Part 31

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"I think I just lost my legs" said Lauren
"I don't feel my body" said Kate
"42 people?" Asked Lauren as she laid down on the floor
"42 people left" said Kate and laid her head on Lauren's leg
"I thank god I didn't came driving" said Lauren
"I couldn't walk to the car even if I wanted to" said Kate
"Congratulations!" Yelled the old women "welcome to the game. Announcement and signing and you're free to go. Starting on Monday" she said and walked out of the gym
Everyone walked out of the gym and people outside were waiting.
"It's an honour to say: Diaz, Raythor(......) Teth (....) Bishop. Accepted into fire department Academy. Congratulations" she said
There was all kind of reaction. Families cheering. Crying. Clapping and hugging each other.
The future firefighters walked out of the gym. Headed towards their families without even feeling their legs.
Jake ran over to Kate, hugging her tightly and kissing her cheek
"I knew it. I knew it" he said
"Dr career? I rather spend my life behind books than doing that ever again" laughed Kate
Jake laughed and kissed her cheek again
"You did it. You did it." Said Andy hugging her tightly "I knew it. I'm so proud of you" said Andy kissing her head
Kate hugged him and Andrew tightly and Jake drove her home after signing.
As they arrived Jake said "what do you want for dinner champ?" He laughed
"I want to shower. Despite I probably can't stand up under the shower." She said
"Have an idea" said Jake.
Jake disappeared into Kate's bathroom and Kate looked at her watch.
"Damn. Four in the morning in Italy" she thought "they must be sleeping"
She just wanted to call her mom. Tell her everything about it. She just thought telling her everything knowing she wasn't there to see it wasn't going to be awful for her
Back in Italy
"She hasn't call." Said Maya pacing in her room
"She's going to" assured carina who was staring at her phone and watch
"What if she doesn't?" Asked Maya
"Maya, she'll call." Said carina "If she quit? And we are not there? She quit because of me? Because of my fault? Asked carina
Maya grabbed her hands and said "she didn't quit okay. Kate didn't quit. And none of this is your fault Carina" said Maya

"Kay!" Yelled Jake
"Yeah?" She said walking into the bathroom, it was basically a spa. Her bath was filled with bubbles and soap. Amazing smells. Perfect "I need to shower first tho. To take out all the sweat, dust" laughed Kate
"On it" said Jake and picked her up leading her to the shower. He took of her clothes and turned on the shower taking off his own clothes.
"I love you" said Kate as water fell on her "but you know I'm literally out of fuel right?" She laughed
"You just need to relax" he said and began to soap her body and wash her hair
"You're the best" said Kate
"You deserve the best" said Jake rinsing her hair. After the shower she picked her up and walked over to the tub. They both got into the tub Kate laying into Jake relaxing her head on his chest.
"This is amazing" she said
"I mean it. Six hours? It's insane" said Jake
"It was" said Kate
"Was it as you expected?" Asked Jake as he massaged Kate's back
"Yeah. Just 30 times worst" laughed Kate
"You made it" said Jake "oh how did Maya react?" Asked Jake
"Couldn't call her yet. It's around 4am there" said Kate "Jake. It's been more than a month, almost a month and a half. She's not" she said being interrupted
"Kate don't. Don't even think about it. Okay?" Said Jake
"This is comfier than a bed" laughed Kate
"Close your eyes." Said Jake and as Kate closed them he pecked her lips
"If I fall asleep" laughed Kate
"I'll stay here and get you to bed" laughed Jake
Three minutes later as expected Kate fell asleep into Jake
Jake looked at his phone and read
Damn. Storm alert
"Kate, hon" said Jake slightly moving her
After some seconds she slowly opened her eyes "yeah?" She asked
"Let's go to bed" said Jake and both of them got out of tub and into bed.
Kate was snuggled into Jake
"You're not working tomorrow right?" Asked Jake
"Not in the morning" said Kate and fell asleep instantly after that.

Around 9 both of them began to wake up and Kate looked at her watch
"9am? Damn I slept I bit" she said
"You needed it" said Jake and kissed her head and got out of bed
"Can you hand me a shirt?" Asked Kate
"Mmm nop" laughed Jake
"Hand me a shirt" laughed Kate
Jake jumped into bed and laid on top of Kate
"You're crushing me!" Laughed Kate
"Crushing you? Really" said Jake and tickled Kate
"Jake! No!" Laughed Kate
"Mmm why should I?" Asked Jake
kate turned around and laid on Jake kissing him deeply on the lips
"Now?" Asked Kate cutely
Jake got up and handed her a shirt "you can't use that smile every time you want something" he said
"Does it work?" Asked kate
"That's exactly why you can't use it" he said
"You're volunteering today right?" Asked Kate
"For the storm at the hospital? Yep" said Jake
"Can I go with you? Until my shift begins?" Asked Kate
"You don't wanna rest?" Laughed Jake
"Want to be with you" said Kate "but first I'm calling my mom" said Kate
"I'll make breakfast" said Jake and headed to the bathroom
"Your boxers are under the bed" said Kate
"How?" Laughed Jake
"Yeah no clue" she said "shush it with the boxers and stuff. I'm calling them" laughed Kate

Kate phoned and said "morning. Captain."
Maya quickly said "tell me! No. No. Let me. No. You tell me" she said exited and her phone was taken
"Mi Amore!" A voice said "tell us. Everything"
"Okay okay. Breath. Both of you" laughed Kate "Im in"
There was shouting and yelling on the other side of the phone.
"I knew it!! I knew it!" Yelled Maya
"Hahaha you were right cap" laughed Kate
"Okay despite now you get to call me Cap this was all you Kate I couldn't be more proud of you" said Maya
"Thanks mom" said Kate
"How I'm I gonna do with both two firefighters in my house?" Laughed carina
"You'll get use to it" said Kate
"Oh I won't" she laughed "we couldn't be more proud of you" said carina
"So, everything hurts today I guess" said Maya "I'm opening the fire department mail"
"How could you not open it!" Said Kate
"I wanted to listen it from you" said Maya
Kate laughed and said "yeah everything hurts quite a lot"
"Oh Kay. I heard lots of people are being volunteers for the storm at the hospitals" Said carina
"Yeah we are going with Jake in some minutes over there" said Kate
"No driving. At the storm. I don't want you two in the streets okey?" Said carina
"We won't mamma" said Kate "the other team is on call that night right mom?" Asked Kate
"Yeah. Most of the guys will be first responders at the hospital" said Maya
"Great. I'll have a pijama party at Dr. DeLucas palace" laughed Kate
"Please. Out of the roads" said carina "you know how many acc.." she was interrupted
"Mamma. I'll be in the hospital. Promise" said Kate

Both Jake and Kate after breakfast drove all the way to the hospital which was quite chaotic already. Doctors running, blankets, water, food. Everything
"Look whose here! Fire fighter Bishop!" Said Andrew hugging Kate. "How can you be standing today?" He asked and shook Jake's hand
"I really don't know" laughed Kate "where you need us?" She asked
"Go get every first aid ready" said Andrew and both of them followed to prep things
"Damn, the storm is already picking up" said Jake
"Yeah. I know" said Kate looking at the horizon
"They are thinking about making a security lockdown" read Jake in his phone
"I'm calling Andy. Maybe our shift begins here" said Kate calling Andy

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