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"Okay you're staying in the attending lounge where we can all keep an eye on you" said Amelia as she took Kate over there
"Amelia." Laughed Kate "you can go, there's a huge mess downstairs" she said
"Okay fine. But you're staying here" said Amelia and she got Kate sitting down on the couches.
"Amelia. Go" said Kate as Amelia looked at her and said "fine fine. You call me if you need anything okay?" She said as she rushed out of the room

"Hey" said Callie as she walked into the attending's lounge some minutes after
Kate looked up from her phone and said "hey you"
As Callie sat down next to Kate, Kate's face twitched "god stop kicking me" she said and Callie laughed
"How's everything down there?" Asked Kate
"Quite messy" said Callie "seems like the storm will keep us quite quite busy" she said and Kate sighted
"God I hate storms" she said as Callie nodded

"Hey Jake!" Said Carina as she rushed up to him
"Carina hey" he said as he turned to her
"Kate's in here?" She asked
"Yeah. She is. She's in the attending's lounge." He said
"Oh god. Okay. I was staring to get worried" she said
"Grace?" Asked Jake
"Daycare. Downstairs. Will be opened all night" said Carina
As both of them were talking Teddy came rushing to them
"Need both of you. Pregnant women coming up." She said and before Jake and Carina could head downstairs she said "no no! Guys. She's coming by helicopter" she said reading her pager
"What?! Helicopter is never gonna land with this storm" said Jake as they rushed to the elevator
"Seems they're already on it" said Teddy
"Can't they land in the floor?" Asked Carina
"Way too much blood has been lost" said Teddy as the elevators doors began to open.
"Altman?!" Yelled Jake as the wind of the storm pushed them back
"Oh boy" said teddy as she saw the helicopter trying to land as ir was being blown back
"This is never gonna land!" Yelled Carina
As the elevator tried to get closer the wind pushed it towards the three doctors
"Watch out" said Jake as he pushed both of them back against the elevator again
"What's the plan?" Asked Carina as she looked at Teddy
"Helicopter is already here. It's not turning back" said Teddy. "We just need to get the patient down and then the helicopter can keep on"
"That's not possible Altman." Said Jake through the wind
"The patient is gonna die otherwise" she said and the elevators door opened and Kepner walked out.
"Hey!" Se yelled through the wind "you need to evacuate here! Bailey said she wants no one upstairs" she said
"Tell them to land downstairs!" Said Jake
"It's not possible" said Teddy
"Unless you tie up that helicopter there's no way this is landing here" said Carina

"Hey" said Jo walking into the attended lounge "have been looking for you" she said
"Can you tell your patient to stop kicking me god" said Kate as she looked at Jo
"Has been kicking around?" She smiled as she walked over and sat down next to her
"Yeah. Quite a lot. Jake's voice usually gets him or her to stop. My voice seems to energise kicking skills"
Jo laughed and said "how's grandmas?"
"Not sure which one is worst" she laughed "pretty sure they'll kidnap my baby. Or occasionally lend it to me"

"You nodded to tell them to go land downstairs!" Yelled Kepner as the wind made them walk backwards
"We'll do it in two steps. Call hunt and Bailey. Tell them to wait by the elevator. We'll hand the patient over to them and they'll get her downstairs" said Teddy
"Carina you do down with them" said Kepner "they'll need the OB"
"You'll need someone else to get the gurney straight through the wind. If the pregnancy causes problems they'll page me" said Carina

"Hey" smiled Andy as she walked into Maya's room where she was signing files
"Kinda weird we haven't been paged right?" She laughed
"Don't spoil it!" Laughed Andy as she sat down on one of the office's chair "how's Kate?" She asked
"She's really really really pregnant" laughed Maya "she's at the hospital. Carina and Jake didn't want her far away from them"
"Yeah that's quite a smart call" said Andy
"Yeah" said Maya
"Hey what's up?" Said Andy looking at her
"Just can't believe she's actually having a baby" said Maya and Andy smiled
"You're gonna be a grandma" she said
"Oh boy shut up" said Maya
"Can't wait to have the third generation running about in here" said Andy
"Im so gonna spoil that baby" said Maya
Andy laughed and said "can't wait to have mommies and grandmas discussions in here"

"So?" Said Amelia as she walked in "how we doing" she said as she poured coffee
"I'm getting quite tired of being kicked" laughed Kate as she walked around
"Don't you want to sit down?" Asked Amelia as she walked over to her
"My back's killing me if I'm sitting down" she said
"Have you seen Jake? Or my mom?" Asked Kate as she placed her hand in her back
"They're probably in surgery" said Amelia and Kate nodded

"Teddy!" Yelled Kepner "call them! Tell them it needs to be now. The storm is only gonna get worst. They won't be able to hold their position in the air that much" she said and teddy picked up her phone
Carina and Jake looked at each other and both of them had a worried expression on their faces.

"Oh my god stop it" said Kate as she twitched her face and Amelia walked over
"What's up?" She asked as she smiled
"The kicking is just. Seems like there's a soccer match inside of me" she said
Amelia laughed and placed her hand on Kate's tummy
"Kate I'm not really feeling the kicking" she said
"What?" Asked Kate as her face twitched again
"I don't feel the baby kicking" said Amelia
"I'm being kicked like right now" said Kate getting worried
"I think this are contractions" said Amelia
Kate's face turned pale "contractions?" She asked
"Im not sure" said Amelia as she grabbed her phone "I'll page Jo just to be sure" she said
"No no Amelia. There are 2 more weeks to go" she said
"It's okay. Everything will work out okay" said Amelia as she grabbed Kate's hand and picked up her phone.

"Teddy what's the plan!" Asked Kepner
"We can't stay here much longer" said Jake as he looked at Teddy
"We're getting the patient off the helicopter" said Teddy
April Jake and Carina looked at each other in panic and April said "we need to do it fast before this storms picks up and we're blown away."

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