Part 5

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It was around 6pm and Kate was preparing how to tell her moms about her future. Meanwhile she was fixing her momma's coffee machine which broke after Carina dropped it. She had her AirPods on and music on the highest volume so she could hear nothing. She was finishing the last adjustments with a knife which perfectly fitted.

Maya came in and saw Kate standing, she rushed to her and hugged her from the back.
Kate's knife slipped the machine and cut on her thumb knuckle. She took off her AirPods and turned around holding her knuckle

"Oh my gosh, honey I'm so sorry I didn't realise you had a knife" said Maya getting paper and wrapping her hand.

Kate just smiled and said "no worries mom, I'm fine. Just a cut."

"Let me see that" said Maya and looked at her cut. "Momma can check it later. I'm sorry bug" she said hugging her

"Really it's okey." Said Kate "look I fixed moms coffee machine"

"No way, I've tried a hundred times." Said Maya walking over to the machine

"Do I really have to show you?" Laughed Kate "hand me a cup please."

Maya handed her a cup and Kate poured her a cup of coffee.
"Oh my!! How did you do it?" Said Maya shocked

"Oh you know with 10 fingers it's easy but now with 9" laughed Kate

"Stop! You're making me feel awful. I'm really sorry for that" said Maya stroking Kate's cheek

"No worries" she said.

At that moment carina opened the door "ciao bellas" said carina

"Ciao mamma" said Kate as she stood in front of the coffee machine "ho una sorpresa per te" said Kate to carina

"Per me?" asked carina

"Sit down and get a cup" she ordered

Carina sat next to Maya and Kate came with the coffee machine and poured her a cup of coffee

"Bambina! Come hai fatto!!" Screamed Carina as she realised she spoke too fast in Italian

"Kay! How did you do that??" She repeated and got up

"Per te" said Kate cutely and carina hugged her and said "thank you. Ti amo Bambina"

"Ohh I don't understand much Italian but I love you too Kate" laughed Maya form the countertop

The three of them just laughed and they sat down at the table. Carina looked at Kate and saw all the paper wrapped in her hand

"Bella, what happened?" She said

"Oh just a silly cut" said Kate

"How silly?" Said carina with a worried face trying to reach Kate's hand

"Mamma it's fine" she said

"Yeah, just take a look at it anyway." Said Maya who felt kinda guilty for Kate's cut

Carina unwrapped Kate's hand and took a look at the cut.

"No sutures, but I'd like to put some approach tape" said carina heading to the bathroom and coming back with some equipment.

"Wow surgeon hold up" laughed Kate and rushed to the kitchen to get some oats cookies she'd cooled

"My gosh you're inspired today!" Said Maya getting one cookie

"Can I fix your hand now chef?" Laughed carina

Kate extended her hand as carina worked on that cut until she had finished

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