Part 11

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At 6am both Carina and Maya were there sitting down on Kate's room watching her sleep.
"Morning you two" said Arizona coming in the room
"Morning" said Maya.
Arizona walked over to Kate to check her vitals and her chart.
"Okay, her pain can be controlled with pills now, but if something changes and she needs something stronger carina you can put her in an IV drop." Said Arizona and carina nodded
"Her ribs you said she had to be horizontally because of them" said Maya
"Yes, her ribs are..." Arizona looked for a way to explain it to maya since she would understand medical language
Teddy came in and hugged both of them and said "imagine melted iron, if you want to make a plate like strong plate you need it to let it dry, for it to get hard. If you move it, it won't"
Maya nodded and carina held her hand tightly
"Amelia is in surgery but she says Kate needs to come back for a CT in three days and needs to be monitored every six hours" said Arizona
Again carina nodded
"I know, it's a lot. But it won't be for long. After a week at home with no problems, everything will move easier." Said Arizona
"I'll tell Andy she remains as captain for next week. I'll just go in for formal meetings" said Maya
"Car, you're not working this week, I've got your patients" said Arizona squeezing Carina's arm
"Thank you" said carina
"The least we can do" said teddy.
Kate's eyes slowly started opening because of the conversations at her room and a smile popped to her face when she saw al the people there.
"Mamma? Mom? Gosh it's early" she said
Carina and Maya moved to her bed and carina kissed her forehead as Maya said "you missed us?"
"You've got no clue" laughed Kate
"I'm going to pretend I didn't heard that, cause I did miss you bambina" said carina
"You ready to go home?" Said Arizona
"Yes ma'am" Kate said as she pretended to get up from the bed.
There was a chorus of "DO NOT!" As they all looked at Kate who was laughing
"I'm kidding!" She said
"I'm not signing those papers" laughed Teddy

"You ready?" Said Arizona
"I am" Kate said
Teddy and Arizona helped her get up on her feet for the first time.
"Wow" said Kate
"It's going to feel weird I know. You're doing amazing" said Arizona who was holding Kate together with teddy
"Go bug!" Said Maya
"Go kay!" Said carina
"No bug!" Said Kate
"I actually like it bug" said teddy laughing "one more step and you're there" she said
"No no, don't start with the bug." Said Kate

As they got to the apartment carina and Maya both helped Kate to her room to get her on her bed
At the hospital Kate had pretended to be strong, to have no pain, to tolerate. But, its normal that when you get to your home you stop feeling that superwomen and you start feeling all the feelings you had been covering.
"Almost there honey" said Maya
"No no, please." Said Kate who was almost crying and just wanted to lay down somewhere. Her hands unwittingly went straight to her ribs
"No no, Kate don't." Said Maya holding Kate's hands
"Amore look at me" said carina cleaning Kate's tears "let's get you to your bed and settled."
Kate let go her ribs and held Carina's hand with a hand and Maya's shoulder with the other.
As they reached Kate's room her heart warmed up as she saw everything.
"What do you want to have tonight for dinner" said Maya breaking the silence
"Pizza" said Kate smiling.
"Nice" said carina laughing "okey, let's get you to bed"
"Can't I get showered?" Asked Kate looking at her bathroom
"Why don't you get showered tomorrow morning after sleeping?" Said Maya
"Okay yeah" said Kate "but I'm changing to my pijamas" she said
"Ha ha, deal. I'll help you with your pijamas and mom will order the pizza" said carina.
Carina knew that maya would probably be shocked by Kate's scar and as it was the first night, she didn't want to get Kate worried
As Maya wrote down what kind of pizza they wanted she went to look for the phone. Meanwhile carina took Kate's pijamas out and before helping Kate with her shirt she saw Kate had a hand right were the scar was.
Carina crouched in front of Kate and said "hon, look at me. I've seen it. It's okey Kate. It's a scar. We all have scars"
"Not like this one" she said sadly
"You are as gorgeous as you've ever been, no scar will ever in your life take that off you" she said
"It's awful mamma" she said
As Maya heard that she walked into the room and said "I haven't seen it, and I see you exactly the same way I did." She said and sat down next to her "we all have scars Kate, we all do. The size? Who cares. Scars show where we have been."
Kate nodded and said "can you?" She made the gesture to her help to take off her shirt.
As Maya got Kate's pyjamas Carina slowly pulled off Kate's shirt.
She did look the same, her perfectly marked abs were still there, just they had some stitches on them on her upper abdomen and some bruises on her chest.
In the meantime of pulling off her shirt and Maya getting her pijamas, carina wrapped her arms around Kate's naked upper body and kissed her head so she didn't felt her scar so exposed. She felt how she was feeling so scared and it broke her heart to see her baby like that.
They carefully put her pijamas and got her to her into bed.
The doorbell rang and carina left to get the food
"You know, everyone at the station won't stop asking about you" said Maya as she laid next to Kate
"Really?" She asked
"Gosh yeah, I mean Andy because she has seen you, but the others? Goodness" said Maya
"That the first place" said Kate
"What bug?" Said Maya
"The first place I want to visit when you know I can move around" she said
Maya just wrapped and arm around Kate and held her and whispered "you know they call you supergirl over there?"
Kate looked at Maya and laughed.
Carina came in with food and they all had dinner there just talking about random stuff.
After dinner Kate was quite exhausted since she hadn't sleep well last night. So she started falling asleep as they talked.
"She's out" said carina as she covered Kate with her blankets
Carina started turning lights off and Maya said "leave that one on, just in case she wakes up at night"
They both headed to their room and got into bed.
"She is home" said carina
"She is" said Maya
"Avery did a hell of a job with the scar on her face" said carina
"He is an artist, I mean you can see the scar only if you closely stare at her" said Maya "the scar in her ribs, why didn't you tell me?" She asked
"I see scars often, it didn't impress me but, I know it impress some people." Said carina
Maya hugged her and said "I love you"
"I love you" said carina and kissed Maya's lips.

Around 3am maya got up to get water and checked Kate's room, she was up.
"Hey, you" said Maya and came in
"Hi" said Kate rubbing her eyes
"Pain?" Asked Maya worried
"No no, just woke up" she said.
Maya laid down with her and said "first night back. It's hard."
Kate looked at her cast in her hand and said "you know. I kind of did miss you last night" she said
"I knew that" laughed Maya and she gently stroke Kate's hair. And whispered "close your eyes, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere"
Kate slowly fell asleep laying on Maya's shoulder.
First night, could have been worst

Here we are!!
Heyy, hope you like the story and I'm gonna warn you some of the following chapters may have PTSD scenes

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