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Hello! Yes, I did make this account just so I can write this fanfiction. But, hey! It was worth it! Just a couple things before I start -

1 - I know that 'For Your Love' is already out at the time this story will be set but, for the sake of the story, it would be appreciated that you, as a reader, would pretend that it's not out yet. Thank you!

2 - In the story, I will specify when characters speak in english but not when in Italian as I would be basically specifying that almost every time they speak therefore wherever a character speaks and it doesn't say '[name/pronoun] said in English (or other language)' then it means they're speaking in Italian. I do hope that made sense!

3 - Italian isn't my first language and I am still learning it meaning that the occasional parts that will be in Italian may be written incorrectly and, if you do realize a mistake, it would be massively appreciated if you told me so that I can change it and also learn from it!

4 - It would mean THE WORLD if you could read my story and vote, comment and share this as I do really work hard on my stories and it would give me a lot of motivation especially that, right now, I'm in a place where I'm not at my best and seeing that people like and read my stories would really help me get back on track. <3

That's it from me, I hope you enjoy this story. Ciao! :D

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