So lonely

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"Can someone explain me what's happening with Bishop and DeLuca? I've got 9 missing calls from both of them" said Miranda as she walked outside with her phone out to meet with everyone's faces.
"You what!?" Said Andrew in a loud voice
Miranda showed him her phone and Andrew rushed outside
"Where is she?!" He yelled looking everywhere "where's Kate!" He yelled again
"Andrew" said Ben placing his hand on his shoulder
"Don't you even dare." Said Andrew "where is Kate!" He yelled again
The parking lot was basically a funeral.
Andy on her knees crying into Jack, Vic wouldn't stop praying and Jake. Jake was dead. He was just staring in the pouring rain looking at nowhere.
One more to the show. Andrew.
"You saw her? It was her? You're sure? It could have been someone" he said being interrupted by Ben
"Andrew. It was Kate" said Ben
"No, no no no. Can't. Can't" he said and he picked up her phone. 7 missed calls from carina and 4 voice mail
Message 1: "Andrea sorry. I know you're all working I know that it's an impossible moment. I know. Just tell Kate I need to talk to her. Please
Everyones tears just slowly got worst after listening to carinas voice asking for Kate
Message 2: "Andrea sorry. Please. I need to talk to Kate or I just need to know where she is. Andrea please just, just please tell her to call me."
"Turn it off" said Jake who was soaked in water under the rain
"She's not gone" said Andrew holding his head
"Turn that off!" Said Jake louder
Message 3: *Carina crying* Andrea please. Please. Call me. Please. Andre I'm begging. *silence and noises of handing phone over*
*Mayas voice* Andrew. Please. I can't get hold of anyone. Please. Just. Please..
The call was interrupted by someone
"Turn that off. Just turn that off" said Andy
"Please." Said Jake almost crying "just please turn that off. Please"
Teddy walked out. Realised what happened. Held her head trying to process. The only thing that came out of her mouth in a whisper was "She. She asked me about. About Irak. She wanted to go to Irak"
"Carina and Maya haven't stopped calling" said Bailey
"They are in Italy Miranda. Thousands of" began Ben being interrupted by Andy who stood up and cleaning her tears said
"You are not calling Maya and you're not calling carina" she said
"Andy.." said Dean
"Kate is the most important thing in the universe for them. They'd both give their lives for her. You're not calling my best friend." She said and made a pause to breath "you're not calling my best friend telling her there her daughter is .... Is dead. You're not making that call. Not until I've searched each and every inch of this area. You're not" said Andy as she walked towards the truck ready to get suit up "haven't you all heard me!" Yelled Andy "get up! Get suited right now! Come on damn!" She yelled
19 picked up their pieces sucked up their tears and got dressed
"Jake! Jake! Jake!" Yelled Jack trying to stop Jake who was waking towards the explosion zone
"Don't you even touch me!" Yelled Jake prepping his fist
"Hey! Hey! Jake!" Said Jack "listen to me. You wanna come. Okay. I know. I'm not stopping you. I won't. I swear I won't. Just. Please. Let's make things by protocol. Come get suit up." Said Jack
"Screw the protocol! She violated the protocol. To save a girl! To save a girl cause someone else broke the first protocol! Now she is...!" Said Jake throwing his hands to his head
"Jake. Please" said Jack. "Please" and led Jake over to the truck
5am in Italy
Carina between nerves and anxiety fell asleep. Maya on the other hand was calling each and every other contact she could have. She hadn't stopped, hadn't stopped for a second. Moved each and every thread she had. She was her pulled out of her concentration by Carina
*Phone buzzed*
~ Carina: Dr. DeLuca who is talking?
~Kate: hey mamma it's me. My phone died. I'm calling from Kim's
~ Carina: Kate? What? The storm? You're okay? Why didn't anyone...
~Kate: hey hey. Easy (laughing) I'm home I mean Kim and the girls are over for dinner and I just realised I'm missing some stuff at the kitchen
~Carina: how? Kate. I don't understand
~Kate: oh. Sorry. Sorry. I know. It must be like 5am over their. I'll make it quick. My car is at the mechanic. I was wondering if I could use yours
~Carina: what? Kate what are you
~ Kate: I'm not scratching it (laughing) I promise, promise I won't. Sorry go, go back sleeping. Love you!
~Carina: I love you Kate but wait it's
Phone call over.
"Maya! Maya!" Said carina as she jumped off the bed
"Carina? Carina. Easy. Carina what's wrong?" Asked Maya worried
"Kate she just called me. She just did she just called me" smiled carina
"Carina what are you talking about about?" Asked Maya in confusion
"You've gotta be kidding me right? She just called Maya." Said carina looking for her phone "damn where did I leave it!"
Maya stood up and walked over to carina. "Carina look at me." She said "Kate didn't call"
Carina shook her head and said "she just did Maya. She said her car is at the mechanic she wanted to use mine to go over to the store. She knew your car is at the station" said Carina
"Honey you were sleeping. You were probably just deeply asleep." Said Maya and stroked carinas hair
"Maya she just called me!" Yelled Carina
Maya got up and walked over to her phone
"Maya what are you?" Said carina
She grabbed her laptop and paired it with her phone.
"Look Carina" said Maya as she showed the cameras of the driveway "just look"
"I don't understand Maya" said carina
"Three cars carina. My car, your car and Kay's car. It's not at the mechanic. It's at home" said Maya
"What?" Said carina as she looked again into the laptop
"That's Kate's car plate" said carina as a tear fell down her cheek "it was a dream" she said
"It was a dream" said Maya picking up her phone to continue making her calls

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now