Yesterday Once More

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Kate got the hell away. She got showered and dressed and got the hell away from the station. Saw that maya was still on her paperwork and just hopped on her car and drove home.
As she walked in she found Carina sitting down on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand waiting for them both. As she saw Kate she instantly jumped up and rushed to hug her.
"Hey" said Kate as she hugged her back "I'm okay" she laughed and Carina kissed her forehead
"I know. I know. Just, my heart stopped when I saw you flying.. I can't replay it in my head. Sorry" said Carina "then I saw you on the news and my heart started again"
Kate smiled and said "sorry for scaring you"
"You're okay right?" Asked Carina
"Yeah. Ben cleared us all. The three of us are okay." Smiled Kate as she walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. "I'll go sleep, I'm quite exhausted" she smiled
"Go rest Bella" said Carina as she kissed her cheek "mom?" She asked and Kate shrugged her shoulders as she walked upstairs.
As Kate got to her room she picked up her phone and after some calls and mails she fell to her bed and seconds later she was out completely asleep.
She was woken when the door opened and heard voices downstairs

"Carina it's four am what are you doing up?" Asked Maya as she walked in and hugged her
"I saw you both on the news" said Carina hugging her back
"She's okay. We both are" said Maya
"I know. She's upstairs. Sleeping" said carina
"I've told you not to watch the news. It just makes you nervous" said Maya
"Can't avoid them. Just, thanks god you two are okay" said Carina and maya nodded not answering and walking into the leaving room.
As Maya was checking her phone Kate walked downstairs looking for more water when she saw maya sitting on the couch and completely ignored her making her way to the kitchen.
Maya stood up and followed her.
"Can we talk?" Asked Maya as she stood on the doorframe and Carina looked confused at them
"No. No we cant" said Kate as she grabbed a bottle
"Kate we need to talk" said Maya
"No we do not. That's it" said Kate sternly
"You need to understand that tonight.." began Maya
"You're unbelievable" laughed Kate "unbelievable" she
"Tonight..." began Maya
"Tonight at that house? We made a call, you weren't there. We made a call and I'm sorry you don't agree with it. But it's the call we made." Said Kate
"The wrong call" said Maya
"Wrong call or not it worked!" Said Kate almost yelling
"The three of you risked your life!" Said Maya
"We risk our lives every time we walk into a fire. Tonight we made the call cause you weren't there and I'm sorry you don't like it nor agree with it but too bad" said Kate
"Okay okay. Keep it down both of you and what's going on?" Asked Carina
"What's going in it's that the Captain's ego seems to be so big she can't accept her subordinates were right about something." Said Kate walking out of the kitchen.
"My problem is you risking your life for a wrong call? is not something I can deal with." Said maya following her
"I don't know what the hell is going on with you and I definitely don't understand. The call we made today was the correct one. It was the correct course of action. What was had to be done. I'm tired of being benched, tired of being the rookie who seems like can't do one correct move to your eyes." Said Kate "my probation is done, I've already complied with it. I'm graduating in a month with honours. The work I'm doing at 19 it's more of a practice. I need to be pushed forwards in my career. Not down. Starting Monday I'm beginning my internship at station 23. I'll be formally working there as a firefighter once I'm graduated." Said Kate and Maya's eyes fell off and her heart could be almost heard breaking.
"What are you talking about?" Asked Maya
"I'm saying I'm grown up enough to realise I value more my relationship with my mom than the relationship with my Captain. There's a reason why work and family are two different businesses and mixing them can end badly" Said Kate "I'm saying I quit station 19. Effect of immediately" she said as she turned around.
"Kate no. Kate Kate" said Maya
"I know I did the right one." Said Kate "don't convince me I didn't cause at the end you will." She said walking upstairs

"Maya what happened?" Asked Carina
"She quit station 19" said Maya turning around
"Maya what happened?" Asked Carina again and Maya didn't answer.

Carina walked upstairs and saw Kate's light was still on. As she knocked and walked in she found her laying on her bed.
"Bella?" Asked Carina as she walked over and sat down on her bed
"Yeah?" Asked Kate as she turned around
"Are you okay?" Asked Carina
"No" said Kate
"Can you talk to me about it?" Asked Carina
"No." Answered Kate "at least not now" she said
Carina nodded and said "It's five am you should go to sleep"
"Not tired anymore" said Kate
"Okay" said Carina as she leaned over and turned off the light. "Everything will be okay" she said as she rubbed Kate's back and in seconds Kate was out asleep.

"Morning" said Maya as she walked downstairs "damn it's late" she said looking at her watch
Carina was in the kitchen feeding the baby as Maya came in.
"You were tired" smiled Carina
Maya wouldn't stop looking at the stairs, leaving room. Everywhere.
"She was gone before I got up" said Carina and Maya nodded slowly.
"Did you talk to her?" Asked Maya as she walked over to the baby
"Maya you are the one who needs to talk to her" said carina
"She doesn't want to talk to me Carina" said Maya as she picked Grace "hi my love"
"She wants to talk to you. She does." Said Carina
"There's a reason why she's talking to you and not me" said Maya begging with her eyes.
Carina looked at Maya and said "she's going to empty her locker. Pick up her stuff from the station"
Maya nodded and looked down at the baby "so it's happening" she said
"Bella I'm so sorry." Said carina getting closer "you two will talk about it. You two will fix it." She said
"I screwed up badly now" said Maya.

"Kay. Kate. Stop" said Andy as she walked after her
"Andy. I'm sorry but this is it" said Kate as she finished emptying her locker
"Station 23?" Asked Andy "really?"
"Yeah" said Kate "they made an offer and it's quite a good one" she said
"Kate. You belong here" said Andy
"I don't feel like that" smiled Kate "I feel like every step I take here. Are two steps backwards" she said. "I'll be okay Andy" she smiled.

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