Be Alright

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"Hey, let me get that bag for you" a male voice said walking over to Kate at Iraq's airport "oh sorry" he said holding his hand out to Kate "I'm Nate. Chief of first aids here. We spoke over the phone"
Kate nodded and shook his hand "Mr. Rafford right" she said
"Oh please. Nate" he smiled as she helped Kate with his bags
"Right. Nate. So we're heading over to the tent now?" Kate asked
"Yeah, I'm driving the first responders with me and tomorrow morning duty begins" he explained as they got into the truck "so, I know the leaving house is quite hard. So, tonight there's a 'welcoming dinner' more like an introduction to what this is going to be" he explained
"Oh yeah. Leaving the hose" smiled Kate weakly

Second month:
"So, today it's our first appointment" smiled maya as she walked into the kitchen 
"Yeah" answered Carina softly
"Becomes official" said Maya and hugged her
"Right" said Carina with her hand on her belly
"Carina look at me" asked Maya "hey, look at me please"
"What maya?" Asked carina
"I know. Okay. I know. It's been a week. I know" she said
"A week, a year, ten years feels like the same to me" said carina
"Carina" said Maya
"I know. First appointment is at 9 I'll be ready." She said
Maya nodded and said "I'll let Andy know she's in charge"
As they both walked through the OB wing they a familiar face walked pass them dressed in light blue scrubs.
"Carina? Maya?" Jake asked
"Jake" said Maya and hugged him "hey, how are you doing?" She asked
"I'm doing" he said "I'm holding" he smiled
"Right. I mean Kate she didn't really tell us what..." Maya began but didn't know how to not say something she'd regret
"Oh, no. Me and Kate are.. we're over" said Jake softly
"Oh" said Maya
"So Carina, I'm in OB this week. Thrilled to work with you Dr. Deluca" Jake smiled
"Looking forwards" said Carina and kept on walking to her appointment room
"Oh I'm sorry. If I said something.." Jake said
"No no no, Jake. No" maya smiled "just it's been hard. This week. It's hard"
"It is. Indeed" Jake nodded and maya squeezed his hand.
He kept on his way to the nurse station where he was handed a chart
"Here you go doctor" the nurse handed a chart which said "Carina DeLuca first pregnancy appointment" Jake's face fell. Did Kate knew this?

Fourth Month:
"No, no. It can't, just can't be" said carina looking at the monitor
Jo held her hand and said "Carina, it's not the end of the world. Okay? You know there is options, and you'll give this baby the best care for this condition. It's not a life condition."
"Life condition? It isn't if the baby survives after the birth." Said Carina getting worked up
"Okay. Okay. I do not speak Medical language. I don't, so please, please someone explain" said Maya
"Your babies heart is not pumping enough blood. It's pumping around a 50% of what's needed. Inside Carina's utero that's not a problem. But ones he's born we need to operate" said Jo
"No no, you need to perform a surgery which's rate of survivor is less than 50% on new newborns" said carina getting off the table
"Carina please. Let me finish the exam" said Jo
"No, I can't" said carina getting off the table.

Back in Iraq
"Okay everyone! Massive incoming. Massive one. Patch and discharge the superficial ones! Report to hospital the traumas and let's get this tent ready!" Yelled Nate
Another young girl approached Kate
"Hey! I'm Sam, I've been paired with you. Seems we'll be working in this zone" she said with a smile as she helped Kate with her trauma gown
"Hey, thanks. Yeah. I'm Kate. Nice team" she smiled back
"Truck is coming!" Yelled Nate
"Ready?" Asked Kate
"Nobody is never ready for this" said Sam
"Right answer" said Kate as she felt a hand on her back
"You've got this" smiled Nate squeezing her hand  "Yellow zone! Bishop you're in charge!" He yelled as he rushed to the truck
It wouldn't stop being unloaded. Just bodies and bodies kept on coming down from the truck. Blood, exploded arteries, yelling, cutting. Like a movie. But you're leaving in it
"Need to put in a chest tube here!" Yelled a man from another zone "Bishop! We need you" he yelled
"I'm not a doctor" said Kate as she jogged over
"Doesn't matter. You know how to do it?" He asked
"Yes" muttered Kate
"Then come on Bishop what are you waiting for" he said as he handed the instruments to Kate.

Maya thanked Andy and before jogging over the parking lot to find Carina in the car she stopped at the front of the hospital for air.
She just clutched her fists and cursed the world.
Cursed the world for everything. For her girl being over at a war. For her wife to be having to deal with this. For her unborn baby, who even before being born he or she was already sick. For her, for her not to be enough. Enough to help carina, Kate of her baby.
"Hey, hey. Hey maya" said teddy as she placed her hand on her back
Maya turned around and before teddy could ask another question she just said "I need you to promise to me. I need you to promise me that I'll see my daughter again. I need you to promise to me that she isn't gonna die out there. I just need to know something is okay or will be okay. I just need to know I that"

"Bishop! We need you here!" Yelled a women
Kate jogged over the other side of the tent to find a child in the gurney. He was laying still she was only 22. Did she need to be seeing this.
"How.. how can I help?" Asked Kate unable to take her sight off the boy
"We need to drain a lung we need help making the incision" said the women
"I'm not a surgeon" said Kate
"He's gonna die Bishop." Said the women
"Okay. Okay. Just, glove me and gown me" said Kate still in shock and within seconds she was gowned and gloved "scalpel" she asked

"Hey" said Maya as she walked into the room to find Carina laying down on her back with her hands on her belly. "How are you feeling?" She asked
"How am I feeling?" Asked carina laughing "I don't know Maya. How am I feeling? My daughter for all I know is the middle of a country war doing only what god knows playing around with her life. My baby, the thing I'm the only one whose actually able to help. I can't help, but I'm the other side he or she is sick. Sick and me, I can't do anything about it. Anything maya. So honestly I've got no clue if there's even a word to describe how I'm feeling"
"Okay. Stupid question" said Maya sitting down on the chair next to the bed
"Yes maya. Stupid question indeed" she said
"You know, it's hard for me too carina. But I need to take care of you, so I try to maintain myself damn strong but at this point, this point it's just not working" said Maya
"I know. I know Maya. I'm just. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in that way" said carina sitting up and Maya sat down next to her in bed
"We'll do this together okay?" Said Maya
"I can't maya. I can't do this" cried carina
"You won't. We will" she said and placed her hand on carina's belly

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now