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The performance in Berlin went quite well and, with the help of Alex's reassuring words, I had learned that, in fact, I am not expected to be perfect and that I am human and I will make mistakes. This did definitely take a lot of the pressure off my shoulders for future concerts and the one's happening in the next couple of weeks.

We were in a car on our way to the hotel in the country that had brought us our worldwide fame and I was sat near the window as I looked outside.

I saw many bikes and flowers, people on bikes but most importantly I saw something that I wanted me and Alex to be in the future: happy old couples.

I turned to look at Alex, whose head was rested on my shoulder as she peacefully slept with Victoria's head on her shoulder, her hair was spread out on her back and shoulders as her lips were slightly apart as she calmly breathed in and out. In the car, I was the only one awake except the driver. 

Leo sat opposite Victoria, his head on the window as he slept, Thomas sat opposite Alex as he rested his head on Ethan's shoulder and Ethan sat opposite me with his head on the window. Franco was sat in the front seat next to the driver

I couldn't find myself to sleep but I was only a little tired. I had slept very well for the time we stayed in Berlin as the beds were unbelievably comfortable, they were so comfortable that for a moment I wanted to go down to the reception and ask where they bought the bed so that I could put it mine and Alex's new room which we had only discussed the plans with Bob and him and his team were in the room putting in new flooring to wooden since the carpet had gotten a bit stained over the years, building new furniture, adding a bath to the bathroom, putting new tiles in it, remodeling the whole bathroom and re-painting the walls in both the bedroom and bathroom that's joined with it.

I kept thinking about how it would be to basically live with Alex, her things almost everywhere I would look, waking up next to her every day, sharing a bathroom, sharing a bed. It all gave me so much excitement that I couldn't fall asleep. It all only came to me late last night on the ride to the airport in Berlin and it was the only thing I could think about since then.

We soon reached near the hotel and I had to wake everyone up so I took my air horn out of my bag and told the driver to not get scared since I didn't feel like causing a car crash and pressed down on the button, making the horn produce a loud sound and wake everyone except Alex up, there could be an explosion right next to her and she wouldn't even open an eye because she'd still be asleep.

"What the fuck?"' said Victoria tiredly as she looked around. "Of course it's you," she said but then realized Alex "and of course she's still asleep."

"Is this the sound that goes off once you die?!" exclaimed Ethan as he quickly shot up making Thomas' head fall to the seat. "Oh, I am not dead."

"How the fuck is Alex still asleep?" asked Leo, rubbing his eyes.

"One time, it was her birthday, my parents and I walked into her room in the morning when she was asleep and started singing 'happy birthday' but she didn't wake up she just turned away from us in her sleep so we walked up to her and one of the candles on the cake our mother was carrying fell on her hair and her hair was literally on fire but she was still asleep." said Thomas, chuckling.

"Fuck the chickens." said Alex quietly as she woke up and rubbed her eyes. "Sorry, weird dream."

"Uh, care to explain?" asked both Vic and I.

"If you insist. Basically I was being chased by a bunch of extra, extra-large chickens and then they caught up with me and ate me and now I'm awake." said Alex, looking out of the window.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now