Say You Won't Let Go

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Oh god. Must have hit my head quite hard in the shower. Fuck. Still in the shower? Jake? How can the shower be so comfy. How am I warm? What no. I'm dressed. I'm not in my shower.
"Jake?" Asked Kate as she began to move once again and slowly began to open her eyes. To realise she was in her bed. Tucked in. Her pijamas on
"Holly headache. What time is it?" She said as she looked at her watch: 9:30am. Still in the morning. Then, the flashback came. Jake went downstairs, get the pharmacy. Wow. Hold. Italian. Someone spoke Italian. What the hell happened then. No no, focus. That doesn't matter. Who spoke Italian. Can't be. I mean, can't be.
As her eyes began to shut again she was brought into alert again by something. Coffee smell. Not any coffee. Not any. That coffee, the only machine which can make that kinda coffee is mammas coffee machine. She struggled to keep her eyes open and started trying to get up again until she was stopped by a hand on her chest.
"Lay down bug" Said heard a voice half laughing. Maya's voice.
Maya's hand was basically thrown to the roof as Kate instantly clanged into Maya's neck hugging her tightly.
"Mom" whispered Kate
"My bug" said Maya as she kissed Kate's head.
She didn't realise but Kate's cheeks now filled with tears despite she cleaned them a couple times.
After the shock was starting to disappear she heard a murmur outside her room, her head was pounding. Probably the concussion
"I don't understand, how are you here?" Asked Kate as she laid down once again
"Kate. You were at an explosion. A massive explosion and" said Maya and her eyes began to get watery
"Mom I'm okay. I swear I am" said Kate and Maya hugged her again tightly
"If something had happened to you how could I ha.." she said being cut
"Mom. I'm okay. I'm here. I'm okay" said Kate
"I love you" said Maya
"I love you" said Kate and as she laid back again she remembered about last night before she passed. Someone spoke Italian.
"Mom wait. Where's momma?" Asked Kate as she said that she heard a murmur outside Kate's door
~Più bella cosa non c'è
Più bella cosa di te
Unica como sei~
Kate somehow managed to pull up her energies and get out of bed at a rush. Blurry vision, dizzy and her body aching all over. Rushed out of her room and into the living room.
Couldn't be true. Just couldn't be true.
She was there.
"Mamma" whispered Kate as she rushed over to Carina who turned around
"Bambi..." she said being interrupted by Kate who clanged to her tightly making her kneel down to the floor
"You're here" said Kate between tears
"Not going anywhere" said Carina cleaning off her tears and kissing Kate's head as she held her closely
"How can it be? How, how are you here?" Asked Kate trying to catch her breath again as they both stood up again
"How could we not?" Said Maya as she walked towards them and the three of them embraced into a tight hug
"Kay honey, let's get you to the couch" said carina as the three of them walked over to the couch and Kate laid down and Maya placed ice on her ribs and shoulder but Kate just couldn't stop staring at them both.
"How are you two here? I though there was no way?" Asked Kate again trying to sit up
"Honey lay back" said Maya as she sat down and placed Kate's head on her lap and carina sat down next to her holding her good hand
"Mi Amore" said carina as she smiled at Kate
"I mean it. How can it be. I mean you're really here right?" Laughed Kate as she held her head
"We're really here" said Maya
"Cause if you're playing with my concussion that's not okay" laughed Kate
"We're really here" said carina as she squeezed Kate's hand
"How can it be, I mean you said" said Kate being cut off
"Kay honey. You were in an accident" said Maya stroking her hair
"I'm really okay" said Kate looking at both of them
"You are now" said carina cleaning off a tear
"Mamma. I'm really really okay" said Kate
"We saw you, on the news. We just" said Maya clearing her throat
"I'm here. Okay? I'm here mom." Said Kate "how did you get here? I thought there was no way you two could make it here"
"We pulled every thread we had. We just pulled each and every contact we could get." Said Maya looking at carina
"Finally the Seattle PD department chief personally called the migration director after the news.after that. Pretty much everything worked out" said Carina
"You're here" said Kate
"We are." Said Maya kissing her forehead
"Hmm holly" said Kate as she held her head
"Kay, you have a third grade concussion, you really need to get sleep" laughed carina
"You're asking me to sleep? Like now?" Laughed Kate holding her head "how can it be Jake knew about you two?" She asked
"We called him at the airport" laughed Maya "and yes you really need to get to sleep"
Kate looked at both and said "I'm afraid I'll wake up and you'll be gone"
Carina squeezed her hand tightly and said "we are not going anywhere"
"Close your eyes, we'll be right here" said Maya

"Carina just drop it I'm not" said Maya as they packed their stuff out of their cases
"I'm not asking you to forgive her, not asking you to bring her over to dinner. Just go talk to her" said carina as she folded the clothes
"Carina drop it okay?"
"Maya she is your best friend. She's Kate's godmother. You work with her" said carina
"Carina, drop it. Just drop it"
"Maya. She's Andy" said Carina as she closed the cabinet doors
"Exactly Carina!! Exactly!" Yelled Maya
"Maya, just keep it down" said carina
"Carina, I personally asked her. I begged her to keep an eye on her and look how it ended!" Said Maya "I don't see you having chats with all the hospital do you?"
"Maya. It's different and you know it"
"Different how Carina? Cause she's my best friend?" Asked Maya raising her tone
"Maya! Keep it down and yes! Yes it makes a difference. The important thing here is that Kate she is okay. You and Andy have been together through everything Maya"
"I asked one thing carina! One thing and my daughter almost died under her watch!" Yelled Maya "she's dead to me Carina and should be to you too"
"She's not my best friend Maya. She's yours"
"Let's just drop it. Okay? Just drop it." Said Maya as she walked into the bathroom
Carina sat down at the bed edge holding her head "Grazie a Dio" she whispered 

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