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"I don't think trip to the shops has ever made me happier." said Alex as she took out her make-it-yourself noodles.

She and Damiano had come to the home being empty and a note on the fridge saying that the three others went to get some balloons since Ethan wouldn't let them go without them.

"Do you love the noodles more than me?" joked Damiano.

"Obviously, you're nothing compared to them." said Alex.

Damiano gasped overdramatically and said, "we are so breaking up. I cannot date a noodle-obsessed psychopath."

"Well you'll have to because I love you!" said Alex as she walked up to where Damiano was sat at the table and kissed his lips.

"No way! I love you too, twins!" joked Damiano and Alex burst out laughing in a very made up high pitched voice.

"We're so identical, oh my God!" said Alex and soon both her and Damiano burst into laughter.

"We're actually so dumb." said Damiano in between laughs.

"No but like for real." said Alex as she muffled her laughs with her hand.

"Oh, I just remembered! I got these really cool bracelets the other day, one for me and one for me!" said Alex and she quickly left for her room coming back with two bracelets.

The bracelets were made from wooden beads, one was fully black with two white beads in the front and the other was fully white with two black beads in front.

"Oh! Oh! I want the one that's mostly white! It looks so cool." said Damiano jumping on his seat.

"You look like a little child excited for his birthday or Christmas presents." said Alex as she gave Damiano one bracelet.

"Christmas has come early!" exclaimed Damiano as he looked at the bracelet around his wrist.

"Twins!" joked Alex as she put her wrist next to his.

"Oh! Let me take a photo. I am so captioning it 'twins!'" said Damiano as he took his phone out and took a photo.

"You need to send me that." said Alex.

Soon she got the photo and put it on her Instagram captioning it "twins! 😜😩🥺😏❤️" as a joke and Damiano did the same.

They both burst into laughter and couldn't stop.

They say that opposites attract but this may be the only exception.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now