Part 30

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It was around 10pm. Jake had gone out with his friends for dinner and Kate was having dinner with Kim, they both had to study so they would do an evening of studying and dinner.
Kate was in the shower while Kim sorted out dinner.
"Kim!" Yelled Kate from her bathroom
Kim walked over to her bathroom door "yeah?" She asked
"Can you hand me a towel. They should be in the closet next to my shoe closet" said Kate
"How can you not have towels in your own bathroom" laughed Kim
"Nora literally comes and throws all my belongings into the washing machine every time." Said Kate
Kim handed Kate the towel and laughed "either station workouts or Jake's workouts are doing good"
Kate laughed and said "shut it"
As they sat down on the table to eat Kim said "Kate you okay?"
"Yeah what do you mean?" Asked Kate
"It's been three weeks. Almost a month. And you won't talk about it" said Kim
"I talk to them every day" said Kate
"Kate" said Kim
"I don't know what I'm supposed to think. I just don't. They said a month. It's been a month since mom is there. So mamma has been there for a month and two weeks. I don't know what to think" said Kate
"On Monday it's.." she said being interrupted
"I know. First day, I just had this idea of mom being there and mamma despite she would understand a single thing" laughed Kate
"I know it's not the same but we are all going to be there. Jake, your godparents, you're station and hospital family and me" said Kim
Kate smiled and said "Thanks"

Around 1am Kim left and after cleaning up Kate headed to her room. She lay down on her bed thinking about Monday. Shoot it was true. But there was no choice. She just had to pull through it.
She fell asleep between her thoughts, deeply asleep.
3am, she jumped in fear.
"Hey easy, easy. It's me" said Jake who got into bed with her putting his arm around her waist and pulling her close to him.
"You scared me" said Kate cuddling next to him
"I know I'm sorry. Didn't want to wake you up" said Jake
"You sleeping here?" Asked Kate
Jake kissed her head and said "yes honey"
They both fell asleep instantly cuddled into one another.
6:30am. Kate's alarm went on. She had to get to the station, her last shift before academy.
She got up and dressed and made breakfast for both of them. Jake came out of her room around 7am and walked over to the kitchen shirtless and placed his hands on Kate's waist form behind and kissing her neck
"Morning princess" he said
"Morning you" said Kate and turned her face to kiss him. "You know this mornings like this? I'm gonna miss them badly"
"Oh really?" He said lifting her up and kissing her "gonna miss them too" he said "gonna miss this sports bras in the morning" he laughed
"Shut it." Said Kate "or no more sports bras" she said
"Oh. I'm all in favour for no bras. I say the less bras the better" he laughed
Kate laughed and said "breakfast?"
Jake quickly ran to the bedroom to put on a shirt and came back to the dinning room.
"Hey you okay?" He said kissing Kate's cheek
"I'm nervous" she just spit out. She never admitted being scared or nervous. Only when she was reaching a limit point
"I would be worried if you weren't nervous Kay" he said as he placed his hand on her thigh
"Just. I always pictured mom there" said Kate
"I know, and I know her favourite thing in the would be to be here" said Jake
Kate nodded and said "you think they'll make it? You think mammas VISA" she said
"Both of them are powerful women Kate. I'm not sure how all of that works. But I'm sure they'll move the world to be back here" said Jake
Kate got dressed and drove all the way to the station. As she came in Andy was sitting at the table.
"Last shift!" Said Andy
"Last shift before academy" said Kate
Andy hugged her and said "so? How are we feeling?" She said
"Nervous?" Asked Kate with a smile
"You've got it! And I already have my outfit for the ceremony" said Andy and realised Kate wasn't that exited as she was "honey is everything okay?"
Kate just looked at Andy and said "yeah, I'm fine. Just need to, I don't know. Do something you know"
"I'm lost here" said Andy
"Mom and mamma they are fighting for something they think is okay. I just feel I should be doing something" said Kate
"You'll be a firefighter, you'll save life's just as Maya and carina do" said Andy and Kate nodded.
That night was the last one before academy. Holly night. She was having dinner with Andrew and heading home early since she had a tough day tomorrow.
"Missed you around the hospital" said Andrew as they finished their dinner
"I know I know. Hadn't been much around. I do have to go to pick up mammas files next week." Said Kate
"Oh yeah. Damn forgot to bring them" said Andrew
"You think mamma will be back?" Asked Andrew
"You know, your mamma has been tough ever since she was born. I mean she was always the tough sister. But, since the day you were born? Holly mother" laughed Andrew "she became a literal lioness. Kate I promise your mamma would move a mountain for you. And ever since I met Maya. Well I was kinda intimidated by her the day I met her" Andrew laughed "I know, they'd go to war for you" said Andrew

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