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"She's gonna be my wife, my fucking wife." said Damiano, walking back and forth in Thomas' old bedroom already in his suit all ready for the wedding that was held on the big grassy area next to the house that Alex and Thomas would spend their days as children.

Damiano was getting ready in Thomas' old room in their childhood home whilst Alex was getting in her childhood bedroom.

"Dude, when you propsed you signed up for this." said Thomas.

They heard a knock on the door and Ethan went to answer.

"Woah, you look beautiful." said Ethan as he stared at someone behind the door

"Thank you, dear. I've just come to see if you're ready because the guests are arriving?" asked someone who Damiano recognized as Cassia.

"Cassia wants to know if we're ready." said Ethan, looking at Damiano.

He took a deep breath, smiled and said, "I am. She's going to become my wife."

"What if I freak out and forget my vows?" said Alex, freaking out as she walked back and forth. "Or what if someone shows up and stops the wedding?"

"Girl! First of all who would show up?You made up with Alessio, he literally turned out to be gay and Damiano doesn't have any evil exes and, second, you won't forget you're vows! You've been working on it for months! You have to relax, Alex," said Victoria, grabbing her wrists and making Alex look her. "Damn, you look hot. Anyway! You've wanted this for so many years! Don't stress it's not worth it."

"You're right." she said and looked herself in the mirror.

She had a black dress on, it was tight around her torso and chest, it had  long lace sleeves and then it flowed out reaching just above the floor. Black eyeliner surrounded her eyes and dark purple lip gloss was carefully smeared in her lips. Her hair was down in curls and her fringe straightened. Black lace heels were on her feet and a black crystal clip was in her hair.

"OK, but looking like this even I would marry myself, just look at -" started Alex but a knock on the door stopped her.

"I'll get it." said Victoria and she went forward to open the door. Once she opened it, she said, "Iris, Aurora, lets go find Cassia."

The two took the hint and walked out and Alex's mother walked in.

"Oh! You look so beautiful." said Alessandra, with joyful tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, Mamma Mia." said Alex, using the nickname she always used on her mother as a child and hugged her mother.

"I can't believe my daughter is getting married! My baby!" she exclaimed and Alex felt her dress getting wet where her mother placed her head.

"Mamma, don't cry or you'll make me cry and it'll ruin my makeup." said Alex and Alessandra laughed, wiping her eyes.

"Right, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just so emotional when your first child gets married." said Alessandra.

"I know, I know." whispered Alex, smiling.

"Listen, Alex. I want you to be happy so I want to make sure that this is what you most certainly want." said Alessandra.

"Yes, mamma. It is. I love Damiano so much and he loves me too, I've never been happier with anyone in my life. We both want this." said Alex and Alessandra smiled at her daughter.

"I love you, ma." said Alex.

"I love you, too." said Alessandra and the two hugged again.

"Are you ready?" asked Andrea, her father, asked as they were walking out of the house and across the road to the field leading to where ceremony was to take place, the lavendar field before the special tree

𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➪ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃Where stories live. Discover now