Time Of Our Lives

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A week later.
At 4am Kate and Jake were fast asleep as Kate's alarm went on for the third time in the week. She jumped out of the bed and looked at it.
"Shoot three alarm" she said
"Again? Don't you have another team?" Asked Jake
"Yeah just. Smith wants us the rookies to get more experience" said Kate as she got dressed.
"Don't you think he's pushing you all way too much?" Asked Jake
"He's my captain Jake what am I supposed to do" said Kate as she leaned over to peck Jake's lips who grabbed her waist and said "show me the dress and I'll let you go" making Kate burst into laughter "you'll see it on our day " she said

"Maya the alarm" said Carina
"Sorry yeah" said Maya as she turned it off "gotta go" she said as she rushed up
"Be safe please" said Carina
"Always" smiled Maya as she rushed out of the house and into her car.
As she got to the station they were all jogging over to the engines
"Okay 19 split! Two engines one aid car come on!" Yelled maya as she suit up
As they were on their way to the fire Maya's phone began to buzz "three alarm fire. Three story house." She said

Station 23 was there before 19 they began to asses the situation and as they were about to go in 19 arrived
"23 hold!" Yelled the captain making everyone freeze. He jogged over to where Maya was
"Captain bishop" he said
"Smith" nodded Maya
"We're going in now" he said "I've got eight firefighters here, more on their way" he said
"I've got six here and two in the aid car" said Maya "I'd like to leave the aid car intact" she said
"Sure" said smith as he looked at the aid car
"So we've got 7 pair firefighters" said Maya
"No, we've got 14 firefighters which are 14 different attacks points" he said as he pointed at the 23 firefighters who were already attacking with the hoses.
Maya walked back to her team and explained the situation
"You want as to go in solo?" Asked Jack
"Not in a million years that's happening" said Maya
"But they are going in solo?" Asked Dean
"Wouldn't be the first time" said Andy as the whole team watched the 23 team rushing into the house alone.
"Pair up" said Maya and as the team was divided in pairs they all rushed up to the house
Both Captains stood at the same spot looking at their battalions rushing in.
"Herrera update" said Maya over the radio as Andy explained the situation

"Jack over here!" Yelled vic as she took a door down
"Got it!" Said Jack as he began to extinguish the fire. "Smoke isn't giving" he said
"Wanna ventilate?" Asked Vic
"Not sure we should bring more O2. Second floor is still on fire" he said
"23 here. Need support upstairs" said Kate over the radio
"Is that?" Asked Jack
"Kate's voice" said Vic
Vic and Jack made their way to the second floor to find Kate fighting some flames. 
"You are alone?!" Asked Vic
"Yeah. I need to keep on moving" said Kate as they finished extinguishing
"Don't go alone.." said Jack but it was useless since in seconds she was gone
"God I hate 23!" Yelled Vic

"Nicely done team!" Said smith over the radio. As station 19 fighters were already coming out
"Captain!" Said a voice over the radio "smoke is way too dense. I'm all by my own" said the male voice
"Fire still on?" Asked the captain sarcastically
"No sir" said the voice coughing
"Then get out. Come on" he said as he walked over to the engine
"Sir" said another male voice "can't find the way out. Can't see" he said
19 station began to get shaky as they noticed not even one fighter of 23 came out.
"Have they come out?" Asked Dean
"No" said vic as she looked at Andy who looked at Maya
"What floor was kate on?" Asked Andy as she walked over to Jack
"Second floor. But. She left. We should have followed her damn" he said

"Get out now!!" Yelled the captain over the radio
"Sir we're 4 together now. We're missing 4 we're coming out" said the voice and after some seconds coughing firefighters came through the front doors. Not Kate.
"First aid" said Maya as they attended the first 4 firefighters.
"Is Kate out?" Asked Vic rushing over
"What?!" Asked Maya as she hang the radio "Kate is inside?" She asked
"Maya" said Andy
"Is Kate inside?!" She asked again
"Yes. Yes she is" said Jack
Maya rushed over to Captain Smith
"You've still got firefighters inside" she said
"They'll come out" he said
"It's been quite a lot of minutes in a smoke zone" she said
"Bishop let me handle my battalion" he said "look" he smiled proudly as 3 more fighters came out dropping their O2 masks do the ground and being rushed to the aid car
"Sir!" Rushed the lieutenant over "bishop's still inside. Must have got disorientated due to smoke. She was all alone on the third floor" he said catching his breath.
He wasn't able to finish his sentence that Maya was placing her O2 mask and rushing into the house
"Bishop!" Yelled Smith
"Maya?" Asked Andy as she saw her
The house was completely black inside. Smoke was so dense you couldn't see a thing.
Maya rushed up to the third floor and broke in
"Kate" she said as she found Kate sitting against a wall "hey hey" she said as she checked the tank in her back and started the O2 again
Kate looked at Maya and asked "mom?"
"Yeah" breathed maya as she smiled "it's me we're coming out" she said "can you stand up?" She asked
"Yeah" said Kate as she got up leaning on maya "I can't find the exit. It's all." She said
"Don't. Don't. Don't talk." Said Maya as she leaded the way as Kate leaned on her "almost there"
"Andy I've got her" said Maya over the radio
"Thanks god. We're waiting for you outside" replied Andy
"I'm sorry" coughed out Kate "I'm so sorry" she said
"No no. Don't Kate. Don't" said Maya as they got to the first floor "we're almost there."
Both of them walked out of the house Maya almost dragging Kate out.
19 was already waiting outside with a stretcher. As soon as they stepped out they got Kate on O2 and on the stretcher
"It's okay" she said coughing
"Keep the mask on" said Andy as they took her over to the aid car
"I.." she said coughing "I couldn't find my way out"
"I know. I know" said vic as she checked her lungs
"Mom?" Asked Kate
"She'll be right back" said Andy as she looked at vic who was trying to localise Maya and after seeing her she pointed at her with her eyes and Andy turned to look.
"Bishop" said smith as he was putting everything away
"Out of 8 fighters you were in charge of, 6 of them ended up in the aid car. One still with direct oxygen!" said Maya snapping
"Wow wow wow." He said "I had everything under control"
"Under control?!" She yelled "you left a firefighter inside. Alone."
"You had no business in getting in the way of my battalion. You just went in there cause it was your daughter!" He said
"Exactly!" Yelled maya "and if it wasn't for me she'd still be in there!" She snapped "don't you think you're getting away with what you did today" she said
"She's a fine firefighter she would have found her way out" sad Smith
"How? Unconscious? Suffocated?" Asked Maya as she turned around and walked over to the aid car
"Captain " asked smith
"What" said Maya
"Is she okay?" He asked
"Yeah. And not thanks to you" said Maya not saying another word

"Here" said Andy as she handed Kate a smoke smell free hoodie
"Thanks" said Kate as she changed her smoked up shirt for the hoodie
"I insist on you going to grey Sloan" said vic
"I'm okay really" nodded Kate as maya came over
"We'll take the engine. Both of you take the aid car" whispered Andy to Maya who nodded. In seconds 19 drove back to the station and Maya jumped up to the back of the aid car
"Sure you don't want to go? I'll drive you it'll just take a minute" said Maya
"No worries. It's okay" smiled Kate "I just feel like the damn rookie again" she said
"No. No no" said Maya turning to face her "this was your captains mistake. This is something which shouldn't have happened" said Maya "it's not your fault"
Kate nodded as she looked at maya who said "you were apologising earlier when I should be the one apologising"
"No you shouldn't" said Kate
"Yes. Yes I should. I was scared I had done the same thing my dad did to me by pushing me that hard" said Maya
"Mom what?" Asked Kate confused
"I know. Just. I was scared I was doing it to you and I couldn't stand that possibility. Just, by being that scared of turning into my dad made me screw up"
"You're the best mom ever. Ever. You won't ever be like him." Said Kate "I'm sorry for quitting 19"
"Don't be" said Maya "you know you'll always have your position there"
"Thanks for coming in rescue me" said Kate
"Kate you kidding me?" Smiled maya "I'm always coming in. Always" she said as she rounded her with her arm "now are you sure you don't want me to drive you over?"
"Sure" said Kate
"Okay. Home it is then" said Maya as she hopped on the drivers seat and drove to the station and back home.
As they got home neither Carina or the baby were there.
Maya headed into the kitchen and texted carina's she was back home. As she walked again into the leaving room she found Kate sound asleep on the couch.
Maya walked over gently and wrapped a blanket around her, sat next to her and placed her head on her lap.
After some hours the front door opened and Carina walked in pushing the stroller with Grace in it and was quite shocked to see them.
Maya carefully got up and made a sign to Carina to the kitchen.
"What happened?" Asked Carina with a smile
"We were in a fire together." Said Maya
"Are you okay? Is Kate okay?" Asked Carina worried
"Yeah. She's okay" smiled Maya "we're okay"
"I'm so glad to listen to it" said Carina as she wrapped her arms around Maya and kissed her
At the leaving room Grace began to cry and woke up Kate who instantly got up and picked her up in her arms
"Hey baby" she smiled as she paced back and forth until Maya and Carina came back.
"Here. You should sit down" said Maya as she grabbed the baby in her arms "hello baby" she smiled as Carina sat down next to Kate
"You okay?" Asked Carina as she kissed her forehead
"I'm okay" said Kate as she smiled at Maya
"So" said Kate "I need to ask you both something" she said as Maya and carina exchanged a glare and back to Kate
"Yeah?" Laughed Carina
"I want you both to walk me down the aisle" she said as she looked at them both

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now