Race Begins

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"Cause you are all leaving except for me" said muttered Carina
"That is not true. Kate might not be leaving and I'll bring the baby in so you can see her" said Maya with a smile
"You're all leaving but me" said Carina
"Carina. You'll be back home in a week. Kate and I will manage with the baby" smiled maya
"You two work" said Carina
"I won't. I'll stay home with the baby all day till it's time for her to visit her momma" smiled Maya
"What about the dinner for us to tell.." began carina
"We'll do that as soon as you're home. Okay?" Said Maya
"What about at night? When the baby wakes up" said Carina and Maya laughed
"Then I'll wake up" she said "carina it's not the first time we managed with a baby. And she'll be an angel compared to Kate okay?" Laughed Maya

Jake slid open Kate's door and smiled at Amelia who was finishing signing papers.
"Wooho! Home time" yelled Kate as she finished getting dressed
"Someone's going home?" Smiled Jake
"Yes baby!" Said Kate
"I want to make emphasis on "home" part" said Amelia "no field work for a week"
"Deal" smiled Kate
"I mean it" smiled Amelia "you're an awful patient"
"I'm your favourite patient and you know it" said Kate as she signed her discharge papers
"You're free to go" said Amelia laughing
"Thank you thank you thank you" smiled Kate as she tightly hugged Amelia "I'm indebted for life with you" she said
Amelia chuckled and said "I'll count on that?"

Maya was laying on the bed with Carina as there was a knock on the door.
"Come in" said Carina from the inside and Kate and Jake walked in
"Hey" whispered Jake "carina you look better and better"
"Thank you Jake." Smiled Carina "heard you were the one to catch the baby" she said
"Cath the baby?" Asked Kate
"Always" smiled Jake as he took out he's sweater and placed it round Kate's shoulders making Carina and Maya exchange a sweet glare
"Too much cologne" chuckled Kate "So, what's the plan?" She asked
"The plan is, you and I are on baby duty this week" smiled Maya
"Cool. You working?" Asked Kate
"Nope. I'm spending time with my baby" said Maya
"With the unnamed baby" smiled Kate
"Yeah we need to work on that" smiled Maya
"I'm driving" said Kate making Jake and Maya chuckle
"Yeah sure. I'll go place the baby seat on the car" laughed Maya
"Oh, no no. I've got it " said Jake as he grabbed the seat from the ground and jogged out of the room.
"You're a lucky girl" said Carina as Kate turned around
"What do you mean?" Asked Kate
"You're just a lucky girl" said Carina smiling
"He's quite a match" said Maya
"I know, he's the best" said Kate with loved eyes
"Just please don't drool here" said Maya
"Okay. Enough" said Kate as she headed towards the door "I'll go bring Kate Jr"
"You're blushing" said Maya
"Im a grownup" said Kate
"Kate Jr?" Asked Carina "really?"
"Better than unnamed baby?" Asked Kate as she closed the door.
"So?" Asked Carina
"Yeah" said Maya
"Okay these two?" Asked Carina
"They just. Make me feel in a movie" smiled Maya
"I know she's a grownup but. I can't imagine her moving out" said Carina
Maya smiled and said "seeing the baby, made me feel just..."
"The same feeling when I held Kate in my arms" said Carina
"Exactly" smiled Maya

"Baby time" said Kate as she walked into the nursery
"Nice nap?" Asked Jo
"Quite nice actually" smiled Kate "was relaxing"
"Glad to see you standing" said Jo as she hugged her "heard both firefighters are on baby duty" she laughed
"Oh boy" said Kate "we'll turn off the fire. Somehow" she laughed
"Have you spoke with Arizona?" Asked Jo
"Should I?" Asked Kate "about the baby?"
"Oh no no, just wondering" said Jo as they got the baby ready to leaving
"Okay. So. She's all yours Bishop, she needs to come back in two days tho" said Jo
"Thank you Jo" smiled Kate as she hugged her again and walked back to carina's room where all of them were already there.
"Princess is here" said Kate as she walked in with the baby
"Hello baby" said Carina as Kate placed the baby in her arms "so you'll be taken care of by two firefighters. Good luck with that" smiled Carina
"Beginning to get offended" said Maya
"But" said Carina "they'll take good care of you" she said as she placed a kiss on her cheek "ti amo" she said as Kate took the baby back in her hands
Kate and Jake walked out of the room with the baby and headed towards the car. Inside the room Carina was crying as Maya hugged her
"It's okay. You'll be right back home with us" said Maya "the four of us"

"Everything ready?" Asked Maya as she walked over to the car
"Everything ready." Said Jake and he walked over to Kate to peck her lips "call me when you get home" he said
"Ready now?" Asked Maya laughing.
"Ready" teased Kate as she got into the car and turned around to look at the baby  "Okay Captain. Shift begins" said Kate
"Easy for you to say. You have work. I have a 24/7 shift" laughed Maya

First night was quite easy. The two firefighters made a schedule. Every two cryings maya. Every other two cryings Kate. And somehow they managed through the night
Around 5 am second cry for Kate.
She jogged over to the nursery and picked up the baby
"Hey baby" she smiled down and sat down on the feeding chair "you know, they might say I was the complicated baby. Yeah? They might say that" smiled Kate "but you miss. You made quite a movie to come into the world? Didn't you" smiled Kate and the baby fell asleep into her arms deeply
"No matter what. I'm here. Always" whispered Kate

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now