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"I need to go and get some work done, I'm really sorry" said Alex as she quickly stood up from the chair and waved to Damiano trying to give him her most realistic smile.

He smiled and waved back saying, "No problem."

As Alex was only nineteen, turning twenty is December, and she wasn't like her brother, she was still in education, university. More specifically she was in the Rome University of Fine Arts.

She walked to her room and closed the door behind her.

It couldn't be, of course it couldn't.

She sat in her room for hours trying to figure out what it was because there was no way she was going to let herself fall for Damiano.

She sat on her bed with her knees brought up to her body as she stared at the sun which started to set.

She heard a knock and she quickly got pulled out of her trance. She looked at the clock on her nightstand.

7:14 PM

She quickly stood up from the bed and walked up to the door and she opened it only a bit peeking outside.

She saw Ethan so she opened the door wider.

"Dinner's here, Alex!" he exclaimed, Alex could smell the food it must have been chinese.

Her favourite yet at that moment she wasn't particularly hungry so she said, "Thanks, Ethan, but I'm not very hungry, OK?"

"Oh but it's your favourite," he said, his smile fading as he looked at Alex. "But, if you're sure, I won't force you. I'll put yours in the fridge for later."

"Thank you." said Alex as Ethan smiled and walked away.

"Of course!" exclaimed Ethan as he was already making his way to the garden where the three others sat.

"Alex wasn't hungry." said Ethan as he took a seat on the wooden table outside in the garden where the five always ate their lunch in the Summer.

"She wasn't - But didn't you tell her it was chinese? Her favourite?" asked Thomas.

"I did but she still didn't want it. She looked tired." said Ethan as he began eating.

"She did say she was going to do schoolwork, it's probably just that." said Damiano, trying to reassure himself but he was a little worried for Alex. She never missed a chance to eat her favourite noodles. Even when she went to the doctors and couldn't eat for two hours she ate her noodles.

"I'll go try to persuade her because I don't think she's eaten anything today," said Victoria but then turned to Damiano asking, "Unless she ate when we were gone?"

Damiano just shook his head and so Victoria went inside.

She knocked and waited for a reply. Soon, the door opened and it revealed Alex. She looked normal just quite pale and tired.

"Chinese?" asked Victoria, smiling widely.

"I'm not hungry but thank you, Vic," said Alex, giving her best friend a quite believeable smile. "But you need to tell me what happened with that girl."

Alex smirked as Victoria blushed lightly. She let her inside the room, closing the door behind herself, sat on Alex's bed.

"OK, so I found her on her way back. She had lots of bags so I offered to carry some for her. At first, she refused saying she didn't want to bother me but then I persuaded her so we walked to her house. She lives right down the road! Anyway, she offered me a drink so I accepted and we started talking. She's half Danish and half Italian! Just like me! She moved here from Denmark to one of her brothers and also her grandparents that live around here. Her mother is Italian and she grew up with her parents around here. She said she came here also to get her dream job of being a tourist guide around Rome. She'd come here every Summer to her grandparents and since being a child she had loved Rome and Italy. She knew Italian because she had to communicate with her grandparents somehow but also Danish because of her father's parents. Oh she is so pretty!" said Victoria, dreamily.

"You're falling." said Alex.

"Oh but did you see her beautfiul blue eyes? Or her magnificent smile! And her amazing golden hair? Oh wasn't she just sculpted by angels?" asked Victoria.

"Oh yes, yes. She was." said Alex.

She felt guilty because the whole time Victoria was talking about how perfect the girl was, her mind kept wondering to Damiano.

It's not like she didn't want to fall for him it was because she was scared.

A/N -

I'm planning on getting a chapter of 'TEDDY' out today also, I have changed the face claim of Leta. I thought this one would match better. But look out for that!

Love you all and thank you for all the reads, love and support! ❤️😩

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