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Her laughter had woken me up.


The woman who I love most.

I always thought I had experienced love until I fell in love with her. It was like she was my most prided possession that I had to take care of and love except that she's not an actual possession.

You can't really describe the moment when you realise that you had fallen in love with someone. It's like shock mixed with fear and surprise but also an immense happiness.

These were the last weeks before our Europe tour began and I had decided to spend them with Alex. I want to marry her so badly and I will, just not now, in the right moment I will, I want her to be the mother of my children, I want her to be person I grow old with and I will strive towards that until death parts us.

I moved my hands that were around her waist to my eyes and I started rubbing my eyes with them.

"Good morning." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Morning." said Alex, pecking my lips quickly.

Oh how I loved when she gave those little kisses at random times. They filled me with so much joy.

"What are we doing today?" I asked looking at the book she was reading; Sherlock Holmes: A Study In Scarlet

"Well, first breakfast and today we're spending the day on the beach for some rest." said Alex as she was getting up from the bed but I stopped her, not letting go of her hand.

"Stay. Just a little longer, please." I pleaded as Alex looked back at me and smiled her beautiful smile that brightened even the darkest days.

"Of course." she said as she got back into bed. She lay down, facing me, and I put my hand on her cheek pulling her face closer to mine as I looked into her hazel eyes. I could stare at those all day and not get tired.

"You're handsome." said Alex randomly.

"I might be handsome but you're beautiful. And hot. And attractive. And extremely good in -" I started but got cut of by Alex's laughter.

She took a finger and covered my lips. "I don't need the details, my dear."

The butterflies filled my stomach, she could be so irresistable sometimes without even realising it.

"That was hot." I said when Alex took her finger off of my lips.

She just laughed and took a piece of my hair in her finger twirling it around her finger

She started braiding it, focusing on the small amount of hair.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Braiding you hair, I think it'll look good. You should do dutch braids one day, your hair is long enough and it will look good. Oh! Can I braid your hair into dutch braids today?!" she asked looking so excited and I laughed, nodding my head.

"As long as you don't rip my hair out, do whatever you want." I said and she clapped her hands together happily.

That day was our first full day in Mallorca as yesterday we arrived around eleven and then we went out and ate lunch at three then dinner at eight.

We went to eat breakfast in the morning and then we went back to our room to put our swin clothes on and pack our bag for anything from sun cream to goggles in case we wanted them.

Alex put on her new dress that she had bought at the stall market the day before over her swimsuit. I haven't seen her in a dress in years and she looked stunning. When she came out of the bathroom I couldn't get my eyes off her. She was checking herself in the mirror when she noticed my stare.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now