Needing Space Rowing

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After a week both carina and Maya were ready to head back to their jobs and Kate was cleared from bed rest and into just home rest
"So you're planning on hiding all day?" Asked Carina
"What?" Asked Maya
"You're just planning on hiding from Andy today or?" Carina said as she finished getting dressed
"Carina. Drop it" said Maya
"Maya I'm just trying to.." she said being cut off
"Carina. Stop" said Maya
"You think I'm not angry? I can't get it out to Kate yet since she's that weak and all of this? All of this Andy situation? It's not gonna help her" said carina
"I want to yell, and scream at Kate and just try to understand what the hell was going on in her head Carina!" Yelled Maya "but I can't. I can't cause I'm scared to hell she'll break."
"Maya. We're bringing a child into the world. I'm scared to death about EVERYHRING. Everything Maya. What Kate did, just made me realise how scared I should be. And yes I just wanna scream at her but I get that doing that? Won't get me anywhere." Said Carina
"I don't understand. Back in Italy you were paralysed and now just what?!" Said maya
"Back in Italy I though our daughter had exploded together with that car Maya! I thought our daughter was gone!" Yelled carina
There was a tiny sarcastic laugh at the door and carina turned around
"Kay. No, it's not what..." she began
"No no, it definitely is. I'm just, I have an appointment with Amelia I'm just heading out." Said Kate looking at her shoes
"I'll drive yo.." said Maya
"No. Jake's coming. I'm just gonna.." she said turning around and just before leaving turned back again to face them "Sorry for almost dying I guess" she said and walked out.

"I can go with you if you need" said Jake as Kate was about to get off the car
"Jake" laughed Kate "Not a child anymore"
"Fine fine, be here in 40 mins?" Said Jake
"Love you" she said and pecked his lips
"Call me if you need anything!" Said Jake as Kate walked into grey Sloan

"My favourite patient" said Amelia as Kate walked into the exam room
"Missed me?" Laughed Kate
"You'll break you're head again to see me?" Laughed Amelia
"Maybe next year?" Said Kate
The door opened and Link came in
"Hey you" he said as he walked over to both of them
"Ready to get this off" said Kate pointing at her sling
"Fine, yes. But you know you can't" he said being cut off
"Can't lift weight, can't force it have to do physical therapy. Pretty much can't to anything with my shoulder" quoted Kate and link laughed "okay seems you know it"
"Yeah I do" she said as link took off her sling
"You're free" he said
"I'm not since I can't do anything" laughed Kate
Link laughed and left the room as Amelia came back with her results
"Okay super girl. You're massive concussion is healing nicely. I still don't want you doing weird stuff. Take it easy. Not that you can do much with that" she said pointing at her shoulder "but please, keeping it easy. You are cleared to do OFFICE work. And I want to recon the word OFFICE" said Amelia
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Said Kate "you're the best!"
"I know" said Amelia as she hugged her and left the room "take it easy! Or you're coming back!" She yelled as she closed the door
After some minutes the person she was expecting came in. Teddy
"Look at you" she said as she walked over to Kate and hugged her tightly "how are you feeling?" She asked
"Feeling great" laughed Kate
"Let's try that without lying" said teddy and Kate laughed
"I'm doing okay." She said
"Ribs?" Asked teddy as she gloved up and Kate unbuttoned her shirt and teddy took a look at them "looking amazing" she said as she helped her button up her shirt
"You look weird" laughed teddy "too much mommies?"
Kate laughed and said "yeah kinda. Also, there's something I wanted to talk to you"
Teddy looked confused and sat down next to her "course honey. Anything" she said
"I want to go to Iraq Teddy" said Kate "like I really, really want to go"
Teddy looked kinda surprised and confused "Kate, I know, maybe you don't remember quite well. We spoke about this" said teddy as she squeezed Kate's hand
"I know. I know teddy. It's just it's not something I just thought about. I want to go to Iraq Teddy. You know everything about it and I just want to go" said Kate
"Kate I know. I know you do but you a week ago you just..." said teddy
"A week ago I almost died. A week ago I was almost burst up with a car. No worries I've heard it" said Kate "that doesn't scare me teddy. It doesn't I just want to go"
"It scares me" said teddy
"What?" Asked Kate confused
"You collapsed into my arms in that trauma room. I mean, if it scared me to death, I can't even imagine how scared your moms were" said teddy
"Teddy." Said Kate "I know. And I'm sorry I scared everyone out. I really am sorry. I need to do it teddy I need to go"
"I know that feeling cause I've had it myself. I just mean, why now kate?" Asked teddy
"I'll wait until I'm 100% ready. And link said that's gonna be in 3 weeks" said Kate
"Iraq is not going anywhere kate." Said teddy "there's missions to Iraq departing every two months Kate."
"I can't wait for two more months teddy"
"It's winter, you're just recovering you really, really think it's a good idea?" Teddy asked
"I think it's what I need right now" said Kate
"Okay. Let's do this. You talk to your family, let them know. You think about it. Sleep and when you have an answer. You tell me. I'll talk to the agency" said teddy
"I have an answer teddy." Said Kate
"Okay. I know. You just talk to your family. And after doing that. I want to listen to this answer. Okay?" Said teddy
"Deal" said Kate
"I'm trying to help here" said teddy
"I know. I know. Sorry" said Kate and hugged her
"It's okay. I just, don't want you to have problems at home for this" said teddy
"I need this teddy." Said Kate
"I know. I know" said teddy

"Hey babe" said Jake as they Kate got into the car "how did things go?"
"Pretty good. Starting physical therapy tomorrow and cleared for office work"
Jake pecked her lips and said "that's amazing"
"Can we talk?" Asked Kate
"Everything okay?" Asked Jake
"Yeah yeah. Everything okay. We can talk like, tomorrow night?"
"Course" said Jake as he drove her home.

"Ciao Amore mio" said carina as Kate walked through the door
"Ciao" said Kate as she walked over to the living room
"Caro" said Carina following her "how did things go?" She asked and that moment maya opened the door
"Pretty sure you've already phoned both link and Amelia" said Kate
"Hey!" Said Maya walking over to both of them
"Hey mom" said Kate
"You okay?" Asked Maya "you feeling okay? You seem" she began
"I'm okay. I'm alright" said Kate
Carina and Maya exchanged looks and carina said "are you okay?"
"I just need you both to stop. To stop. Please. I'm okay. I'm alright and I'm here. Okay?" Said Kate sitting down
"What you heard this morning. It's just." Said Maya
"It's what both of you really feel like. And it's okay. And. I'm just, I'm sorry for almost dying and I get you're angry. But honestly im just blown up so please. Please. If you're gonna yell, and lecture and whatever. Please tomorrow morning." Said Kate walking over to her room leaving both of her moms just looking at each other.
"I'll go" said carina heading over to Kate's door
"Wait" said Maya "let me" she said
As maya headed over to Kate's room and she knocked the door
"May I?" She asked
"Sure" answered Kate and Maya walked in.
"Can we talk?" Asked Maya
"About?" Asked Kate as she folded her 19 station clothes ready for tomorrow
"Rumour say you're coming back tomorrow" smiled maya
"Rumour say you haven't gone back to work" Shot Kate back
"Okay, what's going on with you?" Asked Maya
"What's going on with you?" Smiled Kate  "since when do you not go to work?"
Maya laughed and said "you know we're not getting anywhere right?"
"Should go on a therapy run?" Laughed Kate
"We will. Promise. When you're 100% back." Said Maya "but for the meantime, how can I help you?"
"Just, give it time I guess" smiled Kate "seems we'll be spending day tomorrow. Im just cleared for office work"
Maya nodded and said "oh right. Yeah"
Kate laughed and said "seems I won't be spending the day tomorrow. You're not planning on going"

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now