Two Of Us

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It's been some months and everything starts to settle as it's supposed to.
Carina and Maya back at work full time.
The baby already 7 months old, a bag of cuteness who was everyone in love with her.
Jake and Kate stressing out with every detail of their wedding night. Like every couple to be married.

"Kay, kay" whispered Carina as she shook her slightly "bella wake up" she said as Kate began to get up
"What? What time is it?" Asked Kate looking at her watch "momma it's 5am what's wrong?" She asked
"I need you to drop Grace over to daycare" said Carina "I'm being paged, I'll take your car you use mine cause of the baby seat. " she said
"I need to work" said Kate falling asleep again
"Before driving to work drop her okay? Love you. Mom has a meeting at 6 she'll be stuck in there for a while" she said as she placed a kiss on her forehead and rushed out to the hospital.
After two hours Kate woke up and washed her face walking into the nursery to find the baby fast asleep.
"You're one sleepy baby aren't you?" She smiled as she looked down at her.
As she hot everything ready for work and baby stuff she woke her sister and jumped into the car.
"Who would say I'd be driving this car right?" Laughed Kate as they reached Grey Sloan.
"aw look at you two" smiled Callie as she met them "baby baby" she said as she grabbed the stroller from Kate's hands
"Oh thanks god" smiled Kate
"Someone's moody" laughed Callie
"I'm stressed." Said Kate smiling
"Come on bride to be" laughed Callie "go, I've got her" smiled Callie
"Thanks" smiled Kate as she handed her the baby bag and rushed back to her car
K: "Baby delivered"
C: "thanks!"

Kate drove over to the station and as she walked into the kitchen she saw the whole team sitting down at the table
"Look at the late bride" laughed Vic
"The bride had to do some baby Uber" laughed Kate "where's mom? I need to let her know she must pick up the baby"
Andy got closer and said "she's in her office she was in her phone. You should wait some minutes."
"Everything okay?" Asked Kate
"We don't know. She sounded quite upset" Said Andy and Kate nodded

"Mason. Mason I know" said Maya over the phone
"No Maya you don't cause you were the victim you couldn't have seen it" said Mason over the Phone "he didn't give you the choice of thinking differently" he said "he literally trained you ever since you were a teen to your limit point."
"Mason. We're grownups now. He's not longer in control of anything" said Maya
"But he somehow is Maya. He left and impact on both of us. Specially you he manipulated you to make you think that was the right thing." Added Mason
"Mason.." began Maya
"I know. You're working we'll talk later" he said as he ended the call.
Maya was sitting on her desk with her head on her hands thinking she had done the same with Kate. She was her dad. She had become in what she feared the most.
*fire alarm*. All 19 units to Morgan's street. All 19 units to Morgan's street.

"Duty calls" said Jack as he stood up
"Shotgun Kate!" Yelled Vic
"No way" said Andy
"I said shotgun Kate" said vic
"It doesn't work like that" said Jack
"Oh yes it does. Kate you're with me" smiled Vic and Kate rushed up. "You're on  engine work"
As they were jogging over to the engines maya popped in
"Montgomery, Miller aid Car." She said as she began to get dressed up "Herrera Hughes engine one. Gibson we're on engine two" she said "Bishop you're on desk-work" she said looking at Kate
Everyone exchanged a glare and looked at maya who seemed to be angry as hell
"Not repeating myself again. 19 move!" She yelled and hopped on the engine and both of them started leaving the station and leaving Kate behind.
"You gotta be kidding me" said Kate between her teeth as she walked into the station again. She got changed into gym clothes and hit the gym.
As she finished her workout and got showered no one came. Not even a single person to the front desk. She finished her paperwork and as soon as her shift was over she got changed and drove back to the hospital bitting her anger. As she picked up the baby since Maya was way too angry to listen to her and both of them got home.
The baby instantly fell asleep on her crib and Kate sat down on the living room watching some random TV texting Jake.

After some minutes Carina walked into the house and the house was invaded by her Italian mood.
"Hello my love" she said as she kissed Kate's head.
"Hey" said Kate in a bad temper
"The baby?" Asked Carina ignoring her mood
"Sleeping. Upstairs" said Kate pointing at the baby call.
Carina nodded and walked upstairs to get changed and check on the baby. As she walked downstairs already on her home clothes she walked over to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of water.
"So, what's wrong?" Asked Carina sitting down on the armchair
"What do you mean?" Asked Kate still not looking at her.
"Can you tell me what's going on?" Asked Carina
"Nothing is going on" said Kate
"So you're just moody cause you feel like it?" Smiled Carina
"I was benched from work" said Kate turning to Carina
"What?" Asked Carina "benched?" She asked
"Yeah. Benched" said Kate
"Did you.." asked Carina
"Did nothing." Said Kate sternly "was just benched cause the captain felt like it"
"Wait what? Mom benched you?" Smiled carina
"Yeah." Answered Kate "from an amazing fire which they are still fighting and I? I was sat down to tackle paperwork" said Kate
"What did Andy say?" Asked Carina
"Momma she is the captain. What can they possibly say?" Laughed Kate as she got up.
"Did you talk to her?" Asked Carina following her to the kitchen.
"Don't you know your wife when she's mad? There's not even a word you'll say that she'll listen to" said Kate pouring coffee.
"There must have been a reason" said Carina
"Not that I'm aware of" said Kate "I'll just go study" she said as she grabbed her coffee and walked upstairs.

Minutes later Carina was sitting down at the kitchen table with her laptop as Maya walked in.
"Hey babe" smiled Maya as she walked into the kitchen and kissed carina
"Hey" smiled Carina back
"The baby?" Asked Maya
"Kate picked her up" said Carina
"Oh okay" said Maya as she began walking into the living room
"Can I know what happened between you two?" Asked Carina getting up
"Between us?" Asked Maya "nothing I'm aware of"
"Well I got home and she was quite mad. Said she had been benched from work " said Carina
"I didn't bench her" said Maya "I just told her to stay in" she said as she walked upstairs and knocked into Kate's room
"Hey" said Maya as she popped her head in "you studying?" Asked Maya
"Yeah" answered Kate
"Can we talk?" Asked Maya
"No" said Kate as she walked out of the room and downstairs. "Heading over to
Jake's" she said to Carina as she walked over to the door and left.

Maya came downstairs to Carina sitting in the couch.
"So everything okay between you two right?" Said Carina sarcastically
"I screwed up. I just. I screwed up." Said Maya "I'm my dad and I screwed up"
"Maya what are you talking about?" Laughed Carina
"I did the same thing my dad did to me. I did what I swore I wouldn't" said Maya

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now