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Alex stood looking at Alessio blankly.

Alessio smirked saying, "Missed me?"

"Wha - what are you doing here?" asked Alex.

"I've come to see you. I see you moved on. Dating that singer that your brother is in a band with," said Alessio. "He's a little pathetic, isn't he? I mean men aren't meant to wear make up or dress like that."

"Oh says you! You what you are, Alessio? You are a homophobic, rude, racist and ridiculous human being. No wonder you got disowned by your parents. They deserved better son than you." said Alex.

Back in the kitchen, away from the front door, the four started to get curious as to why Alex wasn't back yet.

"What's taking her so long?" asked Thomas.

"I don't know." said Victoria.

"Maybe we should go see?" asked Ethan.

"I'll go check." said Damiano, standing up from his seat.

"Leave him, I'm better." said Alessio, walking nearer Alex. She instantly took a step back.

Alessio brought his hand up to touch Alex's face but she instantly took hold of his wrist, squeezing it hard.

Alessio's face scrunched up in pain.

"Don't touch me." said Alex sternly.

She let go of Alessio and he breathed out heavily.

"Stop pretending, princess. Both you and me know that you want me." he said as he smirked.

"You're nothing compared to - " started Alex but someone interrupted her.

"Alex?" said that person.


Damiano walked to Alex, his facial expression becoming happier until he saw Alessio.

"Well, well, well. Oh, isn't it Damiano?" said Alessio, smirking.

"Nobody wants you here." said Damiano, sternly.

"Oh please, I'm so much better than you. She deserved someone better to own her." said Alessio.

"First of all, 'she' has a name, it's Alexandra for your information. And second of all, she's not an object, you can't 'own' her. She is a free woman and no one is to own her. She is her own being and you, or anyone, has no right to own her." said Damiano.

"Yeah, right." said Alessio.

"Go, Alessio, no one wants to see you and your pathetic person." said Damiano.

Damiano took Alessio's arm and dragged him out of the house out to the road. He called a taxi and momenta later one came.

"Where to?" asked the taxi driver.

"Far away from here. Don't listen to him just take him away from here, please." said Damiano as he handed the driver a couple Euro note.

He went back to Alex who was sat on the floor her back against the wall and her knees up to her chest.

He sat down next to her and she instantly started crying quietly. He hugged her to himself and kissed her hair, placing his chin her head.

"He just won't leave me alone," said Alex. "I'm scared he'll do something."

"Don't worry. As long as I'm here, I won't anything happen to you, darling." said Damiano as he used his thumbs to wipe Alex's tears.

He kissed her on the forehead before standing up and reaching out his hand to help her also stand up.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now