Once again

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(...)Never thought I'd have a sibling. Thought it would be just the three of us.
Couldn't be happier with the decision you both made. The best call in your life.
(...) I love you both,

"Okay you ready?" Asked Maggie as things got ready for her
"Ready" breathed out Kate
As she took off her sweater she could see a something approaching the door.
The incubator.
Her face somehow grew some faith on it.
"So, baby, this is your sister" whispered Arizona as Kate approached with tears on her eyes.
"Hey" whispered Kate as she looked down.
"That's your sister" said Arizona to Kate
"Sister?" Asked Kate and Arizona nodded
"Ready to save your sister's life?" Asked Maggie
Kate nodded and said "here we go" as she sat down on the chair where loads of nurses surrounded her to place the cannula to begin.
"You'll be giving two units. We'll make a pause to control both of your levels" said Maggie. Kate nodded.
"Let's do it" said Kate.
Baby ready. Kate ready.
"Arizona?" asked Kate
"Yes honey?" Asked Arizona
"If they ask. This, this was an anonymous donor. At least until the baby is stable" said Kate and Arizona nodded
Transfusion began and Kate wouldn't take her eyes off her sister.

"Never heard about that procedure" smiled Callie at Amelia
"That's cause it's my new signature" laughed Amelia
"Wow. Hey! Slow it down!" Yelled Callie "we've got quite a complicated night coming up with this storm we don't need runners here" said Amelia
"Sorry!" Yelled the intern back "we're lacking people at peds. We're out of stuff"
"Page Arizona. She's not in surgery" said Callie
"Robbins isn't available" said the intern rushing into the room
"Not available?" Asked Callie as she walked over to the nurse station. "Excuse me, where is Dr. Robbins?" she asked
"Didn't you hear?" Kepner
"About?" Asked Callie
"Arizona? Arizona playing the hell marry upstairs" said Kepner
"She can't be in surgery" said Callie "OR's locked up" she said
"Oh no no, she's saving the Bishop baby by transfusing her whole blood with her sister's" she said
"What?" Asked Callie shocked "Sister?" She asked
"Yeah. O negative. It's a miracle" said kepner
"No, no no no." Said Callie rushing to the door. "Open this doors!" Yelled Callie
"Storm protocol control. We're being exposed to a snow storm" said a nurse
Amelia rushed over "Callie what's wrong? You know the protocol the available attending's remain where they are" she said
"Kate, the transfusion upstairs. Kate is the donor" said Callie "Kate, the one whose nerve exploded..."
"And lost loads of blood" said Amelia now looking the same way Callie did "we need to stop that." She said
"Page Robbins again" said Callie
"Doors are closed Damn!!" Yelled Amelia pushing them
"Not picking" said the nurse
"Callie" said Amelia
"Open this doors"said Callie
"Doctor" said the nurse
"Open" demanded Callie

"Stats are beginning to pick up" smiled Maggie as she saw the baby's numbers
"Miracle girl" smiled Arizona at Kate
"Do my mom's... they now about this?" Asked Kate
"No. Not yet, we can go.." said Arizona
"Don't. Just they don't need false hope." Said Kate as she had begun feeling the lack of blood in her body.
After the first hour the first blood unit was gone. Begging the second one.
"Hey, hey" said Maggie slightly shaking Kate
"Mmh?" Asked Kate
"Awake please" laughed Maggie, Kate nodded and her eyes began to close again.
"Kate?" asked Arizona getting closer "hey hey, look at me" she said waking her up again.
As the baby's numbers continued to pick up there was an stampede rushing into the room.
"Arizona! Stop!"
"Stop!" Those were the yelling coming from the hallway into the room
"Kate! Kate!" Said Maggie trying to awake her again
Slowly her eyes opened again
"Yeah?" She asked in total confusion
"Stop!" Yelled Amelia now in the room
"Arizona stop!" Yelled Callie
"I need blood here!" Yelled Maggie as Kate's stats began beeping
"Get her off transfusion now!" Yelled Amelia
"There's no blood" said Arizona holding her head. "That's why Kate was donor."
"Come on, come on" said Amelia trying to wake Kate up "no response!" Yelled Amelia
"Damn it!" Yelled Callie
"She had had surgery..." said Arizona shaking her head "how could I not.." she began
"Blaming ourselves won't get us anywhere" said Callie
"I need a gurney!" Yelled Amelia as they got Kate plugged into everything and rushed her over.
"Baby is stable!" Yelled the nurse
"No O2 levels. Body is going into a coma!" Yelled Amelia

"It's kinda part of it Maya" smiled Carina "you pick two names. A girl name and a boy name. And then you decide" she said
"Yeah but. It's killing me" said Maya
"Four hours with no news. Means no complications" smiled Carina
"Told you" said Maya
"Seen Kate?" Asked carina "feel bad for how we made her feel"
"I know. I know. Totally bad moment. Totally bad everything" said Maya
"Firefighter or doctor?" Smiled Carina
"What?" Smiled maya
"You've stolen Kate already. So, you think the baby will be?" Asked carina
"Oh totally another firefighter" laughed Maya "you know I'm so looking forward to"
"To what Bella?" Asked carina
"Me and Kate working at the station together. After work we drive home together. You pick up the baby from daycare at the hospital. We both get home and the four of us being together"smiled Maya
"Out of the three people I'll leave with, despite the night crying. Trust me the easiest is the baby" laughed Carina
"Oh yeah. Totally" laughed Maya "and had totally forgotten about the crying nights"
"You know I have the feeling the baby will sleep and let us sleep" smiled Carina
Maya laughed and said "compared to Kate as a baby. We're having a saint"
"Yeah just cause Kate hated sleep as a baby" said Carina with a smile "she'd listen to the words time to sleep and her energies just popped up"
"Remember when she went city driving with Andy in the truck" smiled carina
"And she said she wanted to go live with Andy to the station" laughed Maya
"Can't believe she's turning 21" said Carina

"Tube!" Yelled Amelia "I'm in. Ventilate!"
"Chest equal and even" said Maggie "up to the ICU now!"
"What have I done?" Asked Arizona "what have I done" she repeated

"Hey" said Jake as she knocked on Carina's door
"Jake hey" both of them smiled "any clue on where Kate is?"
"Thought she was here with you" said Jake looking at his phone
"Everything okay?" Asked Carina and Jake nodded
"Excuse me" he said as he calmly walked out of the room and after closing the door rushed upstairs

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now