Part 10

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After a week of recovery at the hospital, Kate was slowly getting better. She was still extremely week but on the right track.
It was a damn hard week, Kate's pain was incredibly strong but she didn't like to admit it. So, basically they all had to try and decode her face to know when she was at her limit point
Nights had been the worst, she never told anyone. But the nightmares were the worst, wouldn't let her sleep. She had this so realist dreams until she woke up and realised she wasn't alone in the room. Then she would just fall asleep again.
Carina and Maya hadn't left a single night, they both took turns to be there with Kate.
Last night and she was heading home, to an strict bed rest.
"You two should go home tonight, get everting ready." Said teddy
"The three of us are on call" said Arizona pointing at teddy and Amelia
"We won't leave her side" added Amelia
Carina and Maya looked inside Kate's room where she was speaking to Andy about random stuff
"You two haven't left that room in a week" said teddy "we'll stay with her"
Carina and Maya nodded and went into Kate's room
Carina told Kate and she seemed to have no problem. Since she loved everyone at the hospital.
"You call us, if you need anything. Are we clear?" Said Maya kissing her forehead
"Clear Cap" said Kate.
"Someone's better" laughed Maya
"I love you" said carina as she kissed Kate's cheek and Kate responded "love you to"
Both of them left the room together with Andy and Kate laid in her bed watching TV as she heard Callie and Arizona on her door.
"Hey" said Callie and they both came in
"Hey" said Kate and tried to sit up but was stopped by the pain in her ribs
"No, no" said Arizona placing a hand on her chest and laying her back again "that's going to hurt for a while."
"Right" said Kate
Callie checked her hand and said everything was going perfectly well, as Callie left Amelia came in
"How my favourite patient doing?" She asked
"She is my favourite patient" said Teddy coming in
"I'm her favourite doc, so well" said Amelia and walked to her side. "How's the headache now?"
"Like a 4" said Kate
"When are you going to stop lying to me?" Laughed Amelia
"Fine, like a 6/7. It always gets worst a night" she said
"That's normal, but there's no Inter craneal swelling, no bleed. And controlable pain." Said Amelia.
"Okay neuro god." Laughed teddy "that's was inspiring"
Arizona laughed and said "can we check your ribs now?"
"I rather say goddess. But thanks, you jealous?" She said and moved next to Kate which she knew she hated when they checked her ribs since they hurt like hell.
"Hold my hand" whispered Amelia
Kate hadn't actually seen her ribs before since most of the times they checked her she was fast asleep. But, Kate's ribs had a 16cm scar which could impress her.
As teddy exposed Kate's ribs and together with Arizona took off the gauze the scar was exposed. As teddy placed her hand next to the rib, that made Kate's body shiver.
"Hurts?" Asked teddy
Kate shook her head and laid back again.
Amelia started talking to her about random stuff just to distract her. Arizona gently pressed one of the ribs which did make Kate's face twitch and tried to clutch her ribs and saw the scar. Teddy tried to hold her back but she just got paralysed looking at it.
"Lay back Kate. Just lay back. We are almost done" said Teddy trying to lay her down
"My ribs, that sca..?" Said Kate as her eyes filled with tears.
Arizona covered her scar with gauze back again and covered her with her blankets again she took of her gloves and said "Kate, honey. You're okey."
"But..?" She said.
"I know, I know" said Arizona "but I really need you to lay back" she said helping teddy get her down. "Deep breath for me" said Arizona as she took her stethoscope and placed it on Kate's chest. "Another one" she repeated
Teddy sat down next to her and stroke her hair and whispered "you are safe Kate. You're safe"
Around 2am Kate has been fast asleep the whole night. But as usual, nightmares appeared.
She was running in the burning building, running towards the office to hide to get under a desk to prevent her from dying in the explosion, her body couldn't ran faster she just couldn't that's when she heard it. The explosion behind her. Run Kate run as fast as you can or you'll literally burst.
Kate's body was now covered in sweat and her eyes just filled in tears. Her dreams were just so realistic. She was just looking everywhere scared to death realising she was all alone. Her only thought was "I need my moms"
She also thought about calling Amelia or someone, but she thought they wouldn't discharge her tomorrow. Instead, she just decided to watch TV.
Around 5am Amelia heard the volume at Kate's room and walked in there.
"5am dear..." she said looking down at Kate
"Sorry, I couldn't fall asleep" said Kate
"You in pain? Why didn't you call us?" Amelia said as she reached Kate's chart
"No no, no pain. Just, couldn't sleep" she said
Amelia sat down at her bed and held her hands "I can call Carina or Maya if you need them"
"Amelia I'm okay, really. No pain and it's 5am my moms will be here soon." Said Kate
"Kate, you've been through a trauma, I know you don't like it. But, you do need to let people who love you help you" said Amelia
Kate nodded and said "I know Amelia"
Amelia reached the control and turned off the TV "You need to get sleep in order to recovery" she said and sat down on the couch next to Kate's bed and said "I mean it, or you start to close those eyes or I'll tell on you to Arizona"
"No no" laughed Kate "deal" she said and laid down and closed her eyes.
She felt safe now she knew she wasn't alone.

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