Part 26

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"Oxygen?" Asked Andy
"Fire food" said Kate who was making breakfast at the station kitchen
"I mean the chemical name dummy" said Andy "and what are you doing?"
"I'm making breakfast?" Said Kate smiling
"Kate Bishop DeLuca? Making breakfast? Vic did you hear that?" Said Andy
"I'm taking a picture" said vic standing up
"For the team, I've already had breakfast"said Kate
"Ohh that makes sense then" said Andy
"Had news on carina?" Asked vic
"Yesterday night she had a phone call, with what I guess was migration" said Kate as she poured water
"Everything will turn out okay" said Andy as she put her arm around Kate squeezing her shoulder
"Yeah. I guess so" said Kate
"I know so" said vic winking
"Would mom go? Like when I was small?" Asked Kate
"Not sure honey" said Andy
That second Kate's phone buzzed
~Carina: can you come to the hospital
~Kate: ?
~ Carina: can you?
~ Kate: sure
Kate rushed to her car and drove over to the hospital just thinking, I'm pregnant. How can I be this stupid? How? Im pregnant
She got to the hospital and rushed to carinas office and knocked the door
"Come in" said Carina
Kate walked in and saw carina sitting on her chair signing papers
"Mamma?" Asked Kate as she walked in, she could feel her heart in her stomach
"Kay sit down" said Carina
Kate sat down on the couch in carina office and just looked at carina with panic in her eyes "oh my god" she said
Carina looked at her and before she said anything Kate was with her hands on her face.
She stood up and crouched in front of her with a paper in her hands. She placed her hands on Kate's face and said
"Bambina, look at me" said carina softly
"I can't, sorry. No. I can't breath" said Kate
"Can you look at me?" Said carina and lifted Kate's chin
"Mamma, I just. No, no I cant" said Kate
Carina placed her face in front of Kate's and said "follow my breathing. Follow my breathing"
Kate looked at carina and cleaned a tear off her cheek.
Carina brought the paper form her back and as she read the results Kate's fell almost fell down
"You?" Said Kate
"Yes" said carina
"I'm?" Said Kate.
"No" said carina
"Why?" Asked Kate unable to speak
"Give you a scare. So you remember" said carina
"I'm not?" Said Kate unspeakable "I'm not pregnant?" Asked Kate
"You're not pregnant" said carina
"You stopped my heart" said Kate catching her breath
"You stopped my heart last night" said carina
"That's illegal to do" said Kate
"Life lesson" said carina
"That's just evil and wrong" said Kate
"Did you get scared?" Asked carina
"You think?" Said Kate
"Mission accomplished" said carina
Kate held her head and then remembered "but why? I'm nine days late" she said
"You've been through quite a lot of stress this days. That could have affected your cycle, and also. You're anemic" said carina
"Anemic?" Asked Kate
"Not that big a deal. But, yes, stress and anemia could have an affect your cycle" said carina "you just need to take it easier, and eat. Specially if you're running lady" she said
All of a sudden Kate just remembered about carinas VISA issue and unthinking it she just hugged her tightly.
"Bambina...." said carina hugging her tightly
Kate didn't notice but she was crying "please don't leave mamma. Just please don't leave me. Don't leave us" she said
Carina was also crying now, she just couldn't keep it "Kate, I'm never. Ever. Ever leaving you, okay?" Said carina
"What if you can't... what if you can't come back?" Asked Kate
"I'll swim back if I have to okay." Said carina and kissed Kate cheek
Kate just stayed there snuggling into carina thinking what would she do if she left.
After like an hour carina was paged and Kate headed over to the station.
"Someone's in trouble?" Asked Travis
"What?" Said Kate not understanding
"Captain requested you to go upstairs" said Travis
"Really?" Said Kate "uh it's like being called to the principals office"
"More like to your moms office?" Laughed Vic
"Same thing" said Kate as she walked upstairs.
She knocked on the door and came in
"Yes Captain" asked Kate 
Maya made her a sign of coming in and she ended up the phone call she was having
"Spoke to mamma" said Maya "you went to the hospital"
"Yeah" said Kate
"Has she spoken to you or shall I?" Said Maya
"We've spoke" said Kate
"Okay then" said Maya "so, spoke to migration this morning."
"I don't want to know it" said Kate
"Kate just listen me out" said Maya
"I don't want to listen to it." Said Kate
"Can you please listen to me" said Maya
Kate before opening the door turned around.
"There's no way she's getting her permanent  VISA form here. She need to go do paperwork at Italy" said Maya 
"How long?" Asked Kate
"Starting a month maybe" said Maya sadly
"A month? In a month I'll be in fire academy" said Kate "are you also leaving?"
"Not at the the  begging. But if I'm needed I'll go" said Maya
"What are the chances of not getting the VISA?" Asked Kate
"We are not thinking about it now" said Maya
"How are we supposed not to?" Asked Kate
"We just don't" said Maya
Kate nodded and left the office.
Alarm went on and vic started getting ready
"Come on Bishop." She said
"Yes!!" Said Kate and rushed to the aid car
As they drove to the Main Street Vic said "you look serious. What's wrong?" Said Vic
"Nothing" said Kate
"Why the face?" Asked Vic
"Fucking VISA" said Kate "sorry. Sorry"
"No, it's okay. You're angry." Said vic
"Yeah." Said Kate
"Emergencies will make you feel better" said vic  "and when is Dr. Jake coming?" she asked
Kate looked at her watch and said "11 days from today" as she smiled.              "uuuu freshman coming home" said Vic smiling with a sassy smile on her face.
"Vic!" said kate
"what?" laughed vic "we are both grownups and I'm not your moms nor Andy" she said
"yeah so freshman comeback" said Kate

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