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taking attendance, besties :D

Damiano rushed out of the living room and into the home studio they had.

He walked through the door and the three stared at him in confusion.

"I have a song idea." he said blankly and gave them the lyrics and notes.

"Oh these are the notes you told us to play the other day!" exclaimed Ethan.

"Yes, Ethan, it was to see if everything sounded good together." said Damiano, a small smile forming on his lips.

"Well we should try it." said Victoria, grabbing her bass guitar.

"Oh and I already have the music video planned." said Damiano.

He explained how there was going to be a girl and she was going to be with someone else whilst we pretended we wanted to be with her for the video. So basically the song was meant to be about that. They would be like shadows and walk around the girl with another person and the two wouldn't notice them so it seemed like they weren't there but they actually were. The girl and boy would be doing something together and having fun whilst either one of the band member would be walking emotionless with them and going unnoticed by the two. The absolutely loved the idea. They would be walking around a palace and as they entered rooms some would be with the two people having fun and laughing whilst others would be empty.

"I have an idea for who the girl could be! I met her around a weeks ago she is gorgeous," exclaimed Victoria. "You can meet her tomorrow!"

Usually, the four would make up lyrics and music videos together but Ethan, Victoria and Thomas saw that Damiano was reallt happy so they decided to let it be and not argue.

Once he finished explaining the music video, the four got to work and decided to try out the song.

And so, Ethan started with his drums, Thomas with his elecrric guitar, Victoria with her bass guitar and Damiano with his incredible vocals.

They had spent the whole day practising the song and correcting any errors.

"Is there anyone in particular that this song is about?" asked Ethan as they sat eating lunch.

"Oh, um, no. Not really. It was designed to be relateable for others." said Damiano, a gulp forming in his throat.

"Well, you sure achieved that. I can't believe you actually made such a good song by yourself. Without our help!" said Thomas sarcastically, causimg everyone to laugh.

"Like sister like brother." laughed Victoria.

"Nu uh, Alex took her sarcasm after her incredible brother. So me, basically." said Thomas.

"Right." said the three.

"Hey, I am quite incredible!" exclaimed Thomas.

"We need a break." said Damiano.

"Oh yes we do," said Victoria stretching out her fingers. "I can't feel my fingers."

Her fingers had red marks on them from pushing onto the strings so that the sound came out cleaner.

"Do I even have fingers?" asked Thomas, as he looked at his hand.

"No, Thomas, you have fish fingers as your fingers." said Ethan, jokingly.

"Wouldn't that be cool though?" asked Thomas. "I mean you could literally eat your fingers whenever you're hungry. Of course only if they keep warm because no way in this universe am I eating cold fish fingers."

"How about we go to buy a drink and finish this talk about fish fingers?" asked Victoria and the three men agreed.

As they walked out Alex and Malthe weren't anywhere to be seen. Damiano's stomach tightened at just the thought but he reassured himself saying Alex isn't so daft.

"I'll ask Alex if she wants anything." said Victoria.

"Where is she?" asked Damiano before he could stop himself.

"I saw Malthe leaving so I suppose she's in her room." said Victoria as she walked towards the direction of Alex's room.

She knocked and walked in.

"Oh God! I hate your cousin, Vic! He's like the worst person I've met!" exclaimed Alex as she saw Victoria walk in. "I'm sorry but I literally walked out on him, I just left."

"What happened?" asked Victoria.

"The motherfucking twat said women belong in the kitchen so I put some sense in him but trust me I was this close to murdering him." said Alex.

"Lets just be happy you didn't." said Victoria.

"I would if it wasn't illegal." said Alex quietly and both her and Victoria burst out laughing.

In the evening, when the four were about to start from the beginning of the song, Alex came into the studio and stood in the doorway. The four noticed this and smiled as they started playing.

The whole time Damiano had been singing, his eyes had not left Alex. Not even once.

A/N -
Two chapters in the space of a little over an hour? Um yes please.

I think I'll write another chapter today as things are about to start happening and I just cannot wait. 😏

'Her fingers had red marks on them from pushing onto the strings so that the sound came out cleaner.' #relateable My whole finger is always covered in red lines after playing my guitar. 😩

Anyway, have an AMAZING Sunday! ❤️❤️

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