Hold Me Why You Wait

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"I've listed up. I'm going over to Iraq" she let out
"You did what?" Asked Maya in a serious tone "Kate. What did you do?"
"I am going to Iraq." Said Kate slowly but firmly
Carina stood up and stood next to Maya "Iraq? As in Iraq where the war zone Iraq?" Asked Carina
"As in Iraq. Where I'm going to go help" said Kate
"I can't do this. Sorry I just can't" said Carina walking into the kitchen
"I need you to listen to me please." Said Maya "there's is not even a single chance that's happening"
Carina walked into the living room again and said "I can't handle this right now"
Kate sarcastically laughed and said "I don't wanna have to play this card with you"
"We're dropping this subject" said Maya
Kate stood up and said "Dropping this subject?"
"I'm not going to argue this Kate. I'm just not." Said Maya
"Mom, it's not an argument. I wasn't asking, I was informing you two" said Kate
"You've got no clue what you've enlisted yourself for" said Maya
"It's a war zone Kate. A war zone. Non sa cosa stai pensando!" She yelled
"You've got no clue what a war is Kate" said Maya
"Im not going to the front line Mom" said Kate "im going as a first aid responder"
"No you're not" said Carina
"Mamma. Please, I don't want to pick up a fight but... I am a grownup" said Kate
"You're not going off to a war zone Kate. That's it" said Maya
"I am. In two weeks. I am going  to Iraq" said Kate calmly
Carina sat down and buried her face in her hands, lifted her head and said "I'm beginning you Kate. I'm begging you. Please don't"
"I'm not going to keep on arguing this." Said Maya walking away
"I won't be shooting guns and decoding bombs" said Kate "I'll be helping. I don't get what your problem is"
"My problem?!" Asked Maya in a low voice as she turned around "my problem?" She laughed "my problem Kate is two week ago. Two weeks ago I prayed for my daughter who I thought had died in an explosion. That's my problem. My only problem. Small right!? And now oh perfect. My daughter who I thank god every morning and offer my soul apon that. Now she wants to head over to a war zone. That's my problem Kate."
"I can't live my life worried something will happen" said Kate
"Something has already happened Kate! I'm really. Really getting worried on how little you care about your own safety"said carina
"I'm really worried on how you two keep on being worried on something that turned out okay" said Kate
"You're not going. I'm not going to keep on arguing this. This just exceeds me" said carina walking over to her room
"Oh great" said Kate
Maya looked and Kate again and said "if this is some kind of sick joke."
"It's not" said Kate
"Then I'm really, really trying to figure out what the heck are you trying to find over there" said Maya and followed Carina into the bedroom
"This is just perfect" said Kate laying back on the couch and holding her head. Okay could Jake's news breaking go worst than this? Or maybe just better to tackle everything today?
~Kate: You busy?
~Jake: for you? Ever
~Kate: <3 can we talk?
~Jake: want me to go over?
~Kate: things are tense here. I'll go over
~Jake: everything okay?
~Kate: I'll be there in 10
Drove fast. As usual when she's driving alone. In less than 10 minutes Kate was staining in Jake's doorframe.
"Hey baby" said Jake as he grabbed Kate's waist and kissed her cheek
"Hey honey" said Kate kissing him back
"You okay? You seem.." said Jake looking at Kate's face
"I need you tell you something. I'm afraid you'll react like my moms and I need you" began Kate
"Kate. Come on in. We're alone. Breath. And tell me. Your moms are angry?" Asked Jake as he guided the way over to his room
"Okay. So the thing is just" began Kate "I don't want you getting mad or"
"Kate. Just tell me" said Jake "it'll be okay."
"I've listed myself up for Iraq. I'm going over there in two weeks" said Kate
Jake turned to look at Kate and his expression changed immediately "what?" He asked
"Yes. I did that. But before you get started and.." tried Kate but was useless
"No no no. Don't Kate. Don't get started? I need you to tell me this is a joke" he said
"It's not a joke. It's happening" said Kate
"It's not happening Kate." He said
Kate sighted and said "it's my life Jake"
"No. No Kate it's not. It's not your life. It's not!" Yelled Jake
"Jake please" said Kate
"Please nothing Kate. It's not just your life Kate. It's not just your life. Don't you care about the mess you leave behind?" Asked Jake
"What are you even talking about" asked Kate
"It's not fair Kate. It's not fair for your moms. You can't do this to them. You just can't. It's not fair."
"Jake.." began Kate
"You almost died two week ago Kate. I cried over what I thought would be my dead girlfriend body. The women I love I though she was gone. Your moms thought you had died Kate. Thought you were gone. It's not fair for you to this again. You can't"
"I can't live in the past Jake" said Kate "it's not fair for me to leave in a bubble just cause something happened!" Yelled Kate
"No. What you can't keep on doing this. You're not living in the past. But you are playing with luck here. You're playing with something bigger than yourself" Jake breathed out
"I don't understand" said Kate
"Your luck Kate. Your luck it's not infinite it's not. You can't keep on tempting it. You can't. Cause your luck. It'll run out Kate"
"I won't be in the war Jake" said Kate cleaning off a tear
"No, but you will. A war is a war. I can't do it Kate" said Jake
"So, this is an ultimatum. If I go to war we are done?" Asked Kate
"Don't. Don't you even dare suggest I'd give you an ultimatum" said Jake sitting down on his bed
"You're saying you can't handle me going over there" said Kate "sounds quite much like an ultimatum to me"
"I'm saying, I love you so much that it hurts Kate. And, I love you way to much to love you to death" said Jake
"So?" Asked Kate
"I'm always gonna love you Kate. Always. I just can't love you knowing that's gonna take you somewhere you'll be in danger."said Jake burring his face on his hands
"So, this is it?" Said Kate cleaning off her tears
Jake stood up and scooped Kate's face and kissed her deeply "I love you" he said
"Jake please" cried Kate as tears ran down her cheeks
"I can't Kate" he said walking out of his rooms closing the door behind him.
*knock on the door*
"Hey, can I crash here?"

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