door Jake was standing there
"Jake?" smiled Maya confused as she told him to come on in
"morning, really sorry but..." he said as Maya cut him off
"yeah she is here" she smiled "what happened?" she asked as both of them walked into the kitchen "she is with Carina I guess" she said as she poured him a cup of coffee
"We woke up and everything was okay and then she got mad at me cause I have a night shift and I told her I couln't change it, which made her even more angry" said Jake
"So she got mad at you cause you're working?" smiled Maya sipping her coffee
"She said she was feeling like everything bothered her so I said she was only feeling like that cause the hormones made her feel sentimental" he said being interrupted by Maya's face "and by your face I'm realising that was the biggest mistake ever?" he asked
"oh Jake, Jake Jake" smiled Maya "that's definently the biggest mistake you could have ever made" she laughed "doesn't matter how hormonal crazy she gets. You don't ever mention it" she said "or those hormones are going to eat you alive" she laughed
"damn" said Jake
"No worries" she winked "good thing about this hormonal fights is that they're so short they usually just forgoten" she said
"seems I'm the best at this" he said holding his head
"nobody is ready or prepared to be good at this" said Maya "you just gain practice" she said and Jake nodded "go, you'll be late for work" she smiled
"But Kate she..." he said
"no worries" laughed Maya "we've got it" she said and Jake smiled
"thanks Maya" he said "been feeling kinda lost in everything" he said
"Jake, you've got this. You've really got this" she said

"So, this afternoon it's the appointment with Jo" smiled Carina "first trimester" she said
"Does that mean this exhaustion and nausea are ever disappearing?" She smiled and Carina laughed
"They'll get better I promise" she said

Kate got into the car and drove to work, as she parked and walked in she found some part of the team having coffee and the rest of them doing chores. As she read Maya's text to go meet her upstairs

"It's ridiculous" smiled Kate "I've got at least three more weeks of working" she said "of field working"
"Kate..." began Maya
"you can't change the rules because it's me" said Kate
"It's my grandchild and my child we're talking about" said Maya
"It's my child and my life I'm talking about" said Kate
"I'm not benching you Kate" said Maya
"yes you're" said Kate "I've got at least a month of field work" she said
"It's not a debate discussion" said Maya
"seems like it isn't" she said as she got up and walked away from the office.

"woah, woah" said Jake over the phone "what's wrong?"
"I'll tell you in the afternoon before the appointment" she said
"okay then, I'll pick you up at the station" he said "love u gotta go"

Carina was walking down the corridor as she met Jo
"hey granmy" laughed Jo
"hey" laughed Carina
"13th week" smiled Jo and Carina's smile grew bigger and bigger
"god I know, can't wait" she said
"so.." said Jo "will I have a mamma bear jumping into my exam room today?" she smiled
Carina smiled and said "just think about your teacher jumping in"
"oh, so you don't trust your student?" laughed Jo
"you're my daughters and Grandchild's doctor" said Carina "I trust you completly" she smiled

"hey bella" smiled Carina as she picked up her phone
"hey" said Maya on the other side "so, I dropped the bomb" she said
"oh" said Carina "how did that go?" she asked
"as expected" sighted Maya "but I'm not getting frustrated nor mad nor nothing" she said
"you should't bella" said Carina "you know you're doing the right thing" she said "just, you dropped the bomb right before she's coming in here with me" laughed Carina making Maya laugh
"god yeah" she laughed "sorry honey, and sorry Jo and Jake" laughed Maya

Jake and Kate were inside the exam room waiting for Jo to come in
"I'm kinda onboard with her on that" said Jake as he stood next to Kate's bed
"on board?" asked Kate "with her benching me?"
"On board with keeping you safe" he said "you know you're a firefighter don't you?" he said
"yeah and after the baby is born I'll still be a firefighter" she said
"course you will" said Jake "just some months" he smiled and Kate nodded
As the two of them were gossiping Jo and Carina came into the room
"hey you two" she smiled warmly as she got everything ready
"Dr.Deluca" smiled Jake
"Windstone?" laughed Carina
Jake laughed and said "not sure if you're here as Grandma or Dr"
Carina laughed as she walked over to Kate and said "grandma"

As Jo was almost done with everything she said "so, next appointment, some news about weather it's a baby boy or baby girl could be up" she smiled "how do you two want to keep that"
"secret" said Jake and at the same time Kate said "god I need to know" and both of them exchanged a look
"you want to know" asked Jake
"yeah course I do" said Kate "I can't not know what I'm carrying" she smiled
Jake laughed and said "what about the surprise of knowing?"
As both of them discussed about knowing or not Carina and Jo laughed at eachother
"you're the one carrying, if you want to find out, then we will" said Jake as he squeezed her shoulder
"No no no" laughed Kate "secret it is" she said
"sure?" asked Jake and Kate nodded
Jo laughed and said "okay then Grandma no more ultrasound looking for you then"
"what?! no" she said
"you know how to read this things" laughed Jo
"I'll keep it a secret I promise" said Carina
"we both know you'd end up telling me" laughed Kate "so no knowing for you"
"I won't tell you" laughed Carina and she saw Jo's face
"You're so gonna tell her" she laughed
"Fine, no more looking for me" said Carina waving at the ultrasound machine
"Everything looks great Kate. Two more trimesters to go" she smiled as she walked out of the room together with Carina
"Carina I'm not gonna tell you" laughed Jo as she turned around
"Fine. Wasn't even gonna try" she said as she shrugged her shoulders.
Amelia rushed over to Jo and said "so?! How's my godchild doing?" She asked excitedly
"Moving" laughed Jo "quite a lot and he or she is doing great. Happy in there"
"When are we finding out?" Asked Amelia as a child
"When Kate gives birth" laughed Jo
"What?" Asked Amelia "no no, you need to tell me please" she smiled
"I'm not doing that" she laughed
"Fine. How am I supposed to spoil him or her if you don't tell me" she said
"Get creative Amelia" said Jo as she patted her shoulder and walked away.

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