Part 13

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Around 6am maya was dressed ready for work and went to Kate's room to find her fast asleep and carina holding her as she stroke her hair.
"I can stay" said Maya getting close to Kate
"Maya it's okay, we don't have to leave until 8 so I'll just let her sleep" said carina and Maya got closer and kissed her deeply.
"You think she remembers?" Said Maya
"I'm sure she doesn't. I don't think telling her is a good idea tho so, I was thinking to ask Teddy since she really knows about the subject." Said carina.
Maya sat down next to Kate "it killed me to see her like that" she said softly
"I know it did" said carina and she grabbed Maya's hand.
"Reminded me of Vic's PTSD except this was so much worst" said Maya
"Maya, I've got her. Go" said carina and Maya pulled her in for a kiss.
In those movements Kate started to wake up.
"What? What time is it?" Asked Kate and moved her head looking at maya
"It's early bug, go back to sleep." She answered kissing her forehead
Maya kissed carina again and left for work.

Around 7:30am Carina woke up Kate and they both got ready to head to the hospital.
"Kate? Ready?" Asked carina and walked into Kate's room
She was sitting on her bed with her shoes untied and her shirt unbuttoned.
"Funny I thought I would be able to button up my shirt or to tie up the laces but I forgot my hand doesn't work." She said with a fake smile.
Carina helped her to her feet and started buttoning her shirt and said firmly "your hand will work. Mi hai sentito?" Then she tied up her shoes "and, that's why you've got us." She said and kissed her cheek.
They both headed to the hospital and Kate started feeling kind of sick remembering the last time she was there
They headed into a consult room and Callie came in
"Look at you" she said gently hugging Kate "you look amazing Kate"
Kate hugged her back and said "feeling amazing"
After questioning about her hand Arizona came into the room.
"Can't believe my eyes" she said and hugged her. "Birthday girl you look amazing"
Kate hugged her back and said "thanks to  both of you"
After some minutes of talking Arizona's pager went on as she looked at it and said "shoot Jamie Rhymes"
Carina's eyes opened and said "Jaime? My patient Jaime?"
"Yeah she is into early labour" said Arizona
Carina's eyes looked worried and as Kate realised she said "you should go with your patient."
Carina looked back at Kate and shook her head and Kate again said "mamma go, she needs you and I've got Callie and Arizona" she said smiling.
"I'll be right back" said carina and kisses Kate's forehead.
Callie got everything ready and said "okey let's take a look at that hand" she said she cut off her cast
Arizona laid Kate back and said "we are going to try and remove the screws since it has healed beautifully so your hand function starts to recover right away"
Kate worried said "like surgery?"
"No no, it's ambulatory we just numb the hand but, it could impress you so you're just going to look at me" said Arizona smiling
"I'm a fast worker, you won't even realise, you're just going to realise this" said Callie as she injected a sedative into Kate's hand nerve
"Auch! What's that?" Said Kate as she sit up and looked at her hand
"No no, look at me" said Arizona
"Wow, is that a screw?" Asked Kate
"It is. Look there could be a little bit of blood. Just look at Arizona" said Callie
And Kate just closed her eyes.
"Okey so you're going to using a splint for two months. And you'll use it to sleep for three months. You can take it off when you're doing nerve recovery. Otherwise it stays on and NO harsh movements despite the recovery Are we clear. Otherwise I'll just put a cast on" said Callie serious
"Copy " said Kate since she really didn't want to have a cast on
"I mean it" said Callie
"Promise I won't move" said Kate

In the ER carina was getting to her patient and met teddy.
"What are you doing here? I'm going to your daughter right now!" Said Callie hugging her
"Emergency pregnancy." Said carina smiling "so Arizona could stay with Kate and make things faster."
"How's she doing?" Asked Teddy
"You have a second?" Asked carina "I'd like to ask you about something"
"About?" Said teddy
"PTSD" carina said and teddy immediately guided her to a room
After carina explained her everything she said "I have to get to my patient"
"Carina, I'll talk to her. I won't tell her you told me. I'm sorry, PTSD it's just. It's hard" said teddy
"Thank you" said carina and left

"Shirt off I need to see those ribs" said Arizona as she gloved up
"No no no, you said it was hand day" said Kate getting off the table
"Ah ah ah, table now lady." Said Arizona
"I just took a screw from your hand. You're scared of happy girl looking at your ribs?" Said Callie
Teddy opened the door
"Woooo! Saved by teddy" said Kate and tried to get up
"Table." Said Arizona
Teddy looked at Kate differently now since she knew about the PTSD
"How are we doing?" Asked teddy getting closer "those lungs?"
"Great. I'm jogging now" said Kate
"You'd better not" said teddy "I need to listen to your lungs tho" she said and took out her stethoscope
"Let's get your ribs cleared first" said Arizona
"She's not gonna stop insisting" said Callie laughing and left
"Deal" said Kate "can you help me with?" She said pointing at the buttons of her shirt
Arizona unbuttoned her shirt and took it off as she laid her down examining her ribs.
"Looks like it's healing perfectly well. No pain?" She asked
"No pain" she said
"If I do that?" Said Arizona and gently pressed a rib
"No pain" said Kate
"Perfect. Ready to take that stitches out?" She asked
"Really?" Asked Kate
"Yep, really" said Arizona as she began to take them. And after some minutes said
"Okay, you are stitch free supergirl" and she covered Kate again and helped her with her shirt.
Arizona got paged and teddy and Kate were left alone
"Okey let's see those lungs" she said and placed her stethoscope under Kate's shirt on her back "deep breath for me"
Teddy wanted to see how delicate was Kate's PTSD so she needed to relax her and then to try and get some kind of "PTSD symptom" out.
"Another breath. Perfect." She said and on purpose kicked a surgical tray which had lots of metals and made a loud sound.
Kate instantly jumped up and stared in fear at the tray.
"Wow, hey hey. Easy, just a tray" said Teddy holding Kate's arm and realising she was shaking
"Kate, look at me" she said "breath, it's okey. It's just a noise."
Kate nodded and laid again back on the table.
Teddy grabbed a bench and sat next to her.
"Kate, have you been sleeping?" She asked despite knowing the answer
"Teddy, it's not. Not what you think" she said in a low voice "I'm sleeping"
"But you're not. And it is what I think cause I've seen it before." Said Teddy
"I had some bad dreams I wake up and fall asleep again. Not that big a deal" said Kate
"It does concerns me when you wake up screaming at night Kate. It's not something you can ignore."
Kate stared in confusión not knowing what she meant "teddy, I just need to get my life back again on track"
"What you need is medication Kate." Said teddy seriously
"Medication? Yeah right" she said looking at the floor
"Kate it's not a thing which comes and goes. You need to sleep, you need not to be getting this kind of "episodes" every time something spooks you" said Teddy
Amelia came in and the door noise made Kate shiver again and teddy grabbed her hand.
"Wow sorry I didn't" said Amelia
"It's okay, we were just talking about..." said teddy and Amelia noticed and said
"Brain injuries need sleep to recover faster. It's kind of hard for it to recover if you are sleep deprived"
"I'm not sleep deprived"  Kate.
"I wouldn't say the same" said Amelia "it's just a pill Kate"
"a pill which I don't need" she said starting to lose her patience
"You don't? Waking up screaming, soaked in sweat, relieving your trauma again and again? That's PTSD Kate it's real and you've got it. Just a pill" said Amelia strongly
Kate was now in tears just staring at her hand, she looked up at Amelia and nodded. That second carina came in.
"Why didn't you told me about last night?" She said
"Bambina..." she said as she realised she was crying and sat down next to her
"I'm sorry" said Kate softly
"No no no, don't. This is nothing you could or could have not done" said carina and kissed her head.
"Kate this is isn't your fault. Are we clear?" Said teddy
As she said that Amelia took out of her lab coat a pill bottle and handed it to Kate
"Just one pill every morning. It's not going to do anything but help you sleep and you won't be nervous about things you shouldn't" said Amelia
Kate nodded and looked at carina who kissed her cheek.
They both headed home and carina explained everything to Maya who was relieved. Kate was fine.

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