Second Storm

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"So. That's basically the whole explanation of why uniform laundry should be a weekly chores." Said Vic
"I don't agree" said Dean
"That's cause you never do laundry" said Andy making the girls laugh
"I think we're literally gonna spend our whole night talking about station chores. This is the most boring storm ever" said Jack

"No no no. Jo. No" said Kate
"Kate we're just gonna go over to an exam room so I can make sure this contractions" said Jo as she walked hand in hand with Kate
"Amelia no no" said Kate as she began to panic
"It's okay. We're here. I'm here" she smiled as she held Kate's other hand
As they made it to the exam room Jo began to hang up Kate to all the machines

"Patient is stable in the helicopter!" said Kepner through the wind
"It's now or never!" Yelled Jake "we need to get her off the helicopter or it is gonna be too late"
"Okay we're moving!" Yelled Teddy as the whole team slowly walked over to the helicopter being pushed back by the wind.
"Watch out!" Yelled Kepner as the gurney began to lose control and slip away
"Got it! Got it!" Yelled Jake as he locked the wheels "it's gonna be imposible to get this gurney closer!" He said
The four doctors were now kneeling down on the floor preventing the wind from blowing them away.

"You're sure?" Asked Kate hyperventilating "as in sure sure?"
"Okay Kate I need you to breath deeply for me okay." Said Jo "you're in labour. Yes you are. But its not progressing that fast yet." She said
"Amelia no. No. I can't" she said turning to Amelia
"Everything is and will be okay. We're all ready here" said Amelia calmly
"I'm not ready. The baby is not ready. Only 38 weeks" said Kate
"Which is more than perfect to deliver a perfectly healthy and beautiful baby" said Jo
"Jake. Jake doesn't know" said Kate worried
"I'll call him straight away" said Amelia "you need to stay calm and we'll handle the rest okay" she said
Kate nodded and said "I need to just" as she began to get up
"Wanna walk?" Asked Amelia and Kate nodded
"Okay walking it is" said Amelia as she grabbed Kate's arm and began to walk through the hallways
"Where on gods name is Jake?" Asked Kate as her face twitched.
"Oh here here. Arizona" waved Amelia as Arizona rushed over "you take her and walk her around. I'll go find Jake" smiled Amelia
"Okay just focus on breathing" said Arizona as they began walking "you're doing great"
As Amelia rushed over to the nurses station she asked
"Where on earth is Dr. Windstone?" She asked and the nurse looked at her surprised
"Dr Shepherd he is one of the ones up in the roof" said the nurse
"Okay what?" Asked Amelia
"They've been trying to get a patient down from the helicopter for about an hour now" explained the nurse
"Page him" said Amelia
"He won't pick." Said the nurse "it's a priority one helicopter landing"
"His wife is in labour. So that is his number one priority. Get him down" said Amelia
"You're gonna have to talk to chief Bailey. They're locked upstairs" said the nurse looking at her computer
"They're what?" Asked Amelia "page Dr. Deluca the. ASAP"
"He should be..." began the nurse
"No no no. The she deluca. Call dr. Carina Deluca now." Said Amelia
"She's upstairs dr." Said the nurse and Amelia's face fell
"What?" She asked

"Teddy now!" Yelled Jake as they rushed over to the helicopter
As they were about to reach the helicopter the helicopter was blown and moved rapidly
"Watch out! Watch out!" Yelled April pushing Jake
"Thanks" said Jake as they all squadded down covering from the wind
"Teddy this is insane" said Carina as she looked at everyone
"Let's go back to the coverage. Will make a solid plan teddy. We're way too exposed here" said Kepner and slowly almost crawling on the floor the team moved back.

"It's okay. Everything will be okay. We're just gonna page Jo let her know..." began Arizona as she took our her phone
"My..." mumbled Kate. "My water just broke" she said nervously
"Everything will be okay" assured Arizona as she signed Amelia to come over quickly.
Amelia rushed over and noticed
"Oh gosh" she said
"Oh gosh?" Asked Kate worried
"No no no, everything will be okay. We've got this" she said as she turned to grab a wheelchair.
"Okay Jo is coming right now" said Amelia as they headed over to her room.

As Kate laid down Jo rushed into the room
"Hey there" she smiled "so, water broke" she said and Arizona nodded
"Where on gods name is Jake?" Asked Kate turning to Amelia
"You're doing so well" smiled Amelia
"Amelia?" Asked Kate "where is..." she said being interrupted by Jo who said
"Okay so. Seems you're 5cm dilated." She smiled and before she could speak again a contraction hit Kate
"Oh boy that hurts" she said as she squeezed Amelia's hand
"That was what I was about to say. Contractions are now gonna start coming" smiled Jo "what about the meds?" She asked
"I need Jake" said Kate as she breathed as the contraction finally faded.
"Oh Arizona we're being paged" lied Amelia as they both walked out and Jo room Amelia's place.

Outside her room Amelia told Arizona about the Carina and Jake situation
"They're what?!" She almost yelled being shushed by Amelia
"Keep it down!" Said Amelia
"Amelia this baby is not waiting for anyone." She said
"I know I know. And maya is trapped I mean there's no access to roads" said Amelia "okay. Damn"
"Tell Bailey to her them down right now" said Arizona "get some other doctors upstairs"
"Seems they're locked down, or isolated or the whatever the hell bailey is planning" she said
Arizona sighted and said "okay. Let's just not panic. They'll probably get the patient down before Kate even gives birth"
"They've been upstairs over two hours. God knows how long they'll be there" said Amelia lifting her arms as Jo came outside
"So?" She asked and Amelia shook her head
"So... seems like you'll have to delivery the baby without baby daddy. Or without baby grandma" she said
"They're still upstairs?!" She almost yelled and then whispered "yeah labour is actually developing quite quite fast." She said "call Bailey ASAP cause this baby doesn't really care about the helicopter"

"Carina and April you wait over by the door while me and Jake try get the gurney stable!" Yelled Teddy
"Teddy! You can't get near any kinda edge. Any kinda anything. Wind won't stop blowing!" Yelled April
"Well then what's the plan?!" Yelled Carina

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