Part 4

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Maya walked into the apartment and Kate behind her. Carina was sitting down in the leaving room on a couch with her glasses on.

As she heard both of them coming in she got up walked towards the entrance.

"Mamma..." said Kate

Carina looked at her sharply and said "go take a shower and you go to your room"

Kate didn't even argue, she just went to her bathroom and showered. She came out of her bathroom wrapped in a towel and saw both of her moms standing by her door.

Maya handed her a bottle of water and sharply told her "drink it, all of it"

Carina stared at her and said "did you throw up?"

"No" said Kate softly

"Get into bed" said Maya

Carina came back with a pill and handed it over to Kate "take that"

Kate didn't asked, she just took it and waited for the moment

Carina sat down in her bed and so did Maya
"Why?" Asked Maya. "You know what alcohol is. You know it." She said seriously

"Kate, we have spoken about this. About
drinking, about drinking at parties." Said carina

"I know, I'm sorry" she said softly

"Can you tell us why?" Asked Maya

Kate looked at them both and said "everyone was drinking. I just, I didn't know how else to fit in and I wasn't going to end up as Kim I swear. I just I'm sorry" she sad almost crying

Carina lifted up Kate's chin so she'd look at her in the eyes "look at me, to fit in somewhere. You don't ever, ever do something you know it's wrong. Are we clear?" She said.

Before Kate could nod Maya added, "you think you won't finish up like Kim did. But the truth is, with alcohol you never know the end of the road."

Kate let our a tear and carina cleaned it with her thumb.

"I'm really, deeply sorry" she said

"We know" said Maya.

"Kate, you promise you won't put yourself in that situation against?" Said carina

"I promise mamma" said Kate.

"Okey then. Tomorrow, you'll go apologize to Andy" said Maya

"And you're grounded for a month no weekend plans" said carina

Kate couldn't argue. She just nodded and finish changing into her pijamas.

"After you finish that bottle, go and you get another one" indicated Maya before leaving the room

"If you get dizzy, lightheaded or something. You come get me" said carina and closed Kate's door

What had she done? That was the thought that rang in her head. But she couldn't stop thinking about Jake. What a night.

Next morning after apologising to Andy she headed home and made lunch for her two moms and bought them both a flower boquete with a letter on it which said. 'I love you'

She headed to her room and started studying.

Two hours later she heard the door open and both women came walking in.

Some minutes later Carina walked in

"Bambina, you didn't have to" she said as she hugged her from the back and kissed her cheek

"Hey, I just wanted to make something nice for you two. I've already headed to the station. I spoke to Andy." Said Kate

"Okey then. You coming?" Said carina

"You're not mad at me?" Said Kate in surprise.

Carina looked back at her and sat in her bed making a sign for her to sit next to her.

"Amore mio, yes. I was angry last night. But. I know it was a mistake, you are 16 I mean you shouldn't be drinking but, I know your generations do it. As long as you understand why it was wrong and you promise you'll take care for yourself. You're young, you're supposed to make mistakes. We are both here for that. To look out for you Bambina. Come here" said carina and hugged Kate holding her head. "Come on let's have dinner together"

As they walked back to the dinner room Maya saw what happened and carina made a sign telling her she'll explain later.

As the three of them were having dinner Maya asked "are you ready for Wednesday?" She asked

"Wednesday?" Asked carina confused

"Yea, I've got a vocational test, kinda stupid tho" said Kate

"Language" said Maya and she continued "why? I mean you'll be 17 in two months and you have to know before the end of the year"

"I just don't know. I can't decide." Said Kate

"What subjects you've picked" asked carina

"Chemistry, physics, biology and maths" said Kate

"Bella, that opens you hundreds of options." Said carina.

"I guess so" said Kate.

Deep inside Kate knew what she wanted. She wanted to be a firefighter just like her mom. But she had no clue how she'd react. She always insisted on how dangerous fire was so she wasn't sure how she'd take it. She'd tell her soon tho. She had to since she'd had to go for a intership somewhere. But, she thought it wasn't a good idea at 19 since Maya would be more worried about Kate than doing her job.
She wanted to ask someone, she had to talk to Andy.

That same afternoon she knew Maya was not on call. So she headed towards the station and saw Andy there.

"Hey gorgeous!" Said Andy

"Hey Andy." Said Kate following her

"Everything okay?" She asked turning around

"Yeah, everything okey. Just, can we talk?" She asked

"course" she said sitting down "what happened"

Kate breathed and said "I'm taking a vocacional test on Wednesday"

"That's great Kate" she said

"Yeah just..." she stopped for a second

"What's wrong?"

"I wanna be a firefighter" she let it out
Andy's face turned and a smile popped on her face

"You wanna be a firefighter?" She said smiling

"Yeah, I mean I really do." Laughed Kate

Andy got up and hugged Kate "Kate that's amazing! I mean that's wow!" She said cheerful "wait, what's wrong about it?"

"I haven't got a clue on how to tell mom" she said looking at Maya

"Oh nena! You kidding? Why?" Said Andy

"You think she'll like the idea? I mean I don't know what to do If she doesn't"

"Hold it. My dad never wanted me to became a firefighter because he was one. And, here I am. Working in the same station he did. And when he was here, I worked with him and he was never that happy." Said Andy "and your mom? She's the most supportive person I've met"

Kate just hugged Andy since she had really relieved a pressure from her. She pulled off and said "thank you Andy. And your dad, he was amazing." She said cutely

"He was" said Andy and hugged her back again "I want to receive a call, as soon as you tell them"

"I promise. You're my favourite aunt" Kate said

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