Ordinary Life

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Two years have gone since Kate's and Jake's wedding. A completely grownup marriage.
Grace is almost three. The most cute and adorable toddler ever.

"Carina?" Asked Maya as she jogged over to the kitchen
"Yeah?" Asked Carina as she turned around while she was cooking breakfast
"Can you drop Grace off? I've got a meeting" asked Maya in a hurry as she placed on her shoes
"Yeah. No worries" smiled Carina and some small but fast footsteps came in
"Mommy!" Yelled Grace as she clanged on to Maya's leg
"Hey you little love" smiled Maya as she picked Grace up "I'm seeing you in the afternoon" she smiled
"And Kate?" Asked Grace with a cute smile
"Yes" smiled Maya "Kate will come here as soon as she comes out of work" said Maya
"Okay bambina let's go get you ready for school" said Carina as she picked up Grace and tickled her tummy
"And work?" Asked Grace confused
"I'll drop this little bambine package and then I'll go to work" smiled Carina as she walked to the stairs and both of them waved Maya goodby

"Okay morning" said Maya as she walked into the kitchen and called everyone in
"Morning mom" smiled Kate as she walked in
"Hey bug" smiled Maya "everyone here already?" She asked
"Yeah they'll be right here" smiled Kate back as she poured coffee
"You coming home after work right? Grace's quite crazy to see you" smiled maya
"Yeah" laughed Kate "I'll be there" she said
Andy and everyone walked into the kitchen as they sat down on the table
"Morning cap" smiled Travis as he sat down "news?" He asked
"Yeah actually" said Maya "I'll be off duty this week. Captains of the zone have the anual budget meeting" she said
"So we'll be Captain free like last year?" Asked vic
"Not actually" said Maya "due to the last year incident at station 21 it's been decided the chief's will be taking a look while captains are out" said Maya
"Oh no, don't tell us" began Andy
"I know Dixon is not an easy person to handle with" said Maya
"Easy person?" Laughed Jack
"I'm gonna need everyone's cooperation" said Maya "Andy and Jack you're in charge while Dixon is out" she said as she headed forwards her office
"Dixon?" Asked Kate "really?"
"Yeah.." said Andy as she sipped her coffee "we'll have him here in an hour so. Let's enjoy the time left" she said

Around 4pm Maya was already home finishing some phone calls as they prepped the meetings for the week.
The door opened and Carina walked in with Grace hopping into the house
"Mommy!" She yelled as she rushed over to the stairs where Maya was coming downstairs
"Hey honey" smiled maya "how did school go?" She asked
"I made a picture" said Grace cutely as she pointed towards her backpack
"I wanna see that!" Said Maya as she walked towards Grace's bag hand in hand to her as she took the picture out
"What time is Kate coming?" Asked Carina "she didn't read my texts"
"Yeah. They might be cursing my name down there" laughed Maya making Carina chuckle "She seemed quite sensitive today tho" said Maya
"Our daughter?" Laughed Carina
"Yeah" said Maya "probably cause they had Dixon" she laughed
"I'll go make something for tea" said Carina as she walked over to the kitchen as Maya looked at Grace picture

"Yeah Jake but that's not how things are done and he knows that!" Said Kate kinda hysterical over the phone
Jake laughed and said "don't you think it's cause you're kinda used of having your mom as Captain?" He asked
"No it's not" she said in a stubborn tone
"Okay then" he said "just ignore him, makes no point to pick up a fight with him. Gotta go" he said as his beeper beeped.
"Love you" said Kate
"Love you, I'll meet you at your mom's house" he said as he hanged the phone

Around 6pm Maya was giving Grace a bath and getting her changed as Carina was making coffee as she finished some charts.
"We've got a clean baby" laughed Maya as she finished drying Grace hair
"I'm clean" she smiled at maya
"Yes you are go show mama" smiled maya and Grace rushed out of the room to show Carina
As carina and Grace were at the kitchen Kate walked through the front door with quite a moody face on.
"Hey bug" smiled Maya as she walked over to hug her
"Don't" said Kate
Maya chuckled and said "come on it was just a shift how awful was him!?"
"Don't you know the man?" Asked Kate
"Yes I do" said Maya
"Well seems like you don't" said Kate "you need to come back"
"Im not gone" laughed Maya "it's just a week" she said
"Well put Andy and Jack in charge" said Kate
"That's not working anymore" said Maya "you'll survive it's just a week" she said
"I'm sick and tired of how he talks to Andy and Jack and Travis and everyone!" Said Kate in an irritated tone
"Honey are you alright?" Asked Maya as she placed a hand on her shoulder
"Yeah just. Can't work with this guy" she said as she walked into the kitchen

As she walked into the kitchen Grace rushed over to her.
"Kate!" She yelled in her happy tone and Kate picked her up in her arms
"Hey little monster" said Kate as she kissed Grace cheeks
"Fire today?" Asked Grace amazed
"Not today honey" said Kate as she smiled at Grace "boring day" she said and walked over to Carina
"Hey Bella" said Carina as she kissed Kate's head
"So, I talked to Andy" said Maya as she walked into the kitchen
"Now you understand how irritating it is?" Asked Kate
"I know." Said Maya "just try okay?" She said
Grace hoped to Carinas lap and said "mommy and Kate angry ?"
"No bambina" said carina "they're just work talking" she said and Grace nodded despide not understanding.

After a while Kate and Carina walked upstairs so Kate could try on some shoes while Maya was downstairs on her laptop as there was a knock on the door and Jake came in
"Hey" said Maya as she opened the door
"Hey" smiled Jake with a tired voice from work
"Hard shift?" Laughed Maya and he nodded
"Kate here?" Asked Jake and maya nodded and pointed upstairs "they're clothe trying, pretty sure you rather..."
Jake laughed and said "yeah I've learned. Not to interrupt if they are trying on clothes or buying clothes or nothing related to clothes" he laughed and Maya laughed and nodded
"Fast learner" she said as she handed him a cup of coffee
After a while Jake asked "was everything okay with her today? I mean I know the Dixon stuff but" he said
"News travel fast" she laughed
"Yeah" he said "she seemed quite upset about it which seems weird since it was what a day?" He said
"Not even an entire day" said Maya "I was actually gonna ask the same question" said Maya "this last days she seems quite..." she said trying to find the words
"Sensitive?" Asked Jake and maya nodded
"Yeah I know" he said "haven't ask her though. Cause that could be..."
"The biggest mistake of your life" laughed Maya making Jake chuckle.
"Did something happen at work?" Asked Jake
"Not that I'm aware of" said Maya

"Yeah I love this ones just about an hour later they start to kill you" said Kate as she took out some shoes and Carina laughed
"Everything okay today? You seemed quite upset" said carina from her bed
"Yeah just. This guy really gets to my nerves" said Kate
"I know, I know just. More than angry it seemed like something was bothering you" said carina
"Yeah. This guy. And the fact mom is away this week. And I hate not having her at the station" laughed Kate
"You can come here see her all the time you want" mocked Carina
"Yeah. You know mom? And Captain Bishop? Two completely different people" laughed Kate

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now