Welcome to Wonderland

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"Maya?" Asked Amelia
"Maya?" Asked Jo
"BP dropping!" Yelled the intern
"Need to move now!" Yelled Jo "call up the OR! We're on our way!" She yelled as they all rushed Carina's gurney down the hallway.
"Just heard" said Teddy as she broke into the OR
"Need hands" said Jo
"On it" said Teddy as she rushed to the scrub room.

"Morning" smiled Kate as she opened her eyes again
"Look whose up" smiled Amelia
Kate smiled and noticed Amelia's worried look "what's wrong?" She asked worriedly
"No no no, you're perfectly okay. I've been monitoring you closely. Not even a small number has escaped" she said "it's... it's your mom Kate"
Kate's face turned pale "mom?" She asked
"Some post op complications." Said Amelia "they've got her. She's in the OR now. They'll fix this okay?" She said
"The...- the baby? Is the.." she asked
Amelia nodded "the baby is okay. She is perfectly okay. Maya is with her and as soon as you're stronger you'll meet her"
Kate nodded and laid back again. Falling asleep instantly.
"Maya?" Asked Andy "Maya!" She repeated shaking her slightly
"Yeah?" Answered maya as she looked down at the baby "Kate is awake" she said
"Kate is awake" smiled Andy
"And carina is in surgery" said Maya
"She's in surgery. A surgery which she'll do amazing" said Andy
Maya nodded "Kate is awake" she said as they both rushed over to Kate's room. Bumping into Teddy and Jo.
"Please" begged Maya "please"
Jo smiled and said "she's stable. Carina is stable. She's going to be okay"
"I need to...- I need to tell her" said Maya as she rushed opposite way yelling of excitement
"Go! Go!" Said Andy

"Carina?" Asked Maya as she creaked into carina's room
"Maya?" Asked carina as she began to wake up
"Yes." Smiled maya getting closer "it's me" she said
"I'm okay?" Asked carina
"Yes. You are" said Maya "yes you are"
"Kate she is.." began Carina
"Kate is awake" said Maya cleaning her tears
"What?" Asked carina confused
"Kate. She is awake. She woke up" said Maya
"She is awake?" Asked Carina shocked
"She is" said Maya
"The baby?" Asked Carina
"Stable, healthy. Perfect" said Maya
"Both of them?.." asked carina
"Both of them are okay" cried maya as she cleaned Carina's tears
"They are okay" smiled Carina kissing Maya's lips. "Have you seen her?" Asked carina
Maya shook her head "no. Not yet"
"Go. Go. Please" smiled Carina and Maya rushed out of the room bumping into coming in with the baby
"Somebody is missing their mommy" said Jo

Maya rushed down the hallway and into Kate's room. To an empty bed. What the hell.
"Morning captain" said a voice from the couch next to the bed.
It was Kate's voice. She was sitting down on the couch talking to Amelia.
As maya got closer Kate stood up and Maya pulled her in into a tight hug with uncontrollable tears running down her cheeks.
"Had to take a nap" laughed Kate
"Not funny" laughed Maya as she cleaned off her tears "not funny" she said as she kissed Kate's top head "you scared the.." Said Maya between tears
"I know.." said kate looking into maya's eyes "I told you, Im not going anywhere"
"I love you" said Maya as she kissed Kate's head again.
"Congratulations on the baby" smiled Kate
"Did you give her something?" Laughed Maya looking down at Amelia who broke into tears
"Her sense of humour makes her my favourite patient" laughed Amelia.
"Momma is okay" smiled Maya "she's awake. And she is okay" she said
"She is okay?" Asked Kate
"She is" smiled Maya "we are all okay"
"I want to see her" said Kate "both of them" She said looking at Amelia for approval
Amelia sighed sarcastically and said "wouldn't be able to stop you anyway. But, you're sleeping here for two more nights"
"Deal" said Kate smiling
Kate and Maya walked arm in arm down to Carina's room.
Maya walked in first and Carina looked at her holding the baby in her arms handing her over to maya"
"How is she?" She asked instantly
Maya smiled and said "she was sleeping."
"How..- how did she look?" Asked Carina worried
As she said that Kate slowly opened the door and walked in and Carina brought her hands to her mouth breaking into tears.
Maya's smile was bigger than it could have ever been.
"It's you?" Asked Carina in tears and Kate walked over to the bed and sat down next to Carina holding her hand
"It's me" she smiled and hugged her tightly as Carina couldn't stop crying.
After some minutes Carina and Kate pulled apart from the hug and Kate realised about the baby in Maya's arms.
She stood up and walked over to her.
"Hello again" said Kate smiling down at the baby with a tear on her eye.
"Ready?" Asked Maya
"Never?" Smiled Kate as maya handed her over the baby
"Look at you" said Kate as she smiled down at the tiny baby in her arms "look at you" She said as the single tear ran through her cheek.
Maya and carina both sitting on Carina's bed with tears on her eyes, hugging each other as they watched that scene.
Kate looked down at the baby and smiled at Carina. Then, looking down at the baby said "we're a half of a whole"
Carina's eyes shoot open. And before she could say something Kate looked up again and said "the wisest person I know said that"
Carina's eyes couldn't stop running tears.
The baby fell asleep into Kate's arms in seconds and after some minutes Carina did so in Maya's arms.
The two firefighters who were still awake remained looking at themselves.
"You brought light again" said Maya
"Pardon?" Asked Kate who seemed confused
"When you were in the coma. It was like everything turned out wrong. Everything. You woke up and things just. Lit up" said Maya "you saved your sisters life"
"Mom that's.." tried Kate
"That's true. You saved her life." Said Maya "and I couldn't be more proud of you. Despite it literally got you to sleep" smiled maya
"She's perfect" said Kate
"She looks just like you as a baby" said Maya
Kate looked down at the baby and asked "has she got a name yet?"
"She doesn't" said Maya shaking her head
"That's gonna be interesting" laughed Kate as she placed a kiss on her sisters forehead.

Sooo, any kinda idea for the new Bishop-Deluca baby's name? 

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now