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"Finally we got to this bloody place!" exclaimed Victoria collapsing on a bench.

"Vic, we literally walked for twenty minutes, in which ten of them I literally carried you. It's not even that much. I think you just have really bad condition." said Alex, sitting down onto the bench next to Victoria as she lay down dramatically on her legs.

"I don't have bad condition, I'm just not used to walking so far." she argued.

"I need to say," said Ethan, pausing a bit to breathe in before carrying on. "That was far."

"See!?" exclaimed Victotia.

"It may have been a bit far but it's not exhausting." said Alex. "It's because you always order five hundred pizzas every Friday and then stuff them all down your throat until you want to vomit your internal organs out because it's a so called tradition."

"We need to start doing that again once we're back home." said Thomas.

"Yes, yes. We need to." said Damiano.

"But if you become fat, then don't blame me!" said Alex, slowly standing up. "Now come on you slow people."

Alex walked up to the church and stared at it in disbelief. She had wanted to come here ever since she was a child and now she finally had the opportunity to do so and she loved that.

Do you ever feel this overwhelming sense of happiness like it's eating you up inside? Well, that's how Alex felt at this exact moment.

"This place is even more beautiful up close." whispered Alex under her breath.

"OK, I need to say that when you said we were going to visit a church I didn't I'd look this cool." said Damiano, walking up to stand next to Alex as he looked up onto the church.

"This is some cool shit." said Victoria.

"We should go in, I want to see dead people." said Ethan as if it was the most normal thing ever. The four turned to look at him.

"First of all, Ethan, there are going to be no dead bodies or people and second of all why the fuck would you even want to see that?" laughed Alex.

"That's a shame. And, I just wanted to see a dead body, alright?" said Ethan, and added in a whisper, looking away. "don't judge me."

The day went by fast and, before they knew it, they were already leaving the Church on their way back to the hotel.

"OK, that was the coolest Church I have ever seen." exclaimed Victoria.

"I swear it felt like we just traveled back in time like a couple hundred years and I am so here for it." said Alex.

"Now I kind of wish I was born a couple hundred years ago." said Damiano.

"Well, just think about it, you're born a hundred years before people born in a hundred years." said Ethan, plaiting his hair in a small plait.

"Wait, that was actually smart. I think we took the wrong Ethan." joked Alex, making everyone laugh.

"Hey! I am smart when I want to be." exclaimed Ethan.

"Of course you are, Ethan." said Alex, hugging him from the side.

"Damn, I love your hugs." he whispered and everyone heard him, making them laugh. "They're just so warm. I don't even know at this point."

The three walked home, laughing about the most random things and just overall having a great time.

When they reached the hotel, it was nearing the interview time so the four went to get ready for the interview.

Once they finished the interview, it was late so that meant that the hotel restaurant was closed. As so, they had to go to a restaurant that was open till late as they hadn't eaten anything since the morning

They went into a restaurant, ordered some food and ate it. It was really good. And once everyone finished their food, they set back on their journey to the hotel.

Finally, when they got to hotel room, they separated ways, all of them feeling exhausted after the long day full of walking that they had, and planned on going to sleep.

"Oh, I am so exhausted and full. Not a good mixture." whined Alex.

"Me too. I'm taking a shower and going straight to bed." said Victoria, and before Alex could argue on going first she ran to the bathroom, locking herself in.

Alex knocked loudly on the door, she wa sure the men could hear her but she didn't care. "Hey! I wanted to go first. My name starts with the first letter of the alphabet! It's a privilage, bitch!"

"Sorry but I can't hear you!" shouted Victoria from inside the bathroom as she turned the loud water on.

"It was my turn to get washed first today!" whined Alex but a knock on the door stopped her.

"I'm going the kill the bitch that decided it was OK to knock on the door at this fucking time." muttered Alex. She tended to swear a lot when she was angry.

She went up to the door and opened it. She saw the boys standing there.

"Yes?" she asked blankly.

"We heard loud knocking. We though something was wrong." said Thomas.

"If something was wrong I'd be flying through the window right now." said Alex. "A very bad person named Victoria," she said this loudly, turning her head in direction of the bathroom. "Decided it was OK to break the shower code and go shower first when it was my go to shower first today."

The three men gasped.

"She broke the shower code!" they all said.

"SORRY BITCHES, I'M JUST FAST AS FUCK." she shouted from the bathroon.

The boys talked with Alex for bit before saying goodnight and then Alex got washed and she and Victoria fell asleep, drifting into a far away land of dreams and parallel realities in their minds.

The morning sun awoke like someone who switches on a light bulb: bright and steady.

The sun shone through a gap in the curtains and landed straight on Alex's face which woke her up.

She reached for the small clock that she had on the nightstand to see what tine it was.

6:12 am.

Cervello stupido, torna a dormire. She thought.

She was going to go back to sleep yet something on the nightstand, that wasn't there the night before, stood out to her.

It was a medium-sized black box with a dark emerald ribbon tied to it and had a little note tied to it.

She picked the note up and read it.

I know you wanted it,
so, I bought it for you.

I hope you enjoy it.


She opened to box to see the teddy bear that she saw yesterday and really wanted.

A smile instantly grew on her face whilst her heart warmed, it was unbelieveable what one act of kindness can do to affect someone.


I am planning on publishing an ethan fic as I don't see many and also it has been a while since I have published two fics at a time and I have gained experience in writing so hopefully I will be able to update both and keep up to date but, if I don't, then I'll delete that fic and carry on with just this one!


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