This Is Us

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Friday night Carina and Maya decided to go out for dinner since none of them had to work.
"You call us if you need anything" said Maya as they were leaving their place.
Kate and Jake babysitting Grace
"We'll be just fine here" said Kate as she pointed the door "come on out you go" she smiled
"Okay there's bottles in the fridge and at the nursery.." began Carina
"You know I live here don't you?" Laughed Kate
"Sorry sorry" said Carina smiling "okay ready to go now" she said
As they opened the front door Jake was about to knock in
"Hey" smiled Maya
"You two look amazing" he smiled
"Thanks Jake" smiled Carina "and thanks for sitting today"
"Please you don't even have to asks me. She's by goddaughter" he smiled as he walked in
Maya and Carina looked at each other with a smile and hopped on the car
"Night alone" said Maya
"Yeah" smiled carina "been kinda hard with the whole having a baby stuff" she laughed making Maya chuckle as she started the engine and drove away.
"Where we going?" Asked Carina
"Deluca" said maya "what part of surprise don't you get" she smiled
"Fine fine" said Carina as she looked out of the window and after some minutes they got there.
"Here we are" said Maya as she parked in front to Carina's favourite restaurant
"You're the best" said Carina as she pecked her lips
"Yeah I know" smiled Maya as she kissed her again deeply "shall we?" Asked Maya as they got out of the car

"Look at both of you" smiled Kate as she walked into the leaving took to find Jake with Grace fast asleep on his arms
"Someone loves me" he smiled looking down at the baby

"You look gorgeous" said Maya as they sipped their wine
"Missed having some alone time with you" said Carina "you firefighters have some funny schedules"
Maya laughed and said "yeah guilty"
"Seems funny doesn't it?" Asked Carina
"The what?" Asked Maya confused
"Kate getting married next week" smiled Carina
"Feels like it was yesterday she was a baby" said Maya
"And we've got a baby at home" laughed Carina
"All over again" smiled maya
"All over again" said Carina with a smile
"Kinda different tho" said Maya
"What do you mean?" Asked Carina
"Grace has I don't know. Peace in her eyes." Said Maya "Kate was. She's a force of nature" she laughed
Carina laughed and nodded "yeah she is"
Maya took another sip of her wine and said "Never happened to me you know"
Carina looked confused as she said "what do you mean?"
"They say once you have a baby you fall in love  all over again" said Maya "never happened to me."
"Thank you?" Laughed Carina
"I fall in love with you again every single day. Every single morning when I wake up and every night I go to bed." Said Maya as she placed her glass on the table
"I look at you now and see a whole different person" said Carina "A person which I wanna spend my whole life with the family we've made" she smiled as she teared up
"And I promise I'll be here. Always"
Said Maya

"What are you doing?" Laughed Jake as he walked into the kitchen to find Kate sitting on the floor looking at the oven
"I can't turn this thingy on" she laughed
Jake laughed as he walked over and turned it on "I think I know who'll be the cook in this relationship" he said as he lifted her up from the floor and pecked her lips
"Thanks" smiled Kate
"Our goddaughter is sound asleep and you should go sleep too" he said
"I should have dinner with my husband to be" she said
"God I love how that sounds" he smiled

"Are you scared?" Asked Maya "I mean the truth" she smiled
"About Kate getting married?" Asked carina
"About her getting married and moving out" said Maya
"I'm happy for her" said Carina
"Carina..." smiled maya
"What?" Said Carina
"I mean the truth" she smiled
"Oh you're asking for the actual truth?" Laughed Carina "scared to hell" she smiled
"She'll be okay" said Maya
"Yeah I'm scared I won't" smiled Carina "not ready for her to leave" she said
"There's no way of being ready" said Maya smiling
"You basically leave with her at the station" said Carina
"You can always become a firefighter" laughed Maya
"I mean it" said Carina "I'm afraid I'll lose touch with her"
"Carina" smiled Maya as she held Carina's hands "you won't ever. Ever lose touch with her" said Maya

"Shh it's okay" said Kate as she walked the baby back and forth on her arms until she fell asleep
"Someone woke up?" Asked Jake as he walked in
"Someone woke up in quite a mood" said Kate
"Here" said Jake as Kate handed the baby over to him
Kate sat down on the armed chair and looked at Jake
"You nervous" asked Kate
"At all" he said
Kate smiled and he asked "you scared of going back to 19?"
"Kinda nervous" smiled Kate

"Kate's going back next week" smiled Carina
"Thanks to you" said Maya
"Maya no. This was all you" said Carina
"You were the one who made me realise. You were the one who made me notice I was doing things okay. It was just my mind tricking me and making me think I was doing it all wrong" said Maya "so yeah. Kate is coming back thanks to you" smiled Maya as she squeezed Carina's hand "you always make me realise the things I can't see." She said
Maya looked at Carina and breathed out "you know what I always thank for at night?" She said "I thank God I was there that night at the bar" said Maya and Carina looked confused at her
"Just try to picture what a mess I'd be without you"said Maya
"Let's just say you'll never gonna have to find out" smiled Carina

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now