Part 25

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"Carina it's stupid" said Maya as they were both in the leaving room before dinner waiting for Kate to her back form the station.
"Maya, what am I supposed to do. I called immigration this morning" said carina
"You're married to an American! You're daughter is American! You work here!" Said Maya
"Maya my VISA is expired! What can I do about it" said carina.
"You renew it!" Yelled maya
"I've tried. I've called immigration maya. I can't renew it from here" said carina sitting down
"Carina if you go to Italy you're leaving the country, if you leave the renovation could lose power" said Maya
"Maya, I'm not going to some random country, my family is there. I won't be in the streets." Said carina
"Carina. The chance of not getting it renewed exists if you leave the country" said Maya
"If I get deported, I won't get it renewed anyway" said Carina
As they both turned around they saw Kate standing by the leaving room door watching at both of them, her face looked pale and just stared at them.
"Deported?" Said Kate
"Mi amore..." said carina
"You work here, married and you're parent of América you can't, can't get deported" said Kate as she walked to the leaving room
Maya's eyes were just lost now
"Mom, you can talk to PD, she can't get deported" said Kate
"PD is useless in this case. Migration has the final word in this cases." Said Maya
"What are you waiting?! Go to migration" said Kate
"I've already done it. I need to go to Italy in order to renew it" said carina
"We'll go with you" said Kate
"Kate you're starting fire academy next month" said Maya
"No, no no no. I've read this. After second week of no renovation news. It's cause they are not renewing it. A month?!" Said Kate with her hands on her face
"Kate no, that paper was a Mexican paper" said Maya
"Andrea went through this last year and got his permanent VISA" said carina
"It's stupid. It's completely stupid." Said Kate and walked to her room.
How, just how. How could this be happening. She was a week late, her boyfriend left and now her momma getting deported. How how could the world do this. Just, just how.
That's when it invaded her nausea. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. Goodness sake. How can things be like this.
She had just left the station, but staying home was just unbearable. She walked over to the leaving room and looked at Maya and said "Brought my car keys?"
"Yeah. They are in my bag. The mechanic said it was the battery that just clicked" explained Maya
"You're car?" Asked Kate
"Jack drove it today" said Maya "it's in my parking spot"
"I'm leaving to the station" said Kate
"Kate please stay" said Maya
Kate shook her head "my let's please" she said and as maya handed it them to her she left.
Carina walked out of her room and looked at the door closing
"She left?" She asked
Maya looked at her and nodded.
"We're going to fix this" said maya and hugged Carina.
Kate got into her car and drove to the station, she knew Andy had the night shift
She waked into the changing room and changed to her uniform and saw Andy at the door of the changing room.
"Kate. You're not on shift" said Andy looking at her
"I'm volunteering." Said Kate
"Kate, Maya told me." Said Andy "you should be home"
"I should be home. The only, only place on earth were I don't wanna be. Is home" said Kate
"Como here" said Andy and they both sat at the table
"You know it's not the first time. Not the first your mom had to go back to Italy to fix something" said Andy
"Yeah. When Andrew had to go some months ago" said Kate
"I didn't mean that. When you were a baby. Around a year old your mamma had the same problem. I remember cause I stay with you" said Andy smiling
"Really?" Laughed Kate
"You don't believe I could take care of baby Kate?  Said Andy "a week I kept you alive lady" laughed Andy
"I feel like I should say sorry" said Kate
"What I mean Kate is they fixed the problem and both of them were back here in less than a week. They'll fix this." Said Andy
"And if they don't?" Asked Kate sadly
"You're moms. Both of them. Ever since you were born the only thing they have done is take care of you. They would do literally everything for you, they are gonna fix this too" said Andy
Kate hugged Andy and said "thanks Andy"
"That's why I'm the best godmother ever" laughed Andy
"True" she said "and sorry for being an unbearable baby" She laughed
Andy laughed and said "you were literally the cutest baby I've ever met. Those cheeks and your baby tummy. Gosh I miss baby Kate"
Kate laughed and said "sorry I grew up"
"You know the day you were born, I was with Maya when carina went into labour. We were setting off a fire. Quite a big one. I've never seen Maya panic before you were born. But that second she received the call damn she got scared to hell" laughed Andy
Kate laughed and Andy said "you tiny little things kept poor carina in an 11 hour labour. 11 hours damn."
"Yeah, sorry about that mamma" said Kate
"Despite that, the second you were in her arms gosh. Both of them had the biggest smiles I could have ever seen in someone's face." Andy said. "What I mean, Kate. Is, they'll do everything in their power to be back with you. I promise" said Andy
"Thank you Andy" said Kate and hugged her tightly.
She felt better after talking to Andy, as she drove home she felt she was somehow better. But that disappeared the second she walked through the door.
Carina and Maya were sitting on the couch snuggling together. She felt it again the nausea. Before even saying a word she rushed to her bathroom and threw up. It was weird. She felt amazing at the station. She looked at her calendar. 9 days late. She was sitting on the bathroom floor when she heard a knock on the door.
"Kay?" Said carina on the other side.
Kate was crying by now. She couldn't hold it. Her momma was being deported. She could be pregnant. Jake had left. What could be good.
She stood up and opened the door.
"Kay what's?" Said carina as she realised she was crying
Kate just couldn't hold it and broke into tears.
Carina directed kate over the bedroom and sat her down on the bed as she crouched in front of her
"Listen to me. Listen to me" said carina holding Kate's hand "breath with me Kate. Look at me, look at my eyes. And breath with me"
Between sobs and tears Kate said "I screwed up"
Carina was confused what was she talking about "kay breath. What's going on?"
"I'm nine days late" spitted Kate up "I'm nine days late I've thrown up twice and I've got no clue on what to do"
Carina's face wasn't as bad as Kate had expected.
"Kate look at me please. Look at me" said carina holding Kate's face in her hands.
"Where are your pills?" Asked carina and Kate pointed to her bathroom. Carina headed to the bathroom and checked Kate's pills
"You've been taking them correctly" said Carina
Kate nodded.
"Did you two use protection?" Asked carina
Kate shook her head since she remembered that night
"Kate we have spoken about this" said carina
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry." She said as she began to cry again.
"You're 9 days late?" Asked carina
Kate nodded again "I've thrown up twice. What if?" She said between sobs.
"Kate, Kate. Look at me. Breath" said carina "nausea only begins around four to six weeks after conception" said carina "tell me exactly when"
"The night before he left" said Kate cleaning a tear off her cheek.
"Pills, are a 98% effective okay?" Said carina
"So there's still a chance?" said Kate getting worried again
"Nausea, nausea it's not one of the signs you've been having. There is a chance but it's a 2%." Said carina.
"I screwed up. I really did" said Kate
"Yes you did, you know what to do and yet you didn't do it." Said carina
Kate nodded
Carina walked over to her bathroom and came back with a bag.
Kate looked in confused. She had no clue what was going on
"You want to be 100% certain?" Said carina and Kate nodded "I'll extract blood. I'll run it tomorrow at work" said carina
Kate nodded again
"You listen to me. This is the last. Last time you're doing this. Being scared for doing something you know you're not supposed to. Clear?" Said carina sharply. Kate nodded and said "I'm really sorry"
"You know we all make mistakes. But Kate never ever again. Hurry makes mistakes." Said carina
Kate pulled up her sleeve and Carina peeped the needle and stuff
"Look away" said carina
"I can handle needles" said Kate
"Look away" said carina
Kate looked away and carina extracted the blood.
"When is it going to be?" Said Kate
"First thing tomorrow" said Carina.

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