Conversations In the Dark

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"We can't call Maya" said Amelia almost whispering over to Callie
"Well there is not even a plan up there and they are not allowed to come down due to the strong winds" said Callie whispering back
"Well then it's the same. Maya is not gonna be able to drive over here, every road is completly shut down and fire department is only allowed to move in case there's an actual fire" said Amelia
"So... no plan? I mean despite no baby daddy?" asked Callie
"No plan" said Amelia as she walked into Kate's room back inside

"how we doing here?" asked Amelia smiling as she walked inside
"we're doing great" smiled Arizona who was standing next to Kate's bed
"oh no, no no" said Kate "they are doing great, I'm being stabbed to my stomach every 6 minutes now"
"every six minutes?" asked Amelia with a worried face looking at Jo who nodded
"is Jake out of surgery? Or where the hell is my husband and where on god's name is my mother?" she asked

"Carina we're intervening here. We're stabilizing the patient here, then we're sending her over to Seattle Press." said Teddy "they can land her there, but she won't make it if we don't intervine" she explained and the team nodded
"Jake and I are keeping the gurney stable while you and Carina work on the patient" said April and the team nodded again
"What if we can't keep it stable? Wind is only gonna keep on getting worse and worse" said Carina
"If you two feel like the wind is taking you together with the gurney you let it go" said Teddy firmly
"What about the patient?" asked Jake as he noticed what Teddy meant and he nodded

"Bailey!" yelled Amelia as she rushed after Bailey
"Shepherd yeah?" she asked as she stopped
"you need to get Windstone and Deluca from upstairs now" she said "they need to come down"
"Amelia they can't. It's not safe for them to be coming down now" she said
"we both know they are still at risk by being there" said Amelia "the baby is coming, anytime soon. Neither one of them will forgive us if they knew they were just some floors upstairs while this baby was being born." she said

"I can't call my mom cause I can picture her driving under this storm." said Kate and stopped to breathe as a contraction came "and neither one of the two doctors who were supposed to be with me are here Callie" she said "so yeah, everything is quite wrong"
"Okay, you're right, you didn't get a sunny day to give birth and I'm sorry about that but the important thing here is to bring this baby safely into the world okay?" she said "this is baby is coming. He or she is waiting for no one. The only thing he or she is interested in is meeting you" she said

"Go go go!" Yelled Teddy and April and Jake rushed over to bring the gurney down from the chopper and tied it to the back of the wall trying to keep it as stable as possible
Carina did a quick ultrasound with the portable ultrasound and said "this women lost the baby"
"What?" Asked April
"The impact. The baby didn't make it" yelled Carina through the wind
"Teddy?" Asked April
"Need to put in a chest tube. Lung is filled" she said as she tried to grab the instruments while everything moved due to the strong winds

"No no. Not yet" said Kate as she turned to Amelia
"Kate look at me" said Jo "the baby is coming." She said
"No no. I need Jake. I need my mom. I just..." she began
"Kate. Honey the baby is coming. There's not much to do. It's happening" said Jo
"Where is Jake Amelia?" She said with tears in her eyes and Jo and Arizona nodded to her
"Jake is upstairs. We lost contact with them. Their on the chopper mission" said Amelia
"Lost contact?" She asked worriedly
"The team upstairs" began Arizona
"My mom. My mom is in that team right?" She asked hyperventilating and no one answered "she is" she said
"Kate..." said Jo
"No no, I'm. I'm not doing this." Said Kate "not like this"
Amelia squeezed her hand and said "Kate this baby is ready to come. So are you and so are we." She said
"I'm... I'm not okay?" She said tearing up "I... I need Jake and my mom and I... I can't do this" she said

"Teddy you need to hurry!" Yelled April
"Almost there" said Teddy who was securing the end of the chest tube
"We need to get her back on the chopper" said Jake
"Okay. We're going slow and steady." Said Teddy as she finished tying up
"Count to three" said April and the team began to move keeping a low position towards the helicopter

"So?" Asked Andy
"So seems like it's an easy night" said Vic as she turned to Maya
"Yeah. Seems like the storm will speed up in some hours. We should get ready" said Maya
"Nice. So, an actual stormy night" said Andy "how's everyone doing?" She asked
"I've been trying to reach Carina. But she said she had quite a lot of patients so she's not picking up. And course neither is Kate" she said
"Maya you know you're okay right?"said Vic reassuring her 
Maya nervously nodded
"Maya" said Andy
"You know what happened in the last storm."she said "I'm just..."
"Picturing the worst" said vic
"Well stop" said Andy "they're all in there"

"Nicely done team" said Teddy as the chopper flew off and the team headed almost crawling through the floor towards the door
"I'm calling Seattle Press so we get the updates" said April as she tried to open up the door and turned to them
"April?" Asked Carina
"I can't" she said
"What?" Asked Jake
"It''s locked" she said and Jake moved over to try open it
"Jake?" Asked Carina
"It's. It's locked" said Jake "I can't open it"
"We're trapped up here?" Asked April turning to them

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