My Love, My Life

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"Breath for me" said Carina as she kneeled down in front of Kate
"No.. no no" laughed Kate as she hyperventilated
"Kate Kate stop" said Carina as she grabbed tightly her hands
"I can't" said Kate as she met Carina's eyes
Carina smiled and said "course you can"
"I'm pregnant" she said looking at Carina's eyes
"Seems like you're" smiled Carina
"I'm gonna be sick" said Kate as she took her hands to her mouth and stood up as she walked to the bathroom.
Carina walked after her, held her hair and rubbed her back as Kate emptied her stomach.
"Everything is going to be okay. I'm here" she whispered
"I'm pregnant" assured Kate again and Carina nodded with a huge smile on her face
"I'm pregnant" repeated Kate
While all this was happening Maya was standing on the bathroom door as she looked at them both and Carina turned to meet Maya's eyes
"You're pregnant?" Asked Maya shocked as she walked into the bathroom
Kate got up and turned to Maya while Carina held both of their hands
"You're pregnant?" Asked Maya again and Kate nodded
"Oh my gosh you're pregnant!" Yelled Maya as she rushed over to Kate bringing her into a tight tight hug "you're having a baby" she said with the biggest smile on her face and Kate cleaned off her tears and nodded
"Seems we're being grandmas" said Maya and Carina cleaned off her tears as the three of them pulled into a hug.
"You're making us grandmas" said Maya with her face hurting from smiling feeling Carina's heart beating against her chest.
"I need to tell Jake" said Kate as now she actually realised what was happening "I left the apartment how do I tell him?" She asked confused
"I think the how you tell him isn't the important part" said Carina
"The only thing he'll listen is the I am pregnant" smiled Maya and Kate nodded
"Feel like throwing up again?" Smiled Carina
Kate laughed and said "not at the moment"
As the three of them walked downstairs Kate was still shocked. She was kinda walking on ice not knowing exactly what she was supposed to do. She was pregnant.
"I'm... I can't. Can't be.. I'm? I'm pregnant?" She began to pace back and forth
Maya and Carina looked at each other and walked over to her as maya grabbed her shoulders "look at me okay" she said "just look at me" said Maya "breath" she said "breath" as she dragged her by her hand to the couch and sat her down.
"Jake's gonna be as happy as he has ever been in his entire life. He'll be so thrilled and this? This is gonna be the happiest day of his life till this baby arrives" said Maya
"I'm... not ready. Not ready for being." She began
"Nobody is ever feels ready" said Carina "not till the day when you hold your baby in your arms." She said "but when you feel that little tiny baby in your arms? You feel like you couldn't be more ready" said Carina as she placed her hand on Kate's stomach "and you'll be the best mother in this entire world"

Kate drove back to her apartment which was only a few minutes away. For once in her life she drove slowly.
She parked her car, unlocked the door and walked into the apartment to find Jake asleep on the couch, TV on and in the kitchen food wasn't touched.
As she walked into her room and got changed and back to the living room Jake was up.
"Kate?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes and got up
"Yeah" smiled Kate as she got closer
"Can we please talk now?" He said as he got up and Kate nodded
"You got the hell away, just like that. Saying you were heading to the station just like that. Kate I need you to talk to me. You were crying and then just left" he said
"Jake I'm. I'm sorry I just.." said Kate smiling
"I'm lost here. I'm just. I'm really lost. I wanna be here for you but I can't if you don't let me in" he said
"Close your eyes" said Kate
"Kate what are you.." he began
"Just please" she begged interrupting him
"I don't understand" he said
"Please. Jake please" she said
Jake sighted and closed his eyes
Kate grabbed Jake's hand and placed it on her tummy and said "you'll always be here. For both of us" she said and Jake's blue eyes opened up and glowed up so much it lit up the room.
"You're pregnant?" He asked as he placed his other hand on her stomach and looked at her
"I was feeling weird for some days and had no clue what was going on" she said quickly "I took a test and... I'm pregnant Jake" she said and Jake picked her up spinning her and kissed her deeply
"You're pregnant!" He kept on saying as he placed her back on the ground and kissed her tummy "we're having a baby" he smiled
"We're having a baby" said Kate as she kissed him deeply and tears sprang down her cheeks
"I love you" he whispered as he pecked her cheek "we're having a baby" he smiled again not able to stop smiling.
"Sorry I had been that weird and..." she said and he cut her off
"You kidding me?" He smiled "Kate, you're pregnant" he smiled and kissed her deeply

Maya and Carina walked downstairs after Grace had fallen asleep. They poured a glass of wine and sat down in the leaving room.
"Can you believe it?" Asked Maya and Carina looked at her
"I couldn't believe ir when I saw the test. Can't still believe it" said Carina
"We're gonna be grandmas" said Maya as she looked at Carina "Kate's being a mom in 9 months"
"She's having a baby" said carina smiling
"Grace is gonna be an aunt" laughed Maya
Carina laughed and said "gosh how are we telling her" and Maya laughed
"Time flies away. Doesn't it?" Asked Carina
Maya nodded and said "you close and open your eyes and everything has changed" she smiled
"Feels like yesterday we were finding out I was pregnant with Kate" said Carina
"And today we found out she's pregnant" smiled Maya "Guess Grandma DeLuca is gonna remain calm?" Teased Maya
Carina laughed and said "course I'll be. And I don't wanna see you making tiny tiny little station 19 hoodies" laughed Carina
Maya laughed and said "we'll see on that"

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