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That was the person calling Alex.

She excused herself from the table at the café which she and Alvaro were sitting and went to answer the phone.

Alex and Alvaro had gone out to a coffee shop to catch up on all that was lost. Alvaro was twenty-three and the two had met in the shop that Alex went to work as extra two, three and four years ago.

Since then, Alvaro had proposed to his fiánce, Camilla, and she was nine months pregnant already. She was due to give birth any day now and Alvaro couldn't be more excited.

Alvaro was a handsome man, he had chocolate brown hair and tan skin. He was spanish and he moved here at the age of sixteen.

"Yes?" asked Alex.

"Sorry that it's out of nowhere but for noodles you add hot water and not cold water and then put it in the microwave, right?" asked Damiano.

"What idiot would put their noodles in the microwave and make it with cold water?!" exclaimed Alex as she reached the outside of the café. She leaned against the brick wall and brought one of her up to it.

"Ha! I told you Vic!" shouted Ethan from the other side of the phone.

"She said that you're meant to put the noodles in the microwave!?" exclaimed Alex.

"Maybe." said Victoria this time.

"Our friendship is over." joked Alex.

"I never was your friend in the first place!" joked Victoria.

The two girls laughed and Alex said she had to go so she hung up.

She walked back into the café and there she saw Alvaro on the phone. He had both shock and happiness painted on his face.

He said something and quickly put his phone back.

"Camilla's water broke. She just called saying that I need to take her to hospital." said Alvaro. He took out his wallet and gave Alex money to pay for everything.

"No, you go. I'll pay." said Alex and Alvaro shook his head, "I can't do that."

"Yes, you can. Now go before it's too late!" exclaimed Alex and she gave Alvaro a quick hug and before he left.

Alex took out ten euros from her pocket and left it on the table foe the barista to take. She took her skateboard and walked out of the café.

It was already dark since it was quite late but the street lamps were on and there were many people in bars, restaurants and also just walking around.

She got onto her skateboard and pushed off.

She got home in about fifteen minutes. She saw that all the lights in the house were off and so she thought that everyone was aleep yet when she walked in she could hear laughing and talking. She went to the living room and saw the lamps on in the garden.

She walked out and saw Thomas, Aurora, Martina and Stefano having a barbecue. She walked up to Aurora and gave her a friendly hug as well as everyone else.

"Bit late for a barbecue don't you think?" asked Alex as she took a seat on the empty seat next to Stefano.

"It's never too late for a barbecue!" exclaimed Stefano.

"Well, I'm tired so I'll go up to my room. Good night." she said as she stood uo from her seat.

"Good night." replied everyone.

She walked up the stairs and when she reached the bathroom she took a quick shower. As soon as she got to her bedroom she grabbed her phone and called Damiano.

"Hello, love." said Damiano as he smiled at Alex.

"Hi." said Alex, smiling back.

The two spoke about their day and then started to play a game where one had to make the othet laugh by either saying a joke, making a funny noise or a funny face.

'OK, OK, I need to say this one in English so that it will be funny." said Damiano.

"OK, go on." said Alex still laughing from her joke.

"A man walks into a café, splash." said Damiano in English.

Alex sat in silence for a couple seconds trying to figure out the joke until she got it and started laughing loudly.

"OK, that was a good one." said Alex.

"You understand it, right?" said Damiano, making sure.

"'A man walks into a caffè, splash,' said Alex in English and carried on in Italian. "You mean coffee not the actual building."

"Finally someone got it! I keep telling it to people and they just think I'm crazy." said Damiano and Alex laughed.

Damiano loved seeing Alex smile and laugh. It fitted her so much. Not long ago, she was in a bad place with her eating disorder. She still wasn't eating as much as she used to but she was visibly improving.

He never wanted that smile to fade off her face.

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now