Total Eclipse of The Heart

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Seeing a ghost, maybe not a ghost more like a spirit maybe. Not sure. Not sure at all. Could be just our imagination. Just our. Just our hopes playing a trick on us. Maybe more like a hallucination. We were exhausted. All of us. Had been ours with sleep deprivation. Stress blowing us up.
Gods hand on our shoulder and back. Like hugging us.
Half way running. The whole 19 team. Running towards the car. Or what was left from the car. Ashes.
The whole hospital just staring. In panic. More like desperate. Trying to keep their hopes up by prepping all their supplies just in case. Just in case.
So the impact. It hit us all.

Haven't stopped. Haven't stopped. I stop she's gone. Pull through. Almost here. Almost there. 3/4 done. You stop? Everything will lose it purpose. Don't stop. Don't stop.
How long? Damn how long? 4? 5 minutes? I need to. Need to leave. Both of us.
What's that? Damn. Why can't I? No, no. My shoulder is out? Okay no, no not out just. Just locked. I'm in shock? Was I out? Focus. Focus. Dummy. Unlock it. You need to keep on or she's gone. Breath in. Breath out. *Crack* oh mother of! Yeah. I unlocked. Hurts like.... Keep on Kate. Two arms now. Come on damn!
I'll break her ribs. And if I stop I kill her.
What's that? That smell I know it. I know that one. No no no. Oil come on!! I'm sorry *punches Sofia's chest hard and looks for a pulse* yes! Yes!

When we are little. Children. We look up at superheroes. We find them. Just heroes. When we grow up. We want to be those heroes. Just we understand that it actually means to put your own life at risk.

Imagine having to unlock your shoulder. Imagine that kinda pain. Now, picture it after being in a car explosion which made you fly some meters away. Okay? Now. Imagine yourself carrying a girl in your arms coping with that pain.

"There could be more explosions! We're not moving things 19!" Yelled Andy
"Andy. Breath" said vic
"Are you breathing?" Asked Andy
Vic looked at her and said "I'm not"
"Then please don't ask me to" said Andy and Vic nodded
"Jake! Jake. Hey! Slow down." Said Dean
"I can't Dean I can't!" Yelled Jake
"I know. Just. Just slow down" said Dean
The car. More like. The remaining of the car. 200 meters away from them.
"We're not moving anything!" Yelled Andy
"Andy there's oil. All over." Said Vic
"Then you shoot it with the hose!" Yelled Andy back
"Andy! The oil is coming from the car!" Yelled Jack
"What?" Asked Andy
"Andy the car is leaking. It's coming from the car" said Jack
"There's gonna be another explosion" said Andy in a low voice
"No no, we're going over there"said Jake
"It's gonna burst anytime. There's sparkles already" said Dean
"We're going!" Yelled Andy
"Andy! It's gonna burst! Stop!" Said Jack
"JACK LET GO NOW!" Yelled Andy
Jack holding Andy back not letting her move. He knew what was happening. So did Dean so he moved ahead with Ben to get hold of Jake
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Yelled Jake
Jake was big, strong young and muscular but so was Dean and Ben. Two men usually get hold of one.
"EVERYONE DOWN!" Yelled Vic.
Every men down. Everyone.
They say the worst enemy to have is hope. You lose it. But it comes again. Over and over again. It crushes us. Over and over again.
What were the odds in finding her after the first big explosion? So, why did the second explosion parted them once again. Makes no sense. Except it does. Hope. They had gain hope. Once again.
"Kate?!" Said Jake looking between the rain and the smoke
"Jake you can't" said Dean holding him down
"No no no." said Jake
Vic held Jake's arm "Jake. Please"
19 backed up. Jake and Andy almost being dragged.
Rushed into the tent truck finding shelter for the next explosion
Maya rushed over to the mini fridge and back again to the bed
"Carina breath. Okay. Breath with me" she said "carina look at me. Look at me. Here's the water"
"I... I don't want... I can't. Maya" she said in between breaths
"Carina follow my breathing. Okay. I need to keep on making calls okay. I just need you to breath with me" said Maya kneeling in front of Carina
And there it was. The last part of the car bursted. As expected. Flames, smoke, sparkles. Everything. And when last expected. In between everything. From the flames. Hope.
Seeing a movie. Seeing everything, feeling nothing. Not knowing what to feel. How to think, how to move.
Looked like Kate except something in her arms. Wrapped in a white cloth. Running from the flames under the rain. As she came closer everything was clearer. It was her. The thing in her arms was a child. Wrapped in her shirt.
A hospital gurney rushed under the rain and 19 just stood in shock. Unable to move, to talk. Unable to breath.
"Kate" that was the only thing which came out of someone's mouth. Jake's mouth.
The hospital team, teddy, april, Owen and Alex. Got to her.
"How can it?" Said April still not understanding what had happened
"Her heart stopped, for at least 4 minutes I... I got her back I don't. She had a pulse..." she tried to say but Alex interrupted
"Kate! Kate! She has a pulse you saved her life!" He yelled as they rushed her in together with Owen and April
Teddy couldn't find words. She only managed to stand in shock and only managed to say "Kate we need to..." but it was interrupted by someone running so fast towards her who picked her up in his arms
"Jake" said Kate as he had her in his arms
"Kate" he said trying to hold his tears
"Kate we need to take you inside" said Teddy
There it was 19. Everyone in shock. But Andy, Andy was on her knees on the floor. Her face in her hands.
"Andy! Andy!" Yelled jack
"Leave me alone jack. Just. Leave me alone" said Andy.

"Kate! Kate sit down" said Teddy
"I need to see her, I need to see her teddy" she said wondering the trauma room
"Kate sit down please." Said april coming in "she is stable. She's heading The OR. Both moms have been updated. We really need you to sit down. Please"
Kate nodded and sat down on the gurney as she was plugged into the machines.
"Let's get a sling for that shoulder. Don't move it" said teddy as she placed her arm on a sling "there we go"
"Amelia is on her way we need to do a formal neuro exam. I'm putting you on an IV okay?" said April and Kate nodded
"I'm really okay. There's no need. The storm is..." she said being cut
"You're staying here" said Jake holding her hand taping the IV
"Andy! Andy! Andy stop!" Yelled Vic chasing after Andy "Andy! Stop!"
Andy opened up the trauma room door and in she went. You could see her eye bags meters away
"What the hell do you think you are! What the hell do you think you are Kate!! What the hell!" She yelled pushing Kate
"Aghh Andy stop!" Yelled Kate grabbing her shoulder
"Hey hey!!" Said teddy putting herself in between them "Herrera! Back the hell off!" She yelled
"You had one thing to do!! ONE THING! To fucking OBEY! FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!" She yelled trying to pass over teddy "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"
Kate got up trying to pass over teddy's back "I think I did what had to be done Andy! The thing none of you did. I'm not a firefighter yet and still did what had to be done!" Yelled Kate
"Kate please lay down" said April trying to get hold of her
"EXACTLY! Still a provee! You LISTEN AND OBEY! You don't make ANY kinda choice! ANY. Cause you made a decision and looked what you've caused! WANT TO BE A FIREFIGHTER AND DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO FOLLOW AND ORDER!" Yelled Andy almost passing over teddy
"THERE'S A REASON WHY I DIDN'T FOLLOW YOUR STUPID ORDERS!" Yelled Kate "you pretend to be a good firefighter you're just a........" wasn't interrupted by anyone. She was just out. Out to the floor.
"Get out Herrera! Get her out!" Yelled teddy kneeling down "Kate, Kate. Come on. Don't do this." Said teddy "page Amelia 911!"

"Come on damn!!" Yelled Maya "come on!"
"Now what?!" Said carina curled up on the floor "what now!"
"Carina. Breath. Breath carina" said Maya loosing her patience "breath"
"HOW CAN I BREATH MAYA!" Yelled carina getting up
"Carina" said Maya
"CARINA!" Yelled Maya
"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK!" Yelled carina again
"CARINA!" Yelled maya holding her hands "you're not helping Kate like this. You're not. You're not helping anyone like this. She's my daughter as well and im turning upside down in the inside but we need to keep on trying. Im not giving up Carina neither are you. We're not breaking" said Maya
"Maya I can't help breaking down now" said carina
"You'll have to. Just as I'm doing it" said Maya
"Maya you're not dealing with stupid pregnancy hormones!" Yelled Carina with her arms in the air
"What?" Said Maya with her hands on her head
"IVF worked Maya. It worked. I'm pregnant Maya. We're having another child" said carina

Maya's and Carina's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now