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Three years later...

"Where are we going?" asked Alex as Damiano stopped the car on the side of a road to put a hand on her eyes to stop her from seeing.

After finishing university, Alex started working at the elderly home, teaching the residents how to paint and draw giving them art lessons everyday from ten in the morning all the way to twelve thirty and then another group from twelve thirty to three. All the elders loved her classes and her since she always organized the classes in a fun way.

"Somewhere for sure." he said and Alex groaned.

"I had to leave playing with Bidet and Lego for this so it better be worth it." said Alex, warningly.

In December 2021, Victoria moved out of the band house to live with her girlfriend at that time, Iris, and then, three months after that, Alex and Damiano also moved out to a apartment in the side of Rome. Thomas finally got together with Aurora and they had moved in together around two months ago and Ethan had his own flat and also found a girlfriend about ten months ago named Cassia and they plan on moving in together soon. Iris and Victoria got engaged in the Summer a year ago yet they aren't looking for marriage just yet.

When Alex and Damiano moved into their new apartment, they decided to get two cats, one named Bidet and the other named Legolas, Lego as Alex called him for short. Bidet was called thay because, on the first day they got her, she got stuck in the bidet and they had to call the fire department and one of the firefighters told them she must be named Bidet and so they named her Bidet. And Legolas was named after the Lord of the Rings character as Alex and Damiano were watching that for the fifth time and Alex pointed out that if Legolas was a cat it would be Legolas and that's how they got their names.

"I promise it will." he said, getting the car back on the road.

Once they reached where Damiano was taking Alex he got out of the car and then opened the door for Alex and took the blindfold off, putting his hands on her eyes, covering them.

"Let me hope no clown hops out of nowhere." said Alex, repeating what she had said those many years ago when Damiano had bought his first motorcycle.

"You really think I'd do that?" asked Damiano, also repeating what he had said.

"Yes." said Alex and the two smiled to themselves.

"Alright." said Damiano and he took his hands off of Alex's eyes,and bringing them down to her waist as she stood in front of him.

There they stood in the place where Alex and Thomas spent their childhood Summers and weekends.

"I haven't been here in like three years." said Alex, looking around. "Oh, thank you. You even decorated it, it's beautiful."

"A date in a private place." said Damiano, taking Alex's hand and leading her to the wooden table on the edge of the hill they were on.

There was homemade food and many candles decorating the table. There was a vase with roses in the middle of the table.

"Had to go to your mother for the food, she makes the best food and I can't cook for the life in me." said Damiano, making Alex laugh.

They sat down at the table and Damiano got the plates to put food on.

"I feel like I'm in a fairytale with the sunset and the candles, and the surrounding." said Alex and Damiano smiled.

"That was my aim." he said.

The two ate and spoke about happy times they has spent together; when they got their cats, when they got their dog, when they spent their first night together in their new apartment, when Damiano helped Alex find her first motorcycle and many other memories.

"I can't believe our three year anniversary was already four months ago. Can you believe it?" said Alex.

"No, it's so crazy. Well, at least it's your birthday soon, two months to be exact." said Damiano and Alex laughed.

"I feel so old, turning twenty-three." Alex replied.

"As a twenty-five year old, I feel offended." said Damiano, furrowing his brows.

"I'm sorry, grandpa." whispered Alex, laughing and Damiano just showed her his middle finger.

"I just realised your as old as I was when we got together." Damiano said, biting into his watermelon slice.

"Oh, yeah, I am." she agreed. "Isn't it weird how fast time flies by? I mean, I was ninteen, almost twenty, when we got together and now I'm basically twenty-three, it's insane."

"Now I actually feel old." said Damiano.

"You're only twenty-five, you've still got your whole life in front of you." said Alex.

The two moved to sit on the ground with a blanket as they stared into the sun that was now setting.

"I want to bring our future children to this place." said Alex, looking at the swing that swung back and forth due to the light early-October breeze.

"I want our kids to be twins." said Damiano.

"Really?" said Alex, looking up at Damiano.

"Sure, why not? Imagine this two girls one named Isabella and the other named Emilia or Milana." he said.

"Hm, that's a really cool idea. I like the names Milana and Isabella." said Alex.

"Wait, you're not pregnant, right?" asked Damiano.

"No, of course not." laughed Alex. "Why?"

"Well, you just started the topic of children so I wanted to ask." said Damiano.

"Well, no, I'm not." smiled Alex.

"Listen, Alex," said Damiano, looking at Alex and sitting up straighter. "when earlier you said that I still have my whole life in front of me, I realised that I do have my whole life in front of me and I want to spend it with you. You said, around a month back, that without me you're empty and I realised that I am too. Any time that you aren't around like when I'm at the studio and you're teaching your classes or in your art studio then I always feel a weird emptiness inside like something is missing but when I come back home to you then that feeling disappears. When I said those three years ago that I will never stop loving you, I won't. If I were to be honest, when I first met you I thought you were weird. Thomas told us about how you'd stay locked up in your room all day, painting and playing the guitar and how you'd go out on long walks. I thought that was weird but I soon realised it wasn't, it was special and I love that about you and that you weren't like all the other girls who wore so much makeup, wearing revealing clothes, trying being popular, no, you were yourself because you wanted people to like you for who you are and not for who someone else was. And I love that about you. I love every flaw, every talent, every smile, just everything about you and I want to spend my whole life with you," he took something out of his pocket and then got onto his knee next in front of Alex, who sat on the grass with her eyes wide. "I love you with my whole heart so I need to ask; Alexandra Raggi, will you marry me?"

Alex stared at the box with the ring in Damiano's hand and she felt tears in her eyes but she blinked them away.

"I - yes! Yes, I do!" exclaimed Alex, shaking.

Damiano smiled widely and took Alex's shaking left hand and put the ring on her finger. She let the tears fall and went forward to kiss Damiano and then hug him.

"I love you so much." whispered Alex, hugging Damiano as more tears fell from her eyes.

Damiano pulled away and wiped the tears from her cheeks and held her face in his hands.

"I love you, too. You can't waste these pretty eyes by crying, though." said Damiano and Alex laughed.

"They're tears of joy." she answered. "The ring is beautiful."

"I asked Thomas, Vic and Ethan to help me find it. I knew it was the one once I saw it." said Damiano, smiling at Alex.

"I knew Vic was hiding something! I could see from her face." said Alex.

Damiano just laughed and kissed Alex again.

They both loved eachother endlessly.

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