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"So when are you going to call her?" asked Alex, smirking as she nudged Thomas with her elbow.

The plane had landed and Alex and Thomas were making their way out. It turned out that they would see the flight attendant again, she was coming around with food and Alex perauaded Thomas to ask for her number and he did, she gave it to him.

"I don't know, maybe - maybe later tonight? She said she was staying in Sardinia for the same time we are, she going to be on our plane back." said Thomas.

"Oh how I live for setting to be people up! Get abroad the ship, people!" joked Alex.

They were walking out from getting their suitcases to where their grandparents would be waiting for them. The weather was very warm and sunny, no cloud in sight.

The two walked out to where people were waiting for others and in the back they saw their grandparents, they were stood talking to another man and woman their age so they didn't realise that Thomas and Alex arrived.

"I'm going to go scare them." said Thomas.

"Just don't kill them." said Alex.

The two neared the older two and Thomas whispered boo in their grandfather's ear whilst Alex did the same but with their grandmother's ear.

The elderly couple jumped and turned around.

"Oh! My wonderful grandchildren!" exclaimed their grandmother as she hugged them both very tightly kissing them all over.

"Ah, my kids. Good to see you again!" said their grandfather as he hugged Thomas and then Alex.

"Sera, Luc, these are our grandchildren. Thomas, Alexandra - " started their grandma yet Alex stopped her.


"Alexandra," said their grandmother and Alex rolled her eyes. Their grandmother was a kind woman but sometimes she was very annoying. "these are Sera and Luc, friends that happen to be also waiting for their granddaughter."

"I like Alex, sounds more tough." said Stefano, their grandfather, as he hit Alex on her shoulder smiling at her and her doing the same back.

"Oh! There's our granddaughter!" exclaimed Sera as she pointed in the direction of a girl walking.

She had shoulder-length black hair and wore glasses, she was very pretty to say the least.

Thomas stared at her as she walked towards them, she stopped when she reached her grandparents and greeted them excitedly.

When she turned around because her grandparents were introducing her, her eyes widened when she saw Thomas and Alex.

You could tell she was a fan. She didn't do anything though, like start screaming or ask for a picture ahe figured they had come here to get away from all the fans so she didn't want to disturb that. If she ever saw them again then she would ask for a picture but now she would leave them be.

"Well, we've got to get going. The lunch won't eat itself. Come over for dinner, will you?" said Stefano.

"If it's not a problem, then we'd love to." said the lady.

"Great! Arrive around six-forty-five, see you then!" said Martina, their grandmother as the four started walking away.

Once they were a bit away Martina said, "Well done to both of you! For winning Eurovision, you both put in you effort although Alex wasn't actually on stage."

The four laughed as Thomas and Alex thanked both grandparents.

"You've both grown so much since we last saw you." said Stefano.

"Thomas, you're so much more manly and Alex, you're such a beautiful young lady." said Martina.

"I heard, Alex, that you have a boyfriend. Is that true?" asked Stefano as he looked at Alex in the rear mirror, smirking at her as she lifted her head from her phone.

"Maybe." she said, smirking back as she winked playfully.

The two laughed and Martina gasped.

"Really?! Oh, is it that boy with that luxurious long hair? Ethan, was it?" asked Martina excitedly as she turned to face Alex from the front seat.

"Ethan is amazing and extremely good-looking but it's Damiano, the other one." said Alex, smiling at her grandmother.

"Is it the singer?" asked Martina, confused. "Show me a picture."

Alex nodded and she looked for a picture. She chose a recent picture from when they went to the supermarket. Damiano was holding the phone above him as he looked up at it and Alex was in the back posing with her noodles on show.

"Oh you look so good together!" exclaimed Martina.

"Couple goals!" exclaimed Thomas from his phone.

It was later that evening, the dinner was around twenty-five minutes away and Alex was ready so she decided to call Damiano.

She got her phone out and called him.

He appeared on the screen only a few seconds later. He was in the kitchen eating noodles.

"Oh, ny Gosh! Noodles!" said Alex.

"Good to see you too, love." said ALex sarcastically.

"Sorry," said Alex, laughing. "how has your day been?"

"Good, how was your flight? Everything alright?" asked Damiano.

"I'm alive and well! That's all that counts." said Alex.

The two talked and laughed until Stefano called for Alex saying that the guests arrived.

"I'll be there in a second." said Alex and Stefano nodded as he closed the door behind him.

"I need to go down to dinner, some friends of my grandparents have come over. I'll call you later, OK?" said Alex.

"Of course, stay safe. I love you." said Damiano, blowing Alex a kiss.

She laughed and pretened to catch it, "love you too."

They hung up and Alex started to go down.

She hoped time would go by fast because she couldn't wait to talk to Damiani again.

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