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At first, Damiano was taken by surprise as he felt Alex's warm lips on his but not even two seconds later he melted into the kiss, letting his heart take control and not his mind.

Her lips felt like fire on ice, making him melt beneath his touch. Like wind hitting a building blocks, breaking them apart.

He felt like in heaven yet it couldn't last forever, could it. No, it couldn't, after just a couple seconds he felt Alex slowly pull away as she looked into his eyes.

"I - I'm sorry. I probably should have asked, it was impulsive and I just had to do - ." said Alex quickly as she freaked out but Damiano put a finger on her lips, silencing her.

"It's alright, love." he said, smiling.

Love. Woah. That did something to her.

"I'm guessing that was your way of confessing your love for me?" asked Damiano, chuckling.

"That? That wasn't a confession, that was an impulsive decision. This is my confession." said Alex smirking, and without another word she pressed her lips against his again.

This time the kiss was a lot more passionate and lasted longer. They both felt in heaven.

Her hands on his shoulders, his cupping her chin.

They slowly pulled away, both looking in each others eyes and both smiling widely.

"I guess this makes us a thing?" said Alex.

"I guess this makes you my lover." he said.

"I guess so too," said Alex, smiling widely. "Now come on! I want to show you the clothes I bought, I walked past this really cool new thrift store and I just had to go in."

Alex ran around the counter and picked up a bag in which clothes could be seen and she took Damiano's hand, dragging him to her room.

When they reached Alex's room, Alex started taking out the clothes and Damiano layed down on her bed.

"It's good that your bed is this big because I am sleeping here tonight." said Damiano.

"You needy motherfucker." laughed Alex.

He didn't have a shirt, he only had black leather trousers, and Alex kept looking at him and his torso.

"Enjoy what you see?" he asked teasingly.

"You damn know well I do, you self-obsessed twat." said Alex.

"How dare you be so rude to your boyfriend!" exclaimed Damiano, sarcastically.

"Being my boyfriend doesn't give you a privilege," said Alex but before Damiano could say anything she continued, "In this category."

Damiano smirked. "Hmm, well in which one does it?" he asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out, you horny bitch." said Alex, smirking as she took all the clothes into the bathroom of her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

When she came out, Damiano was reading 'Little Women.'

"I'm reading that currently." said Alex.

Damiano looked up and he raised his eyebrows. Alex was wearing a long, emerald summer dress that had black buttons, she looked stunning. She never wore dressed so this was something new.

"Wow, you look beautfiul." said Damiano.

Alex blushed slightly and looked down. "Oh, stop it! You're flattering me." she joked.

"Oh I know I am." said Damiano, smugly.

Alex went back to the bathroom and changed again. This time she had a stitched jumper and blue mom jeans.

"Hey! That looks actually good on you. Who am I joking? You'd look good even if I was on you." said Damiano, smirking and Alex started laughing.

"OK, that was smooth." she said.

"Like my hair." he said and Alex laughed again.

Alex went back and got changed one last time. This time, she put on a grey criss cross blazer and matching suit trousers and a white corset top.

"Woah." said Damiano, needing time to process what he saw.

"Literally fell in love with it the moment I saw it." said Alex.

She lay next to Damiano his hands were behind his back and he looked so good.

"How are we going to tell fans?" asked Damiano.

"Oh all your fangirls will be devastated." said Alex, smirking.

Damiano laughed at the joke.

"But, maybe an Instagram post?" proposed Alex.

"Good idea. We can caption it "Will it work out?" and we can let them figure by themselves." said Damiano.

"Good thinking." said Alex.

The two stood up and decided to take the picture outside.

They went out to the garden and took a photo. Later, they got it ready for posting but they didn't do it yet because they didn't want Ethan, Thomas and Victoria to find out this way so they agreed to tell the three first and then to post the picture.

They went back to Alex's room and she got dressed back into the clothes she had on before: cream lace top and black pinstripe trousers.

"Why is your bed so much more comfortable than mine?" asked Damiano as Alex sat next to him, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Maybe because you took the first bed you saw and I actually looked carefully?" said Alex, sarcastically. "Just a possibility."

"Now I regret that," he answered. "Well, good that I'll be spending most my nights here."

He smirked as Alex hit her forehead.

"You, mister, are one big motherfucker." said Alex.

"Oh we are so breaking up!" exclaimed Damiano sarcastically.

The two started play arguing about breaking up when the door opened.

"I don't want to d - Oh! Hello." said Damiano as he saw the three other bandmates standing in the doorway. Alex turned around and smiled.

"When did you get here?" she asked.

"Just now, we thought you guys got kidnapped or something, we couldn't find you." said Thomas as he and the other two neared the bed, looking between Alex and Damiano suspiciously.

"You good?" asked Alex.

"No! Spill!" exclaimed Ethan, excitedly.

"Come on! Just tell us already!" exclaimed Victoria.

"How - what the fuck." said Damiano.

"'How do you know?' was what Damiano was trying to say." said Alex.

"Oh come on! We're not daft, we can tell." said Thomas.

"Fine, fine. Yes, we are together." said Damiano.

The three exclaimed happily and started jumping around.

"This feels like you had won Eurovision all over again with you three screaming like this." said Alex.

"Mission Aleiano complete!" exclaimed Victoria.

"Aleiano?" said both Alex and Damiano.

"Your ship name! I made it." said Ethan, proudly.

Alex was scared of relationships yet with Damiano she felt like all her fears had gone away and she was ready to do anything.

A/N -
Aleiano is the official ship name for Alex and Damiano, I literally thought of it yesterday at like midnight- 😃


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