Chasing Cars

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That night Jake and Kate were laying down on Kate's bed waiting for Maya and Carina to come back with news about the baby's results.
"Okay, so there's a 50% chance the baby won't make it?" Asked Kate
Jake kissed Kate's head and said "no, I mean there's a 50% chance that that surgery fails. But it won't be the case Kate"
"If I lose my hand.." began Kate
"You won't, and I'll give you mine" smiled Jake
"I mean it" said Kate
"Yeah, so do I" he said smiling

"So, it has to be?" Asked Maya
"As soon as he or she is delivered. Can't lose a single minute" said Arizona
"Surgery will last for at least six hours" said Maggie
"I'll try and do the C-Section as close to the due date as possible. But if the baby goes into distress we'll have to go in a bit earlier" said Jo in a calm voice.
"Excuse me" said Maya as she walked out of the room.
"So, I'll be admitted next month?" Asked
carina as she watched Maya walk out
Arizona nodded

The door unlocked and both of them walked into the house as Kate and Jake walked out of the room
"Hey" said Kate as she walked over to them
"Hey bug" said Maya smiling weakly
"How did things go?" Asked Kate looking at Carina
"No new news. I'll be admitted next month and the baby we'll be operated as soon as he or she is born" said Carina "Did you talk to Amelia? She asked
"Why should I?" Asked Kate
"She needed some MRI for the nerve blockage" said Carina
The four of them sat down in the leaving room and Kate's phone rang
"It's Amelia. I need to head over to the hospital, she need the MRI" said Kate
"I'll drive you" said Jake as both of them walked out
As Kate closed the door behind her she grabbed her head and just sucked everything up
"You okay?" Asked Jake
Kate breathed and said "no, not okay but. You saw them. I'll just. They need me to be okay"

After two month of exams and scans and things Kate was ready to be hospitalised.
"I don't see the need in me being here so early" said Kate as she walked into Grey Sloan with Jake
"The sooner is done the sooner it'll work" said Jake
"If it works" said Kate
"It'll work" said Jake seriously "okay. Torres. All yours now" smiled Jake as they walked over to Callie
"Okay, ready?" Asked Callie
"No" said Kate
"Okay, with that attitude it's gonna some hard waiting" smiled callie
"I don't need to be hospitalised for a month or so" said Kate
"Yes you do cause I need to be on that nerve constantly if you want it to work once again" said Callie as they walked into Carina's room
"Hey momma" said Kate as she sat down next to Carina
"Hey my love" smiled Carina kissing Kate's cheek
"Tell your daughter she needs to be here" said Callie
"You need to be here" said Carina smiling
"Plus, I told you, you can go out at nights" said Callie
"Oh, that's fun." Smiled Kate sarcastically

"I know. Everything feels like it's going down te drain right now. I know that." Said Andy
"Andy, my baby could die, my wife and my daughter are hospitalised. Literally my whole family will be hospitalised" said Maya

"So, seven months" said Jo walking into the room
"Seven months" said Carina
"Maya?" Asked Jo
"She's coming right now" smiled Carina
"Heard Kate is being admitted today" said Jo
"Yeah, she's finishing the paperwork" said carina and Maya walked through the door
"Captain" smiled jo
"Jo?" Laughed Maya "so? How's it looking today?" Asked Maya
"So, baby seems okay. Holding so far. You're seven months pregnant which means" said Jo
"Means if the baby goes in distress he or she has a good chance since it's viable" interrupted Carina
"Correct Doctor" smiled Jo "also, we need to talk about possible complications. Despite carina you know them all" said Jo and the door of the room opened
"Hey" said Kate walking in
"What are you doing here" laughed Jo
"I'm visiting my family" smiled Kate
"Callie it's gonna kill you and me if you're here" said Jo
"Uuuh so scared of her." Said Kate sitting down on the chair with Maya "keep going Dr" she smiled at Jo who rolled her eyes
"You're the worst patient ever" laughed Jo
"Please. Try being basically leaving here waiting for a nerve to explode. People get bored" laughed Kate
Carina clutched her hands to her belly as they were talking
"Carina. What's wrong" asked Jo as she walked over to her
"Guess a kick" smiled Carina but Jo's face wasn't convincing
Jo did as she checked her pager. "Kate cops are looking for you" she said as she paged Callie to take Kate out 911 since something was up with carina. In seconds callie was there and lied to Kate she had to run a test.
As they were closing Carina's room Kate's face fell down as she looked down at her hand
"Ca..Callie?" She asked
"Okay. Okay look at me" said Callie calmly "let's just" said Callie as she quickly took off Kate's splint and seconds later blood began to run from her hand to floor. Then, pain. Nerve started to receive it. The dying nerve.
Kate's voice broke into painful yell which was heard from inside Carina's room
"Need a gurney now!" Yelled Callie as Amelia run over to them
"Okay okay easy, easy" said Callie as they got Kate on the gurney "the nerve blew up. We're taking you up right now"
"Get the OR ready now!" Yelled Amelia as Kate was being taken

"Carina. Carina, carina. No" said Jo as she wouldn't let her stand up
"No no, that was her voice. I heard it" said Carina trying to get up
"Carina. You can't" said Jo
"I have to" said Carina
Maya ran out of the room seeing the gurney being rushed to the OR with Kate on it and on the floor a blood Pool

"I've got you okay?" Said Callie "I've got you" as they got her into the OR
"Hey" smiled a voice next to her
"Arizona?" Asked Kate quite confused
"You were there for my daughter. No way I wouldn't be here" she smiled
"Okay. Ready for this?" Asked amelia as she walked into the OR

As carina tried and get up from the bed the monitor began to sound
"Carina. Carina. Lay back" said Jo as she looked at the monitor
Maya rushed into the room again
"It's Kate. The nerve exploded. She's being taken" she said pale "what the?" She asked as she saw the monitor
"Baby in distress" said Jo as she picked up her pager
"911 I need Robbins and Pierce!" She yelled to the nurses. "OR ready stat!" She yelled
"Maya" muttered Carina
"Carina. Stay awake" said Maya

At the OR Kate was about to be out under until a nurse broke into the OR
"Dr. Robbins. 911 Carina DeLuca!" She yelled "you're needed right now"
Kate tried to get up being laid down again "DeLuca? No no, no" she said
"Kate. Kate, we're on a short window here. We need to put you down" said Amelia and nodded to the anaesthesiology to put her down
"Arizona" whispered Kate as her eyes closed "save my sister please" she said as she was under.
Arizona rushed out of the OR and Callie asked for the tenth balde
"I thought nobody wanted to know the babies sex" said Amelia
"They don't know it" said Callie as she cut into Kate's hand.

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now