Part 15

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You are 17 you think you're done being a child. You're ready to be a grownup. You don't depend anymore on your parents, you are know the grown up, you depend on yourself.
"Wait what?" Asked Kate kissing Jake's neck deeply
"You are a.." said Jake
"Yes I am. So what?" Asked Kate
"You're sure?" Asked Jake as he kissed her deeply
"I'm sure" said Kate and Jake threw himself on top of Kate pulling off her panties as she pulled off his boxers.
"Ja... Jake" said Kate between breaths
"Yea?... do I.... do I stop?" He said trying to catch air
"No! Don't. Don't ever" said Kate and grabbed Jake's neck and hair.
"Okay then," smiled Jake and his fingers interlined with Kate's against the bed sheets.
Kate was sitting on top of Jake kissing his lips as he grabbed her from her back
"That was..." heavily breathed Kate
"Yeah, it was" said Jake trying to catch his breath. "Amazing" he said
"Thank you" said Kate kissing him
Jake pulled her closer and said "thanks for what?"
"For being so perfect with me" said Kate and placed her head on Jake's chest
"You make me perfect" said Jake and kissed Kate's top head "you know it's 11:30, and I'm getting kinda hungry" laughed Jake
Kate laughed and said "dinner?"
"Yeah" said Jake and handed Kate a shirt of him for her to wear.
"Jake's smell" she said
Jake laughed as he got dressed and they both headed to the dinning room
After dinner they were both cuddling in the couch
Jake smiled and said "you are okay?"
"I am Jake. I really am." said Kate and pecked his lips "I just"
"What's wrong?" Asked Jake
"Did you care about my scar?" She asked softly
Jake lifted Kate and placed his arm around her as she placed her head on his shoulder
"Never in a million times. Ever think that are we clear?" Said Jake
"Clear" said Kate and kissed him

Jake drove Kate home and as she opened the door she saw both of her moms watching a movie.
"Her honey" said Maya
"Hey mom" said Kate and hung her jacket outside
"Heard the baby experience" said carina
"Oh gosh yeah, how is he?" Asked Kate
"Stable" said Maya.
Kate sat down on a couch and took off her sweater, as her sweater came off Kate's shirt lifted and carina instantly noticed something on Kate's chest. A hickey.
She said nothing and made no faces since probably Kate hadn't realised. But, she knew what that meant Kate had been quite quiet and checking her phone since she got home, maybe a mother instinct or just a doctor one.
Kate and Maya headed to sleep early since they a had team training in the morning. Kate said she was going to take a shower, which was kinda weird since she said she showered at the station.
Carina waited until she heard the water in Kate's room stopped and she heard the bathroom door open, and headed to Kate's room.
Kate came out wrapped in a towel and turned around as carina came in.
"Though you were asleep" she said as she grabbed her pijamas and brushed her hair.
"How was your night?" Asked carina as she sat down on Kate's bed
Kate's face panicked despite tried to hid it. Carina really had no doubts now, Kate never lied so she was really an awful liar.
"It was nice" said Kate softly as she put on the alarm on her phone
"Yeah I see" said carina as she looked at Kate
"What's wrong?" Asked Kate
"Nothing's wrong unless there's something you need to talk about." Said carina
"Everything okay momma" said Kate and she turned around and tied her towel on her waist. When she was about to pull her shirt on she realised. The hickey on her chest. Shit.
She quickly threw a shirt on and got dressed and as she turned around she saw again carina staring at her
"Can we talk?" Said carina with a smile
Kate stated getting into bed and said "Yeah?"
"How was tonight with Jake?" She asked as she sat on the bed edge
"It was fine mamma" she said as she started getting nervous
"You know everything I do it's to take care of you right?" Asked carina
Kate brought her knees to her chest and said "momma what's up?"
Carina placed a hand on Kate's thigh and said "you have a hickey, on your chest Kate, I just" she said being interrupted
"I don't know what you're talking about" said Kate
"But, you do. Bambina, I'm trying to help and be here for you and just trying to take care of you" said carina
"I don't understand tho what are you talking about" said Kate getting more nervous
"I'm not judging Kate. I'm not. I'm here for you." She said looking into Kate's eyes
Kate had a nervous smile on her face as she tried to avoid eye contact with carina
"I know it's awkward to talk about this I know Kate. But I just want to know we're you are at" said carina
"Cause you've supposedly seen a hickey on my chest?" Said Kate
"Kate..." said carina softly
Kate just tried to look away but ended up meeting her mamas eyes
"Kate are you still a virgin?" Asked carina
Kate looked at the scars on her hand and then just looked up to the ceiling, unwilling to her eyes met her mother's again.
"I'm not judging or lecturing." Said Carina and placed a hand on Kate's shoulder
Kate looked at carina and her eyes involuntarily got watery
"Bambina, no no. I'm not here to make you feel bad nor yell or lecture you" said carina.
Kate knew she had no way out now. Her momma knew it.
Kate shook her head slowly and said "I'm not." She lifted her head to see her momma "I'm sorry." She said softly
Carina held Kate's hands and said "you don't have to be sorry Kate. You don't. I'm not here for that. But I do need you to be safe Kate." She said looking at her.
Kate new what was coming. Quite an awkward conversation. She just wanted the earth to swallow her.
"Did you use protection?" Asked carina
Kate clutched her knees to her chest again and buried her head down "yes, yes we did" she said with her head buried
"Okay, can I know since when?" Asked carina.
Since Kate didn't answer she said "today, it was your first time wasn't it?" Asked Carina
Kate just looked away.
"I guess it was." Said carina "Kate, can you look at me?"
Kate lifted up her head and met her momma
"I'm just worried Kate, you had a rough year. A hard recovery. I don't want you to her hurt." She said
"Get hurt?" Asked Kate
"I know we've raised you right I know you're not being stupid and I know you're taking care of yourself." Said carina "but Kate you know my number one priority it's your safety"
"Why would my safety be in jeopardy?" Asked Kate
"Kate you're are 17, you're young and you may think that hoy have everything under control" said carina
"I'll be 18 in two months I'm legally a grownup " said Kate harshly
"Look I'm here to help, because I love you. If you want to take that road fine with me. Since you're a grownup and you are having sexual activity you have to start behaving like one. Regular checkups, birth controls, HIV controls" said carina
"HIV controls? What the heck?" Said Kate
"Language." Said carina "if you want me to treat you like a grownup patient, that's what I'm doing. I say that as a doctor. But you are my daughter, and I'm here for you Kate. I don't want to be there just as a doctor I want be here as your mamma who loves you more than life itself." Said Carina
Kate lifted up her to see maya standing by the doorframe. She seemed like she had been standing there for a while, telling by the look in her face. She walked in and sat next to carina.
She looked at Kate and said "Kate, did it happen under your consent right?"
"Oh my!!, of course it did mom" said Kate
Maya smiled and said "alright then. You know it's just a matter of saying it. I would kill him literally"
Kate smiled and said "swear to god"
"Okay then" said Maya and sat back again with carina
"We know Kate you are responsible, we trust you. But you're our child and we just want you to be safe" said Maya "I'm not saying I'm onboard with this"
Carina interrupted and said "but we both know it's part of growing up at your age"
Maya looked at carina and nodded
"We just want you to be as safe as you can be" said carina
"I know, I know you do" said Kate
"So, you know..." said carina being interrupted
"Oh gosh" said Kate
"Yeah, I'm gonna say it any way." Said carina "birth control pills, I don't care what protection you used you're taking them anyway. " Said carina
"Okay" said Kate.
"You use both of them are we clear on that?" Said carina
Kate nodded
"And, I know it's just Jake" said Maya "but you know the risks"
"Oh my, of course it's just Jake" said Kate
"Just getting things cleared." Said Maya
"Kate" said carina
"I know I know, checkups, controls I know" said Kate
Carina smiled and said "Kate look at us"
"You think I've made a mistake don't you?" Said Kate
"do you think you've made a mistake?" Asked Maya
"Doesn't feel like one" said Kate
"Bambina" said carina stroking Kate's
"Gosh why does life needs to be so stressing and hard and god!" Said Kate and laid back in the bed
Maya laughed and said "doesn't have to be that hard you now. Just need to get the hang on it. And sleep, training tomorrow will be hard" said Maya and kissed Kate's cheek "I love you"
After she left the room carina stood up and kissed Kate's cheek.
"I love you" she said
"Love you too" said Kate
"Everything okay right?" Asked carina
"Haven't we spoke about it like right now?" Said Kate
"Everything okay with all of that" said carina and pointed at Kate's body
"Oh my... yes, yes everything okay" said Kate blushing up
"Okay" said carina "you know if you've got questions about anything you ask right?" She said
"No quesitos. No nothing" said Kate
"Pain?" Asked carina
"It's late. I'm going to sleep" said Kate
"It's not something to be embarrassed of! It's normal to feel pain during the first times since the body tissues are not used.."said carina being interrupted
"Ahh, momma. Stop stop. I'm okay. No pain 0%" said Kate
"And you know some women due to hormonal changes. Their breasts Can get sore." Said carina "did you..."
"Thank you, no. My... they are okay thank you" said Kate
"I know it's embarrassing but I'm doctor you can tell me about this stuff if you ever.."
Kate interrupted saying "okay, thank you" said Kate
"Americans are so childish. You know you tell me right?" Asked carina
"Promise I will" said Kate
"I love you" said carina

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