Nothing Seems To Work

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"You know you should just talk to her right?" Said Jake as he stroke Kate's hair
"What is there to talk about?" Smiled Kate as she sat up "she's being weird and I'm paying for it. Doesn't sound quite fair"
"Wouldn't you like to know why she's being weird?" Asked Jake
"You always have to be right don't you?" Smiled Kate as she pecked his lips
"That's kinda why I'll be your husband" he smiled pecking her lips back "you sleeping here?" He asked
"Yeah. Maybe." Smiled Kate

"Maya" said Carina as she walked into the nursery. Maya was sitting down on the armchair holding the baby in her arms.
"Can we talk?" Asked Carina as she leaned on the crib
"What is there to talk about?" Asked Maya
"You dropped a bomb and just took out. You can't do that" said Carina
"There's nothing to say Carina. I screwed up and I'm trying to fix it despite I keep on screwing it up" said Maya looking down at the baby
"You didn't screw up maya. Not until today." Said Carina 
"Never understood how you did it." Whispered Maya
"What are you talking about?" Asked Carina
"How you always manage to say the right thing. Help people." Said Maya
"Maya.." said Carina
"It's true carina. You always did you always do" said Maya

Around 1am Jake and Kate were both sound asleep as Kate's phone began to ring non stop. Both of them jumped up and Kate answered
"Bishop here" she said as she heard the 19 tone
"Bishop everyone in. 911 emergency" said the 911 responder at 19
"On my way" answered Kate
Kate got out of bed and got dressed pecked Jake's lips and rushed out of the apartment into her car and within seconds was at the station.
"What's up?" She said as she jogged over to the engines
"Two house alert" said Travis as he hopped up the engine
"Mom?" Asked Kate as she got dressed up
"Meeting us there. Ready?" Asked Andy "you driving with me" she said as Kate hopped up with her on the engine.
As they reached the first house Maya's car was parked on the other house giving direction to the second battalion.
"We're going in!" Yelled Jack as the team was split in pairs.
"Dean you're with me. Vic you're with Travis. Kate stick to Herrera!" Yelled Jack as they all rushed in "Warren Aid is all you" he said and Jack and Dean disappeared into the house.
"You've got it" said Vic as she patted Kate's back and together with Travis rushed Jack
"Ready?" Asked Andy
"Yeah. Ready" said Kate as she pulled in her mask.
Both of them rushed into the house and took control of the top floor.
"Room 1 cleared!" Yelled Kate
"Nice bishop!" Said Jack over the radio
"Bishop here!" Yelled Andy and Kate rushed over to room 2
"Shouldn't we seal up?" Asked Kate
"Yeah." Said Andy "we just need more hands here but yeah." "Help me get control" said Andy as both of them cleared the room. "Gibson we need help here!" Said Andy over the radio
"On my way!" Said Gibson and within seconds he was upstairs. "Dean managed to hold control downstairs. Structure is holding" he said
"There's something feeding the fire upstairs. We're sealing it!" Said Andy
"You wanna seal it?" Asked Jack
"There's no other choice if we want to kill it up here!" Said Andy
"Kate. Run. Seal the doorway door" nodded Jack "be right back okay?" He said and before we was able to finish Kate sprinted out of the room and sealed the door "we're sealed!" She said over the radio as she came back into the room
"Nicely done bishop!" Said Andy as she checked the structures. As they were about to expose the feeder they radio turned on.
"You just sealed up!" Yelled maya on the radio
"Yes Captain" answered Jack
"Why on gods name would you do that?!" Yelled maya over the radio
"We're controlling the feeder upstairs trying to keep structure complete." Said Andy
"How many upstairs?" Asked Maya
"Three. Bishop, Herrera and myself" answered Jack
"Kate's with you?!" Asked Maya
"She was listed Maya. She's part of the team" said Andy
No response from maya.

"Hello baby" said Carina as she picked up the baby from the crib and walked downstairs with Grace in her arms.
"Oh look. Your mommy and your sister are over there" she said as she looked at the news on TV
"Two house fire continues to spread despite firefighters best control"
"Okay. Yeah neither one of us needs to listen to it right?" Said carina getting nervous and changing the channel. 

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