Falling Awake

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"Breath. Breath" said Maya as she brought water over for Carina who had her hands over her stomach
"I can't do this Maya" she said as tears ran down her face
"I know. I know." Said Maya rubbing her back
"I can't bring another baby into the world and keep on feeling I've failed them" said carina
"Carina don't say that" said Maya
Carina lifted her head and said "but it's true Maya. It's true. I brought her to the world to make her happy and protect her and now she. I'm not protecting her. You saved her life before, my friends saved her life and I? I was always the one doing nothing"
"No, no carina. No" said Maya as she clutched holding her hands "Carina you, you're the best mother ever. You'll always be the best mom ever. Ever carina. I've seen no one else do what you've done."
"I'm a mess Maya" cried Carina
"Do you remember the first night we brought Kate home from the hospital. How she wouldn't stop crying if you disappeared from her sight even for a minute. She'd just cry and cry until she saw you again, and damn that baby? Gosh she cried so, so loud" Smiled maya
"When she used to run after Andy at the station and hide in your office" smiled Carina as a tear run down her cheek with her hand in her stomach "she refused on going to sleep until you were home from work no matter how hard I tried putting her to sleep"
"Cause she wanted me to tell her everything me and Andy did on that day at the station" said Maya as she placed her hand on Carina's tummy
"I can't do this Maya. I can't have my baby going over to Iraq" cried Carina
Maya placed a kiss on Carina's head and pulled her in closely

"So this is it? You heading off to war?" Asked Kim as she poured a whiskey for Kate
"Not it Kim. You know I'll be back right?" Smiled Kate "in six months I'll be back"
"Yes, I know you will. Just, tell me you're scared" said Kim
"I mean. Scared? I'd be scared here there anywhere. Just makes no sense to live my whole life being scared" explained Kate
"Your moms?" Asked Kim
Kate shook her head
"Kate..." said Kim
"Don't start please" said Kate
"Jake?" Asked Kim
Kate shook her head again
"He's mad?" Asked Kim
"No, we're over" said Kate and Kim's eyes shot open
"Kate no, no no. This is crazy." She said
"I need you to just not be against me on this one. Okay?" Asked Kate 
"I just feel like you and your family deserve to be in peace" said Kim
"I need this and I need for people to just stop this. This trying to make me feel better." Said Kate
"What's the plan then?" Asked Kim
"No plan, just. Heading over home tomorrow. Bags ready. And in four to five days I'm in Iraq. Just need to inform some more people and move my academy exams cause of nation work" said Kate
"Okay, Kate it's late and we both need to get sleep. Specially you" said Kim as she finished her drink and got up
"You're also angry at me?" Asked Kate
"Just worried" smiled Kim

Next morning 6:00 am Kate was at the station where she informed Andy about her future. Things went slightly better than how she expected it. Mostly since Andy was kinda afraid in yelling at Kate again even tho she didn't remembered about it. The rest of the station would either find out by Andy or Maya. She had one more thing to go just before starting to get things ready. Hospital to see teddy.
She drove as fast as she could over to the hospital and did something over the phone. Changed her flight. What reason was there to stay here. She had a plan. Had decided. What else was there to lose. Tonight her plane was departing.
"Teddy" asked Kate as she found teddy standing in a corridor.
"Hey honey" she said turning around "19 clothes really suit you"
Kate laughed and spit out "I'm leaving tomorrow night. 9pm plane departures"
"Woah. Kate. You're still weak, tomorrow? Your family did you.." she said an was cut off
"I'm okay teddy. I'm just needing to go and yes I spoke to my family and no I don't want to talk about it" said Kate and hugged teddy "thank you, for everything you've done for me"

What do you pack up for to go to Iraq? I mean she knew she was going to be given her work clothes there but what do you bring over.
Packing and packing and realised her bags where quite big so she decided it was it. Done. She quickly got into her car and drove over to the airport.

"Maya?" Asked Carina over the phone who was working at the hospital
"Yes?" Answered Maya.
"Kate is leaving" said Carina
"In two weeks. And we're not letting that happen Carina" said Maya breaking down.
"No no, Maya" said Carina crying "Kate is leaving as in she is leaving right now"
"Carina, what are you taking about?" Asked Maya getting worked up
"Turn on the news Maya" said Carina as she sat down
Maya run over to the resting room and turned on the TV
"Carina! Carina what channel carina?!" Yelled Maya in despair
"Night news" said carina softly as she cleaned off a tear.
~Night News~
Here we are at another rainy night in Seattle. Seattle airports. Filled with heroes who are departing in just some minutes. This men and women who'll be travelling over to Iraq to help out country from very first hand.
~ ~
"No, no, no no" said Maya "no, no no no"
"Maya. Maya breath. You're having a panic attack" said carina over the phone
"She.. she is.. leaving. Carina. Kate Kate carina Kate is leaving" she said as her breathing was cut
"Maya. Maya breath." Said carina crying on the other side of the line
"How am I supposed to breath?!" Yelled maya and Andy jogged over to the room
"I don't know Maya!" Yelled carina back
"Maya?" Asked Andy as she stood in front of her
"She's leaving" said Maya looking at Andy
"You've got two more weeks maya you'll stop her" said Andy
"No, no I won't. Cause she's getting on the plane right now" said Maya as she began to sob
"Maya.." said Andy as she sat down next to her and didn't even hesitate on placing her hand on her back
"I'm sorry Andy. Sorry for being awful to you. I'm so, so sorry" cried maya
"No, no no. Don't Maya. Don't" said Andy as she held maya

DOOR 23 - departing to Iraq.
"Here we go" said Kate as she grabbed her bags and walked through that door

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now