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Victoria and Alex were practicing, well they were going over the lyrics and notes when they heard a knock.

"Oh that's convenient." said Alex sarcastically as she went to open the door.

She opened the door and saw Malthe there. She looked at him blankly before turning to Victoria.

"It's your cousin." said Alex and Victoria walked to the door.

'Hey!" said Malthe.

"Listen, Malthe, this isn't really the best time - " said Victoria, trying to be kind.

"We don't have time to waste on you, sorry." said Alex, as she went back to lightly drumming the tune of the song on the table as she sang the song under her breathe.

"Oh, I just came to say I'm leaving for Denmark today. Work emergency." said Malthe.

"Oh! That's great! I mean sad, that's really, really sad." said Victoria.

"I just wanted to say goodbye!" exclaimed Malthe. "I don't know when I'll see you next but goodbye!" he said as he hugged Victoria and Alex.

He waved goodbye and left.

"Oh thank goodness he's gone!" exclaimed Alex once she knew Malthe was far enough not to hear her.

"Now we can get to actually practising because there is no way I am loosing against the boys." said Victoria as she got her guitar.

The two girls later got joined by Ethan and they practised as much as they could.

Soon, it was evening and the two teams were heading out to the garden where they would 'perform'.

"I just hope that Thomas' guitar will break and that Damiano will loose his voice." said Alex as she smiled innocently.

"For a good couple weeks I actually believed you'd stop being so brutal with your words." said Ethan.

"Oh please, I can't just give up being brutal with my words." said Alex.

"That's Alexandra for you." said Victoria.

The three reached the garden and there they saw Thomas plugging in his guitar and Damiano plugging in the microphone.

"Hey!" exclaimed Alex as she ran to her brother and boyfriend.

She quickly went on tiptoes to kiss Damiano quickly and then went up to her brother.

"That wire is supposed to be there, you twat." said Alex as she pointed to a wire.

"Ugh, I'm so dumb." said Thomas, hitting his forehead multiple times before unplugging the wire and plugging it back correctly.

"Oh I know, I know." said Alex.

Thomas just showed her his middle finger and Alex showed it back.

"Sibling love!" exclaimed Alex, making Ethan, Victoria and Damiano laugh whilst Thomas still had his middle finger up.

Damiano, Thomas and Ethan were up first and Victoria's phone had recorded the whole performance, ready to post on the band's Instagram.

They did quite well and now it was Alex's, Victoria's and Ethan's turn.

The guitar started playing, Ethan beating his drums and Alex started singing.

"This feels like we're at a concert." whispered Damiano to Thomas.

"No joke. But my sister is a really good singer though." Thomas whispered back.

"Oh she sure is." said Damiano, dreamily.

They soon finished and posted the two performances on Måneskin's Instagram story.

"Now that I'm on Instagram, have you two seen the fans? They are absolutely crazy about you two being together." said Victoria adressing Damiano and Alex.

"Oh I have." said Alex.

"Don't even start." said Damiano, chuckling.

After some time, they decided to go to the kitchen to eat dinner.

"I need Chinese," said Alex as she picked up her phone. "Anyone else?"

The rest nodded and so Alex called and ordered the usual.

They sat in the living room and waited for the food to arrive whilst playing a game of Monopoly.

"Hey! You're meant to pay me 200! You landed on my property!" exclaimed Alex.

"No I'm not!" exclaimed back Thomas. "You stole my 200, that will make up for it."

"Thomas, give Alex her 200." said Ethan.

"Hey! I'm not going to pay a murderer and a robber! Remember? She killed my hamster and she stole 200 from me." said Thomas, crossing him arms in a childish manner.

"Oh? Well, I know that you were the one who took my last ice cream last week!" said Alex, looking at Thomas sternly.

Thomas gasped, "How did you know?"

"Oh please, I'm not blind. Now please give me my 200." said Alex stretching out her arm towards Thomas.

"Ugh, fine." said Thomas he reluctantly took 200 Monopoly Dollars and gave it to Alex.

Soon after that the door bell and Alex stood up and ran faster than light to get.

"I think she may love Chinese more than me." said Damiano.

"I heard that, you doughnut!" shouted Alex from the corridor, making everyone laugh.

She opened the door but instead of Chinese delivery man she saw Alessio.

Her toxic ex-boyfriend Alessio.

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