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The next day Damiano had woken up feeling better than he had in a long time.

'This time in three weeks I could be waking up with Alex in my arms.' He thought.

"I think I'm going to miss out on your guys' shooting today." said Alex as she walked into the kitchen where the four bandmates were having breakfast.

She was dressed in a black oversized hoodie which had white and dark grey paint smudges all over it and grey sweatpants. Her hair was in a messy bun and her eyes had dark circles underneath.

"Oh God, Alex. Are you alright?" asked Victoria, walking up to her bestfriend.

"No, I feel like dying." said Alex.

"When don't you?" asked Thomas.

"What's wrong?" asked Damiano as he looked up at Alex.

"I feel like dying, that's wrong," said Alex but then carried on when she got stares from the four. "Nothing is actually wrong with me. I've just stayed up all night finishing three pieces of art for university and I have to get them to Professor Wilby by three and they still need drying and I still need to finish one. She literally put them on yesterday expecting them bu today, what is wrong with this woman?!" said Alex referring to her professor that was actually British.

"Ooh! I want to see what you painted!" exclaimed Ethan as he ran to Alex's room.

"Me too!" said the other three and they all followed Ethan to Alex's room.

"Oh it smells so good in here." said Ethan as he stood in Alex's room.

"What are the paintings about?" asked Victoria as she walked through the door and stopped as soon as she saw the canvas.

"This one was meant to be based off today's problems in society so I chose bullying and homophobia and I combined them both into one." said Alex.

The canvas was covered in white's, black's, and dark grey's. There was a person sat in the middle with their knees brought up and around them in black paint were written words like 'freak', 'stupid', 'you're a girl', 'you can't have 'no gender'', 'mistake', 'you can't love the same gender' and many other homophobic words and phrases.

"This one," said Alex, pointing to a painting. "was meant to be based off landscape."

It was a beautiful meadow and it had mountains in the background and a lovely beige coloured house in the middle, it also had lovely spots of light colours on the meadow representing flowers.

"And this one was meant to be based off my interests that is something other than art so I, naturally, chose music." said Alex, looking at her two guitars that stood silently in the corner of her room: one acoustic and two electric.

The painting had vivid colours and had all sorts of instruments and notes painted all over it, some parts were white canvas and you could see the pencil sketches showing that this was the one that wasn't finished yet.

All three were beautifully done and the four stared at them with their eyes wide and mouth open.

"Woah." said Thomas.

"Now this is what I call talent." said Ethan.

"That is so fucking good." said Damiano, his eyebrows raised.

"Woah." repeated Thomas.

"Aha! My best friend made this, bitches!" said Victoria excitedly.

Alex looked at Damiano, his eyes scanning her paintings. If she could, she would look at them all day, like two dark souls.

Soon, everyone had finished their breakfast and the four bandmates were getting ready to go back to shooting their music video as Alex sat on the doorway of the front door, sipping loudly on orange juice with her straw.

She felt someome sit next to her and she turned to see Thomas.

"Stop," he said, taking her juice carton. "I want some."

Thomas put the straw in his mouth and drank her orange juice. He gave the carton back to Alex who went to drink it yet there was nothing left.

"I hate you, you motherfucker." said Alex, squeezing the carton.

"Awh! I love you too, Alexandra." said Thomas knowing that Alex hated her full name.

"I fucking hate you." said Alex, slowly.

The four bandmates soon left and Alex went back to the room with some water to keep her going and went back to painting.

At around ten she was done and she took the paintings to dry out in the sun in the garden whilst she took out the boom she was reading at the moment and put on black leather legginings and a white lace bralette top.

She opened Little Women, turning ro the page she was on and startes reading.

Soon it turned twelve and she went to see if her paintings had dried so that she could drive to submit them. She wasn't hungry so she wasn't going to get any food.

They were dry and so she took them and went for her car keys and black beret that Victoria loved taking. Who was she joking? Victoria took all of her beret's, she had one of her own but the reat she borrowed from Alex. She put her phone in pocket and set out on her journey through Rome to the Rome University of Fine Arts.

When she first started at the University, Ethan uses to love to sit by Alex when she was in her art lessons and follow on. It made most people unfocused as he was a really famous person and once Damiano showed himself on camera when he got a drink, asking Alex where his glass was and this got the attention of people and they saw Damiano, freaking out completely when they saw him.

She used to wake Ethan up in time for every lesson she had so that he could follow on as he never could experience his own education like that.

Alex soon reached the Rome University of Fine Arts. and she got out, taking her art with her.

A/N -
For the sake of this story, Måneskin will be going on tour from early August. ❤️

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